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Dennis143 last won the day on December 30 2019

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About Dennis143

  • Birthday 12/02/1949

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  1. Hey Aaron, Good to hear from you! Congratulations on the baby. Say hello to Helen for us. Dennis and Leiqin (Amy)
  2. Don’t tense up and grip the steering wheel too tight. Relax and breathe otherwise you’re more apt to overreact and get into an accident.
  3. How do they plan on stopping all the tissue and paper towel theft? Does one still need to bring their own paper when visiting a toilet in China?
  4. Charles, what did the police report say regarding the arrest of you and your wife? I would be greatly concerned that you could be gravely injured or even worse, based on what you've conveyed. If it were me, I would start building documentation of her abuse. I would plant tiny video cameras around my home (there are cameras that are quirt tiny). The videos can be wireless linked to your computer. Like you say, this is no way to live out the latter years of your life. You know that she needs to be removed for both your safety and quite possibly she might even get the help she needs. Best wishes to you. Dennis
  5. I checked out Sneads Ferry on Google Maps, (took a "drive" down Riverside Dr.) Larry. Beautiful spot. Dern you ARE right on the edge of the world. Yet, you're so calm and cavalier about hurricanes... 'ho hum, another one, yawn'. Let's hope your good fortune continues. Not a very good forecast of what future annual hurricanes will be.
  6. American idioms "Hangin' with my bitches", rap music and fake boobs... ? Western influence at it's worst.
  7. They prolly want to avoid any possibility of having to go up against her high-powered lawyer husband.
  8. hmmm... I guess she's trying to prove that she's not just fake boobies, but has a brain too. image not available - tinypic kicked the bucket
  9. Yessir there's the truck and yep there's me runnin' and playin' in the fog. Dang we sure trusted our govm't back then. The good ole days.
  10. Born and raised in California, our family would go on camping trips throughout the state; Yosemite, Big Basin, Huntington Lake, State Beaches... I remember in the 50s and 60s there'd be ranger's trucks driving through campgrounds spaying out a giant fog behind them. Dad said it was DDT. Of course, I didn't know what DDT was back then. We didn't think of DDT as a health hazard. Yet, I don't recall ever having mosquito bites. Not so sure if any health issues I'm having today might have been caused by breathing in all that DDT.
  11. http://i68.tinypic.com/21bllyc.png https://www.boredpanda.com/social-experiment-lost-found-wallet-returned-countries/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter
  12. Dennis143

    From Yulin

    While malls close here brick and mortar stores are obviously still thriving in China.
  13. And all this time I thought it was simply Chinese innate ability.
  14. If not for the hair color, it might be difficult to tell the KPOP boys apart too... image not available - tinypic kicked the bucket
  15. I wonder if they plan to take the moon with them on their search for another solar system... knowing how important the moon is to Chinese and all.
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