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what can a green card really give?


I'd better know before I get one~


the only reason I feel lucky to get an AMERICAN gg is because maybe someday I can travel a lot of places without visa~ but I'm not sure if i can do that with a us green card but not a US passport?


I won't give up my chinese passport that's for sure, u love your country? we do too~ and since the relationship between A&C goverment is really getting stressful, I'm afraid that someday I can't visit my family in china if I'm a us citizen~ or maybe will be killed or kidnapped when I travel in Egypt someday hehe~~~mmm.... maybe I think about it too much~but who knows~


a green card can make you stay in us as long as you can then you can make a lot of money? but as I know it's expensive to live in US too~ and chinese ppl is really getting rich nowadays, most of my friends are really having a very good life in china.


and never forget what a chinese mm gives up for you when she leaves her own country. the chinese restaurants will never be the same like the ones in china, maybe she can have some friends there, but it will never be the same like the friends she had since her middle school, and now a lot of mm are the only kid in the family(like myself), do u know how their parents feel when she leaves the family to the other side of the earth? and how sad when the mm can't bargain when she shops? hoho~ most chinese mm enjoy that(not including me). if you think the green card can make up what she losts? mmm.... I guess you are wrong.


but definitely i can give up so much, for my gg, I wanna explore the world with him, try our best to make our life better than yesterday. and I'm proud that he is a us citizen, citizen of the strongest country of the world.


oh, really, who can tell me what the green card can give? entry US anytime I want? can be taken care of by the US goverment when I'm old? anything else?

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This is an interesting post since you raise a dozen issues that could be discussed.. I think you do give up a lot and this should not be ignored. You should keep your chinese passport, I respect that desire. I'm not sure how many fall into this, but I would like to consider moving to China with Zixuan.. We've discussed that and I'm sure we'll talk about more in the future.. and for the very reasons you mention.


I wonder if this post is a very kind way of you suggesting what another post mentioned.. the idea that Chinese ladies want a green card.. you make a compelling argument why it is not rational to think like this... although not everyone will feel the strong ties you feel to your home land.. some are maybe desperate to get out. But, I agree with your position.


Anyway, I thought the green card gives you 'permanent living residency' in the US... although technically it expires (every ten years?) and is easily renewed.


I would think that going back and forth to China is easier for you, while I have to buy my visa each time.. is this true?


No, the green card does not make up for what is lost. It is just a new phase of life with your SO, maybe even better to not compare them. Just see it all as a continuum we travel along.

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You bring up some very interest perspectives on the "Green Card" that I don't think are often looked at. I have to agree that it will give more freedom to travel in and out of the U.S., but if you go the next step that would involve becoming a U.S. Citizen you would then get a U.S. passport. Would that be a benefit?? These are things that I need to talk with my wife about. She has sacrificed a lot to come here and I would never ask her to give up her Citizenship to China, that is completly her choice. Same with her name, culture and Ideals. I love her the way she is, it is part of what makes her so special to me. I will definetly follow this thread to see where it goes. You are obviously a very inteligent woman, thank you for what you bring here.

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Interesting thread. Let me first say that America is the greatest country in the world-If you are an American and China is the greatest country in the world-if you are Chinese. As for the greencard, it simply allows you to remain in the US and travel in and out-nothing more.


My wife loves her home country-as she should. I am very fond of China also and hope to spend winters there and summers here. My wife would gladly give up her greencard if I would move permanantly to China.


Your 100% correct-our wives have given up a way of life, their country, and friends and family for us-not for a green card. Nothing our Government can do will make up for our wives loss-but we can!

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She has sacrificed a lot to come here and I would never ask her to give up her Citizenship to China, that is completly her choice. Same with her name, culture and Ideals. I love her the way she is, it is part of what makes her so special to me.

Gene, we're sharing the same cart here... WHen I was in China with YangZixuan, I even went as far as to take up her name, i was introduced as YangDaWei to everyone... needless to say, i was heartily (and laughingly) embraced.


Zixuan once made a comment echoed by this post, "I can give up a lot for you". Those words ring in my ear. One time I tried to express some heartfelt understanding for her ability to sacrifice so much. She brushed it off as "no sacrifice". And said it in such a way (that I have gotten used to) that meant, and no need to talk any more about it. I can't help but think that if the roles were reversed, I would be gushing with hidden ego saying, 'oh.. really, it's nothing'

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A green card offers permanent residence and gives you all the benefits of living, working, and studying in the United States. With a green card, you can enter and leave the country freely. You will also be eligible to receive education, social security, retirement, and health benefits. Your green card is basically good for life (if you keep up renewal and eligibility requirements). In addition, you always have the option to apply for United States citizenship in future.

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damn, I really wish I could go out and see the world with my gg, seems like it might be a little difficult, but if I obtain a green card, that might be easier for me to get visa to the other countries right?


my gg is applying a visa to come to china, since there is no chinese consulate in guam, he has to send out his passport to a visa service in states, and coz his passport doesn't have enough pages for the visa, he has to renew it, and then has to send more money to the visa service. we've spent more than $400 just to get this stupid visa to china, and of course we are spending more money and wasting more time to get this much more stupid visa to US!!!


actually I can and of course I will give up a lot of things for this relationship, and I didn't feel a thing at all. I mentioned it here because as you know I've know some girls from 001, some of them are very confusing of their situation now, they are having a very good and stable life in china, they don't wanna give it up for an unsure life in states. and as the time goes by, some of them are really getting tired of long distance love. for me, I don't doubt my decision and never changed my mind, because my gg has been so supportive all the time since we met, we always encourage each other that we are almost there, just hang on for a little bit more~ maybe not everyone can do this for each other, and to be frank, I was not like this type at all, my gg changed me. what I wanna say is do your best to support each other during this long waiting, tell her you love her hundreds time everyday, and describe the great life once you are together, she will understand and love that dream, it won't be difficult to hang on there at all~~~ for me it's not difficult to adapt a new circumstance, coz I'm still young, and I'm always curious and adventurous for new stuff. but maybe a lot of girls on 001 are not so young any more, they have kids to support, they need more security than the young girls, so they may have given up more than I did.


oh, and I would be glad to be called Jing Gao Gutierrez in guam, I respect american culture, and it's interesting to have such a family name~ haha~ and to show my respect to our chinese culture, I won't change my name in my chinese pp, and I know it's weird for my chinese family and friends to call me Gutierrez, and I doubt if they could ever pronounce Gutierrez correctly~ <_<

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actually I can and of course I will give up a lot of things for this relationship, and I didn't feel a thing at all. I mentioned it here because as you know I've know some girls from 001, some of them are very confusing of their situation now, they are having a very good and stable life in china, they don't wanna give it up for an unsure life in states. and as the time goes by, some of them are really getting tired of long distance love. for me, I don't doubt my decision and never changed my mind

This can be an important issue... it's really hard to leave where you feel secure. It doesn't matter what country around the world it is. The people I meet in Baoding China are very happy and content. There were not many who appeared interested in leaving China for any reason. This made me see that even issues like 'security and freedom' are relative... they enjoy a form of these, whether it adheres to our definition or not; they enjoy the life they have in China. This made for a very strong attraction to the area and the people.


When I first meet Zixuan, she stated she was not interested to leave China... or not till at least three years later ! We discussed for some time for me to go to China to live. For us, the long distance has been hard... but solidified our desire to be together after I went for my second visit of two months. Frankly, I might be the one who had some small doubt a few months after submission. Since my second visit there's been not the least doubt. It was like an anagogical experience. She stopped to work during that time and we were together 24x7.. all my friends warmed me of being together so much. One said, "I couldn't be with my wife around the clock, it'd drive me crazy!".

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Green card means nothing but an easier access to the States and a US PR status. Unless you are a US passport holder, which means you have the US citizenship, you still need visa to many foreign countries as all other Chinese citizens do.


I don't see much difficulty in getting visa to other countries. I suppose American visa is the the only pain, other countries are kind of lax in comparison. I got a Schengen visa to Europe last year here in GZ with no problem at all. As long as you have sound evidence to prove you are a genuine visitor, you will be granted visa.

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I am deeply aware of all my SO is giving up to come here. She has money, doesn't have to work, a nice modern house and lives in a clean modern city the rival of any here in the US. She also loves her country


She is giving it all up for love. I feel heavily burdened to see that she has love and happiness here.

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Green card means nothing but an easier access to the States and a US PR status. Unless you are a US passport holder, which means you have the US citizenship, you still need visa to many foreign countries as all other Chinese citizens do.


Even with US passport, we still need to get visas too for certain countries (like China).

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