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K1 Denial after white slip

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Hey folks, I am in the middle of suffering in GUZ hell. My SO went to her interview on the 14th, we were very excited because she got the white slip saying that she has passed. For some reason, I was still uncomfortable and worried, sure enough she returned the next day with a denial notice. She got the following:


1) Yellow slip: Did not present enough information for a bonefied relationship.

2) Green slip: Affidavit of support, 2004 tax returns & proof of self-employmnet (I am self employed, therefore no W2 or payroll receipts).

3) Pink Slip: Letter from petitioner on when we met and how me established our relationship. Plus additional e-mail and correspondence.

Also a notarized copy of each page of my passport.

4) Blue Slip: Basically just saying that her visa application was received.


Correct me if I'm wrong, the yellow page is just a general statement and they are looking for the detail paperwork specified in the green and pink slip right?


Well, She had my notarized Affidavit of support for 2004, tax returns & proof of self employment. In fact, my SO said that her even interviewer looked through them.

I also had the letter from the petitioner that was submitted on the original I-129. Plus, we had neatly compiled all our e-mails into 2 folders. My SO said they did not even look at them.

Lastly, the one that really pisses me off is my Visa. I have already supplied them with a copy of my visa. In addition, my SO had my visa in her hand, but they never asked for it.


Needless to say, I am extremely PISSed and can I know I am a victim of some sort of crime. When my SO left the consulate with her denial papers in hand several so called visa consulting agents approached her and offered their services. She refused, not knowing what to do. Later we called and they said they will guarantee a visa approval for a fee. The fee ranged from $1,200 to $2,000. Natrually, I know it is a scheme, they know someone from the inside. They said it is expensive because it is not all for them.


Anyway, we are going to try again on Monday, meanwhile can anyone help answer the following questions:


1) How many times can we go back and show our paperwork? If we get denied again, will we have to start over?

2) If we return with the right paperwork on 9-10AM and assuming everything is OK, when do we get the VISA?

3) Do they really need a notarized copy of each page of my passport when my SO could have presented the original in hand?

3) Can anyone recommend a Consular Agent they have used before, and is somewhat reasonable. $1200 is kind of difficult to get in China.


Thanks in advance everyone!

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What are these so called overcome evidence What are they & what do they contain?


If I can find all of this out, i will take them all with me when I leave for Nanning on the 4th of may. I'll be there until at least Aug sometime.


If I knew with out a doubt that My SO would get her Visa, (by paying that $1,200.00 ) to me that would be well money spent, but very hard to come by & pay for the Airfare too.





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What Are these "overcome" documents that everyone is talking About?

Overcome documents refer to evidence you need to supply after the initial interview to ovecome the denial of the visa.


If the visa is denied, the beneficiary will receive a slip saying what evidence she/he needs to supply to overcome the denial. This may range from something specific, to just more proof of bonefide relationship. See the original post in this thread.

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njbernie, sorry to hear about your trouble, but it looks like from the list most of it can be submitted without much trouble. Her visa is not far away.


As for what you should do now, it looks like you have most of what they have requested. Just put it together and have your fiancee go back in to submit it. Draft another letter of how you met and have it notarized. Provide more pictures, e-mails, etc. - even if its just reorganizing what you had before.


If the document says that each page of your passport has to be notarized, then do that. Personally I can't see a difference between that and a notarized affidavit attached to a complete copy, but make sure you give them exactly what they ask for.


As far as proof of your self-employment, it really depends on what you do I guess. Another notarized and signed affidavit stating what you do might be the best you can do depending on your situation. If you rent an office, have business cards, have a website, etc. - try to get some evidence of that kind put together that shows what your job is.


I would strong discourage you from using any "agent" who promises that they can guarantee a visa for any amount of money. The VOs in the Consulate change postings every few years and it is unlikely that any would have had time to develop a relationship with someone outside who could take their bribes. In addition to that, it's just illegal, and any VO caught would be dismissed rather quickly. As such, I doubt that they have any relationship with anyone inside that could actually make a difference, especially considering that the individual VO who handles the interview has a great amount of determination in making the decision. So even if such a relationship did exist, it's unlikely it could affect the decision of your specific VO. And besides, it's just not a good thing to encourage. (I understand that with the disappointment anything looks good.)


I think at this point, you might want to try to just resubmit the materials without consulting an agent and see what happens, but if that fails, or you'd just like to have someone to consult with that handles this professionally, take don's advice and look in the Links & Resources folder.

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I think the bottom line is, they just want the money.  So the $1200 is ok if I knew it before, but it is very difficult to get that much money in China. 


They had all the "overcome" documents they needed when my SO went for the interview, they still refused to grant her the visa.

When did I post this? I have just logged on Candle and read this post and now there is a post from me? Am I still in Jet lag mode going crazy or did I never write this Post?

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Nicola and Sam: If you used a public computer and logged in, but didn't log out, then the next person who went to CFL would be logged in as you!

Remember to log out when using a computer in a public place!!


As for the original question, if overcome evidence is submitted Monday, she will get an interview Tuesday and can get the visa Wednesday.

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I think the bottom line is, they just want the money.  So the $1200 is ok if I knew it before, but it is very difficult to get that much money in China.  


They had all the "overcome" documents they needed when my SO went for the interview, they still refused to grant her the visa.

When did I post this? I have just logged on Candle and read this post and now there is a post from me? Am I still in Jet lag mode going crazy or did I never write this Post?

NicolaNSam: I added that reply, but I did not notice the name. I'm using the computer in Blenz, perhaps you may have left youself logged on. I did not notice the user name while I was using it.

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I think the bottom line is, they just want the money.  So the $1200 is ok if I knew it before, but it is very difficult to get that much money in China.  


They had all the "overcome" documents they needed when my SO went for the interview, they still refused to grant her the visa.

When did I post this? I have just logged on Candle and read this post and now there is a post from me? Am I still in Jet lag mode going crazy or did I never write this Post?

NicolaNSam: I added that reply, but I did not notice the name. I'm using the computer in Blenz, perhaps you may have left youself logged on. I did not notice the user name while I was using it.

I remember logging on at the Victory hotel but anyway that explains why you would have answered in my name. A reminder to everyone to log out I would have never thought of it.

I'm very sorry for what your going through but as other people will tell you these types of things usually end well and sooner than you think. I hope you get the same results. DO NOT PAY ANYONE for ANYTHING outside of GZ. They know that eventually she will get her visa and you will pay them for doing nothing!

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Looks like another case of lets see if he'll jump through hoops. It is outrageous that they turn around and ask for much of the evidence they refused to look at at the initial interview. Still it looks like it won't be particularly difficult to overcome. Give em what they want and hope for the best. Like Don told me when I was going through what you are, "use a lot of mouth wash to get the taste out of your mouth while kissing their ass".

Good luck

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A reminder to everyone to log out I would have never thought of it.

I'll say ... at least it wasn't something really embarassing or racist ... Did you make sure you logged out of your banks/credit cards? :rolleyes:


njbernie ... please keep us informed of what happens, our thoughts are with you.

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GUZ Came through! After the re-submission, we got her visa.  Will supply more details when we get back.  I can't believe it, we were running on empty, but we finally got it.  She's saying goodbye to her friends and family and we are heading home!!! :D  :blink:  :lol:  :(

Great news!!! Congrats.


When you get a chance, please do fill us in with more details.

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