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Buy plane ticket now?

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Just wondering if I should buy it now. I don't want to wait until after the interview to buy it, that seems more risky.

Has anyone else bought the plane ticket before hand?


And advice against this? I would hate for to wait until the last minute and the price goes up... right now the price is $570 or 4,370RMB.






Maybe he can just swim here. It would be cheaper.

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As long as you don't need to change it or the price of changing the ticket isn't too steep. I bought mine early for Kishi. We had to change it because of sickness, cost about $200 to change hers. This was with NW airlines and they were non refundable tickets. If you can save a lot now then it is a good idea. Plus, I have rarely seen chinese men get a blue slip for a marriage to american woman. The chances of a blue slip should be slim to none.

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We bought Quan's OW ticket before the interview. It was a definate risk. We had booked the flight more than two weeks after the interview. That gave us a little margin for error, but not much. My priority was getting her booked on the same flights as me (and in theory seated together, but NWA had other ideas about that). If we were not travelling together I would not have taken the gamble of buying the tickets before the interview.

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That price sounds pretty cheap. My SO was in the travel business and all of her friends have her buy their tickets for them when they travel. From what she tells me, cheap tickets are usually available on short notice in China. Seems long term reservations are unheard of in China and things are often done last minute. I'm a careful planner but so far when we traveled she has proven this right.

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Sure, within China that is true, as they are domestic flights. But international flights can be booked well in advance. I tried to explain this same thing to hubby. He has his panties in a bunch about buying the tickets now. But I would feel better doing it that way.


I guess that is a go! I will buy the ticket sooner rather than later. ANd if anything screws up , you guys can reimburse me. :( :wub:

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Guest blsqueaky

My advice is also go ahead and buy now. When I bought lings for her flight back home, I bought through and agent, well, had to change the return date, and NW only charged me $100 because it was in what they called a time frame.

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