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SO in Guangzhou

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Meixiang arrived in Guangzhou by train on the 6th. She found a hotel near the train station for 300 RMB but said the price will go up on the 15th. Good thing the interview is on the 14th. Meixiang got the photos for the forms on the 6th and paid the application fees for both her and her daughter. She also went by the consulte to see where it is and to watch the people in line.


On the 7th Meixiang and her daughter went to the hospital on the island for their physicals and will pick up the results on the 13th (hope there are no complications because this is so close to the interview date) I do not know about how the documents thing went but it must have gone okay cause she did not mention it. I asked her to tell me what happen in my last letter so I will know more tomorrow. Meixiang said there where about 50 people waiting in line in front of the consulate at 7:00AM when they arrived at the Hospital, I guess it is on the same street as the consulate.


There is a computer available in the hotel she is staying in which is nice. I called her yesterday morning and I will call every morning until she is on the train back to Nanning. They sounded like they are having a good time in Gaungzhou and were fasinated by all the people from different countries there. :blink:


Boba and Meixiang

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