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Somewhat off topic, but I notice that here on this thread and a lot of other threads a lot of guys saying how great cooks their wives are.  I want to go ahead and burst the bubble of a lot of guys who are still waiting on their SO to make it over and say - don't count on this always being true. 


If your SO is a little bit older (and especially if she has kids already) there is a pretty good chance you have some good eats to look forward to.

My experience too with the age differences. My SO is a great cook and she is 37. Her young friends (20 somethings), also in the process of getting visas, can't boil water (gosh just like my first wife)... :greenblob:

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I am such a lucky man, my wife cooks the best meals that I have ever had. She enjoys doing it, I take her out for a meal as often as I can so she does not have to work so much. Most of the time she says that she would rather cook. wowowowow


She is 46 years old and very traditional in her ways and her values. I know what you mean about the younger women, they do not have this traditional nature.


Thanks for your suggestions....

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When my wife first got here, I set up a Coleman stove on the back deck and let her put the wok on it. I was more concerned about the greasy smoke than the BTUs. After trying it once she said the wok was too heavy and now uses the electric stove and frying pan. I don't think the quality of the food is any different than in China.

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I am such a lucky man, my wife cooks the best meals that I have ever had. She enjoys doing it,  I take her out for a meal as often as I can so she does not have to work so much. Most of the time she says that she would rather cook.  wowowowow  


She is 46 years old and very traditional in her ways and her values. I know what you mean about the younger women, they do not have this traditional nature.  


Thanks for your suggestions....

It was very pleasing to me to see you say this. It makes me even more happy to have my 44 year old wife. She is such a great cook and almost never tires with the work. When she does not have anything in particular to do she will make all kinds of stuff she puts in bottles in the fridge for later, some of which is especially good.


She did not like having to learn to switch to electric stove cooking but made the adaptation really well. I am so proud of her and her good hearted enjoyment of life and I too am such a lucky man.

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Guest blsqueaky
... and of course every bachelors friend, the George Foreman Grill. ...

BTW, the foreman grill is now semi-retired, untill I get a bug up my butt, want to cook something special, which is going to be this weekend, and if my housecleaner gets her way, it will become fully retired

Oh squeaky ... you gotta get the George Foreman Grill back out in action! I just got one a couple of months ago and simply love it - easy and good cooking, and easy cleaning.

Yes Viking, they are great. I have had mine since they first came out. It took a little getting used to, remembering that I was cooking both sides at same time, so cut down the coooking time. After a few well done ny-strips, I learned. One thing that you will have to remember, clean right after use. Ling will not even try it, but she doed like when I cook on it.


Raineedave and Robert, I am in the same boat, Ling is going to be 48 next month, and she just loves to cook. The items that she will make with the simplest of ingredients, ohhhhh, chicken fingers, western style ribs, chiinese style. Ohhhh so lucky. But she also enjoys when I pull out the foreman grill or slow cooker, because she knows that there is going to be something different, and she just sits and watches.

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YES!!! It is a blessing that we are old enough to want to marry our ladies that have a little bit of age on them and keep house and cook the old fashioned way. I feel so thankful that I was fortunate enough to have her come into my life. I never thought there would be a time when I was glad to no longer be young but this thread has made me feel that way. If I were younger then I would have wanted a younger lady and would not have gotten the chance to marry a 40-ish Chinese lady who still has the old cultural ideals. I feel I want to give a great deal of thanks to my wife's mother and grandmother also.

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Since being back in the US for about 1 month we have not hit it right yet for Chinese food in a restaurant. They all sucked so far... Everything is way too sweet even when we asked for hot. Even at Chinatown NYC last week the food was mediocore.. maybe just bad choices?? We live in northern NJ.


Nevertheless we bought one of those induction counter cookers/hotpot in China before we left. The step up transformer cost more than the cooker I had to buy in US but it cooks EXCELLENT!!!


have a look... Hard to find in the US.





meitian, women xi huan chi huo guo hao chi!!

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Sorry to hear you are trying to find a good Chinese restaurant in New York. Most in that area serve what is known in the Restaurant trade as New York Chinese Food. It is actually taught in cooking schools. It is a style that was developed long ago from materials available in the NE U.S. to mimic Chinese materials. Then it was adapted to American taste to be saleable.


I find the best is what I learn from cooks in China then do at home.

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You need to tell them in Chinese that you want 'real' Chinese food. The cooks - if they real - will delight in preparing a traditional dish.

Dion ,is right, however it can be hard to do in an American Chinese restaurant.


My wife cannot stand the Americanized sweetened Chinese cooking style.


Luckily we have a thriving Chinatown in Houston with many authentic restaurants. Did Sichuan last weekend. :unsure:

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geez no idea our your so adapted to electrical , I just can not stand it and it is one of the minimum requirement for me before buying a new property . I know there are a few safety issues but cooking is a pain with electrical cooker + environmental advantages of using gas system over electrical .

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