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Anti-mainland media

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Actually ChinaDave,


We in the Chinese adoption community generally see the raising value that you speak of of Chinese girls as a very hopeful sign...


Ten years ago, they were worth so little they were put to death in the age-old tradition of infantcide... the LUCKY ones were abandoned alive... Now they are worth something (alive) to future generations of the families (and communities) with many boys and few girls...


Most Chinese don't get ANY different points of view in the media while in PRC --- Fei's father is an intellectual, (and party member) so he tought his daughters a little about being sceptical---- not only about the party line ---- but also the official news Xinhua serves up...


The family has a right to doubt the "Official" line since it suffered during the Cultural Revolution...


But yeah, Fei reads alot of the free Chinese papers here in Portland, and the Falun Gong mouth-piece (Ephoc Times) is so full of Shit about the Chinese government, that we both find it very amusing....

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I'm with you and take life. I hope I wasn't missunderstood. There is a lot going on recently both good and bad and it is far too easy to get wrapped up in all that is wrong with the world and become too much of a pesimist. it is too easy to look down on anothers point of view if it vindicates your own position. I know I've done a lot of that and I think the best way to help against that was finding Jennifer. It really puts it all in perspective seeing her observations looking in from afar. My only meaning is that when it gets to be too much, I learned it's time to change the radio to music.

As for the kidnapping stories, I had not heard of it, but it doesn't surprise me. I would be lieing if I said I never worry about it. Jennifer being young and single and without children would be the right sort of target. On the other side, recently she was concerned about the number of Americans killed in Iraq each day. She thought that with a population as "small" as the US, how could we afford such losses. :greenblob: My frist though was to assure her that more people are killed each day in traffic accidents, but thought better of it being I drive a lot for my job, and didn't want her to worry about that.

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.....It really puts it all in perspective seeing her ....



Nope not at all.. and that is it.. perspective..and your idea of changing the station metaphoricaly speaking is wonderful! :)


For me... waking to see my, now 5 1/2 month old daughter's smiling eyes each morning lets me know all is right with the world.


Stress!!! damn straight it is stressful!! heheh but on your worst day, when it seems you are about to burst from it all... when it is all over and you and her are driving out to the beach or up to the mountains... ah hmm er.. never mind!! ;) the feeling will be 10 times better and the past will be so forgotten. from an old timer..


Best of luck

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Two things:


1. There was a lot of press about women being kidnapped and sold into marriages last year in the New York Times. Apparently there is real shortage of women in some parts of China, which in turn had had led to an increase in Kidnappings etc. This is not propaganda per se, although a Tawain TV station may in fact being using it that way. There have also been press reports of Chinese natinals being kidnapped and sold to those who use them in sex trade industry in other countries. In some parts of China there are a lot more boys being born than girls - as high as 1.4 boys per girl. I think this problem will only get worse in the future.


2. I imagine that given the state of the economy in China, the government there can afford to buy their own condoms if they want to for the people of China.

In propaganda you always emphasise or create news that supports your point. You also ignore that which doesn't make your point. Most reporting world wide is done with this in mind.


It is ironic that Taiwan would criticize the smuggling for sex trade as a Chinese problem. Last year there was a big issue regarding a Chinese bust of Taiwanese trafficing in kidnapped women. Taiwan issued a criticism of the activity but refused to arrest the men involved who were on Taiwan soil saying they had no evidence of a crime. Those picked up on a boat with the women in Chinese waters were arrested.


In Kuala Lumpur there is a Chinese office to assist women who escape bondage.


The Dutch government rejected last year a bill that would have given protection to women arrested in the red light district as illegal workers who were kidnap victims. The current policy is to deport home which has led to a high percentage of suicides among Asian women arrested (the woman is working illegally with no visa and often no passport but the brothel committed no crime).


While China has reportedly suppressed violently the falun gung, the U.S. gives automatic refugee status to its members including its founder in the guise of protecting religion. Even though Qi Gung (which it is a cult off shoot of) is a method within TCM not a religion. In suppressing the cult China has outlawed all Qi Gung teaching and assembly but not medical treatment. Because of this my friends who are Qi Gung masters have lost most of their livelihood.


These are different interpretations all supported in various ways by popaganda.



Hhhmmm .... automatic refugee status. No waiting time.......... Hey Guz!!!!

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