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Guest dcwfn

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Guest dcwfn

Just less than an hour ago (maybe 2 at most) I decided to send an e-mail to Ms. Harty. I have already received a response from her office. I will copy/paste my message to her and her response to me. This way you may see exactly what I said and exactly what her response to me was.

My message to her:

Ms. Harty,

I am yet another natural born Americam citizen who is having great difficulties with my wife (who has long since been approved for her CR-1 visa) obtaining her visa so she may return home. Briefely, my wife has gone from CIS to NVC, to Guangzhou, to the FBI, back to Guangzhou and scheduled for her interview on 01/19/2005. It was upon her interview on that day that even after all of the other approvals the VO who spoke to her denied to give it to her. Now we are asked to submit an I-601. Why do the staff over there insist on being this way towards people who have done nothing against them personally? My wife and I have been forceably seperated from each other while we wait for a piece of paper that would take mere minutes to insert into her passport. I was last able to see my wife when she left Richmond, VA (where we met and married) on July 29, 2003.


I don't mean to sound rude but I have a question. Who died and made these people at that consulate GOD?

Her response to me:

It's short as we would expect but, here it is...

Dear Mr. Fields: I am very sorry to hear about your difficulties. I will have a member of my. Staff contact you to see what we might do to be of assistance. MH

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I have to wonder why Ms Hartys office seems to pick and choose who they do send any kind of a response to. Do not get me wrong, I sympathize with your case and feel there is no reason for it but many of us have emailed her to no response at all. Good luck to you and your wife and hope that soon you will be reunited forever.



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Geez... That's tough. It comes back to the same ole question again. I think that the worst part is that if they already know ahead of time, that your not going to get the visa, they should at the very least save you the effort of even showing up for the interview and let you know what it is that needs to be corrected or additional evidence needed. During the course of a 15 minute interview, there is no way any human being is going to be able to tell if the person they are interviewing is legit or not. The liars and the cheats will be practicing their lines for sure. Trying not to look scared or nervous in front of the officer. In other cases maybe the ones that act scared and nervous are suspected of being liars, but are really innocent. With english as a second language and Interviews being conducted in english, I am sure there must be a lot of "suspect" interviewees. Who knows why they pull the "god card" out. It isn't very far when we have nothing to counter with. Just an empty well of a BB to yell into. Preach to the choir.

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Guest dcwfn

I have no idea how or why her office chose my e-mail to respond to. All I know is that all of us who have suffered because of the BS at that consulate need to really make a lot of noise. Hopefully her response is an indication that she's hearing a lot of grumbling from CFL already. My hope is that the response to my e-mail is only the beginning.

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You did get a reply and if I count correctly it has been 19 monthjs.. ours ran that long and we were NOT part of the blackhole gang..:(


I would thing there is an actual internal estimate of how long it really should take and yours and ours was over that.


What that time estimate is I don't know but I have seens some make it in just 12 months and others in 14 (CR1's) I recently saw one of the others completed in 9 months and the person was way upset.. hmm go figure?


There some here on the board who are tracking time lines so they can give you a much better answer of current times have been.


Personally I think you just wrote to the right person and action will be taken, perhaps in a week from now if you have not heard a phone call and /or letter to your congressman would help move this along.


Just what is this form they are asking for? and can it be downloaded, filled out and faxed to GZ?


best of luck! and no way!! you certainly are not the lucky resipient of good luck, seems more like it's finally your time.


mark and Bea and elizabeth

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Guest dcwfn

I'm sorry I don't have a time line posted. I joined CFL long after the process got to Guangzhou. All I know is like I said before, Mei left Richmond on July 29, 2003. We've been waiting since then. 21 - 22 months now? Something like that. Without rehashing specifics, I can say that the reason they have been giving is correct on a technicality only which has in fact been traced back to the fella who's name was/is on her initial K-1. Basically, he did not marry her after she got here.

My point to Ms. Harty is only that if all of these other DHS departments knew about it and approved her CR-1, what's the problem with the VO in Guangzhou? As I so eloquently stated in my e-mail to Ms. Harty, "Who died and made this specific VO God"?

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I am not being sarcastic but before getting involved with a Fiance overseas people should look at aprox how long it takes to get a fiance to the USA, CR1's take the longest, K3's take 10-12 months SO DONT GET MARRIED IN CHINA!!, wait the 7-9 months on a K1 visa.

K1 is much faster than a K3 or CR1's




just my 2 cents worth.

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I am not being sarcastic but before getting involved with a Fiance overseas people should look at aprox how long it takes to get a fiance to the USA, CR1's take the longest, K3's take 10-12 months SO DONT GET MARRIED IN CHINA!!, wait the 7-9 months on a K1 visa.

K1 is much faster than a K3 or CR1's




just my 2 cents worth.

Very good advice.. in fact when I returned from China I to thought just the same thing and went to my congressman's office to discuss this very thing.


6 to 9 months either one the I-130 might run around 9 months etc etc etc.


wooops!! 6 means 12, 9 means 19 and hmm means bad things a coming.


So the idea of making an imformed decision while working in most situations, this may not be one of them and only adds to the feeling of being used and abused. It is sad and uncomfortable, but after finally completeing this, so much good stuff happens this small irritent fades away..


Best of luck and hopes for the coming fade away!!


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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Guest dcwfn

I received a response from Ms. Harty's office. It was yet another in the never ending drawer full of standard responses. It told me not a damn thing new. Same information that I have been getting for the past 21 months. "Your wife spoke with the visa officer and was determined to not be eligible because...yadda, yadda, yadda". I spent several minutes composing another response and sent it. As you may guess it came back with the old..."We cannot accept a reply with this e-mail. Please use our web site to find the information you are searching for". In other words, it was the same crap, just a different pile.

I did a copy/paste and sent it to the e-mail addy for Ms. Harty. In it I was specific about the questions I would like to ask. I rhetorically asked the question, "What about my rights as an American natural born citizen to have these questions answered"?

I'll let you know what the response to that is unless you hear on the evening news that a crazy man in Virginia has been abducted by the men in black.......lol

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I received a response from Ms. Harty's office. It was yet another in the never ending drawer full of standard responses. It told me not a damn thing new. Same information that I have been getting for the past 21 months. "Your wife spoke with the visa officer and was determined to not be eligible because...yadda, yadda, yadda".

Can you let us know what the yadda, yadda, yadda was?

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Guest dcwfn

Certainly! It was the repetition of what I already knew to be the reason given for not giving Mei the visa which was that she overstayed her initial visa. In other words she was here illegally as per DHS. The response suggested that I go back to the consulate again and ask them the questions I want answers to. My point to Ms. Harty was/is that nobody in that consulate wants to give me the time of day let alone answer my questions. Yes, this is the technicality they have us on but these are the extenuating circumstances surrounding it is what they need to know. We are submitting the I-601 waiver form this week according to the lawyer there. From what he tells me there's a 50-50 chance at best it will be approved. All I want to know from these people at that consulate is whether or not they will even consider the reason for the overstayed visa, etc...

Simply put, will they even consider the circumstances or do I need to start making plans to immigrate to Guangzhou myself?

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