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The IO said Jack can do anything right away with his visa and stamp until the Green card arrives, but just curious if there is anything we should be doing or know about. A few specific questions:


1. Do we need to apply for SSN or will it come autiomatically if we said on the application he wanted one?


2. How do we find the A # - there was one in the packet we gave but we didn't get anything back. Only his passport, which has some number but no A in front of it.


3. I am applying for welfare, including medical benefits. Apparently non-US citizens can qualify too, but I wonder if this would fall under becoming a public charge - i.e. would the gov't ask for that money back later?




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2. How do we find the A # - there was one in the packet we gave but we didn't get anything back. Only his passport, which has some number but no A in front of it.



Check the back of the I-94, there is an A number on my wifes(K-3) but not on my sons(K-4)




3. I am applying for welfare, including medical benefits. Apparently non-US citizens can qualify too, but I wonder if this would fall under becoming a public charge - i.e. would the gov't ask for that money back later?




Be real careful with this one. I know in Washington State if a woman with children applies and gets welfare they look real hard for the father of those children to Pay for that Support and that is a debt that does not go away. If he applied and recieved welfare it would be considered a public charge and the sponser would then have to pay the money back.


Welcome Home :blink:

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Thanks Gene. We don't have an I-94. We got nothing but the passport, unless there's something I missed.


So what's the point of offering welfare if they're going to make someone pay for it later? If the babies' father, in my household, also has no job, I shouldn't think that would happen. But yeah, I am worried about the public charge thing. May be better to be safe than sorry.

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So what's the point of offering welfare if they're going to make someone pay for it later? If the babies' father, in my household, also has no job, I shouldn't think that would happen. But yeah, I am worried about the public charge thing. May be better to be safe than sorry.

I understand what your saying, just be careful. You don't want to get him in trouble for not supporting his family before he even has a chance to.


If you think the immigration system is screwed up just wait until you deal with DSHS. Talk about customer service.

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Jenny, I am not sure about how Welfare will work with Jack being IN the country. It was easy for me when I came back cuz Kai was still in China. US and China have no reciprocity, so they couldn't go after him for support (yes they try to go after the father even if you are happily married and are only separated by circumstance--not that happily married is how I would describe myself now, but I thought I was back then). My being on welfare helped our K-3 case, because it put me in povrety status. If I was in your shoes, I would prehaps wait for all of Jack's paperwork to come thru before filing for assistance. Maybe your state is easier to deal with...Actually in CA, I filed in May 03 but couldn't even get an interview until August 03, they nded up paying me retroactive beginning form the date I applied. Wish I could help more. Good luck!



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Thanks Gene. We don't have an I-94. We got nothing but the passport, unless there's something I missed.


So what's the point of offering welfare if they're going to make someone pay for it later? If the babies' father, in my household, also has no job, I shouldn't think that would happen. But yeah, I am worried about the public charge thing. May be better to be safe than sorry.

What about WICS? They offer milk, cheese, dairy products, etc etc...


Dont know much about the other stuff, only that if your illegal (which I know your not) you can collect whatever you want, with no fear of being booted out..



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He will not be able to collect welfare because of your cosponsors I-864. If you go on welfare they very well may go after his wages later. Possibly even your cosponsors. I would research it extensively.

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Yikes, y'all are scaring me. I haven't got much choice though cuz NOOO way I could afford all the doctor care I need right now. It's no problem for Jack not to use anything directly, but the fact he's in my household makes it complicated since he will indirectly benefit. I don't mind to not accept cash or food stamps but medical care I do need. I also worry because we live with my parents even though our place is separate.


Taz, mayber it helps that we're not separated? I've already applied and have an appt with a caseworker Tuesday. I will ask her these things, but don't know how experienced she'll be with foreigners. I'll try to do my own research in the meantime. At any rate, I just have to take the risk for myself at least and the babies' sake.

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