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maybe we really need to go to marriage counseling

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It is to early to say it is over for your marriage.... too many people give up to early. I know it is not easy for you. you all went through too much to not be enjoying each other now. I've found that if God is in both of your lifes, you have a better chance.... Christians are one of few group in America that have a low divorce rate. Many might not like me saying so, but check it out... We're not perfect, but Christians are less for "me  me me", more for giving to others... but still, he must learn to deal with the up's and downs in life and grow up. it is a tremendous responsibility to bring a wife here from another country. I plan to meet my SO's parents in 2 months... I plan to let them know, no matter what,..... I will love and cherish thier daughter..... Good Luck.  a prayer doesn't hurt either.

The USA was founded on freedom of religion yet I find t disconcerting that many so called Christians have no tolerance for any other religion. They also like to try and shove their brand of religion down everyone else's throat. I have no patience for such narrow mindedness. I am quite sure that Christians are not the only group in this country to have low divorce rates. What about Muslims? Asians in general have lower divorce rates. Why is a high divorce rate necessarily a bad thing? Isn't it better to get a divorce than be married to someone you no longer love?


Personally I believe there s a power greater than ourselves but I have no idea what it is. Any being capable of creating the universe is beyond human comprehension.


Immaculate conception? Puleeeeze! If a woman came forth in this day and age and claimed that she would be hauled off to the loony bin. Biggest BS story of all time and people are still buying it today.


Sorry if this offends anyones religious beliefs but this is my view.

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Carl I basically agree with you. I think organized religion and nationalism are the 2 greatest curses that mankind has developed for himself. BUT...maybe it's best if we all leave this topic alone on CFL. It does not really affect what we are about and it can only serve to cause us problems here. So if everyone could avoid the references to their religious beliefs it would help us accomplish our mission better.


Just my 2 cents worth. :)

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