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P-4 For CR-1 Applicants Please

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Hey Wayne or other CR-1 folks,


Wayne, now that you have the tee shirt (been there, done that) care to answer your own question for us behind you?


Wayne's unanswered CR-1/ P-4 question


Been poking around old posts for those that have done CR-1 (whether through NVC or DCF) did not find a clearly stated list of P-4 documents for us.


Links and resources has the P-4 forms but most address K-1 and/or have "NON IMMIGRANT" headings.


Another question: Can we get the physical from an APPROVED facility on GZ's list here in Shanghai- Get a jump on it? Don't care to subject my wife to ALL those shots at once (as Bob stated).


Thanks Richard

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Lets see if I remember..lol I didnt see he actual P-4 package but the translator e-mailed some of it..

You get the Appointment package pages with instructions;


You get your Appointment Letter for the interview which you must guard with your life, without it you can not get into the interview and I think the Medical people need to see it.


You Get the DS-230 part II one page printed on front and back,Fill it out BUT DO NOT sign it. They will sign it in the Consulate just before the Interview.


You get the GIV-24 Family Composition Sheet ( make sure your SO knows about any brothers or sisters you have they might look at this form and ask her. They did my SO.)


Then there were the Medical Pages for the Medical. I think you can get it done ahead of time as long as the place is on the approved list. Mostly because they place your papers in order. Remember you need all your Certified Documents Divorce, Marriage, Birth Certificates Etc,Etc They will take pages off of these documents a place them in the BROWN envelope that gets sealed.


The Medical itself takes about 1-1 1/2 hours depending on how many people are waiting. We went there at 10 am and were out by 11:30 am. As for shots I don't know how they fiqure out what you need. I think they base it on their age. My Son and SO both had to get shots and its cheaper there then in the USA. They let us know when boosters were needed. We did have to Travel to another City to get an Official Shot Record Book, they did give instructions on where to go. They also give you a day to come back the results ( about 3 days later) .


And I think they get the Picture Specs for the Passport Photos


Thats all I can remember hopefully if someone else knoes more they will chime in.



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Richard if you go to the consulate's web site in the section for immigrant visa applications and FAQ's I think it was, and the list there is pretty accurate for what we recieved actually.


Here's what it says


The Appointment packet includes:


1. Appointment letter (packet 4) in English

2. Appointment letter (packet 4) in Chinese

3. Appointment letter for immigrant visa applications (OF-171)

4. Application for immigrant visa and alien registration (DS-230 part II)

5. Family composition sheet (GIV-24)

6. Medical examination instructions (GIV-8)

7. Medical examination for immigrant or refugee applicant (DS-2053)

8. Chest X-ray and classification worksheet (DS-3024)

9. Vaccination documentation workseet (DS-3025)

10. Medical history and physical examination workseet (DS-3026)

11. Important notice to immigrant visa applicants concerning vaccination requirements


She should be able to do the shots and physical at any of the approved places on the list. Also, if she goes to a travel exam hospital, she might be able to do the vaccinations spread out over a few days. Just make sure she gets a yellow book detailing what she had.


Also, after she gets the visa she needs to go and get a traveler's certificate of health. Brown book, put out by the China government, I think It's a PRC requirement not a US one, don't have to have it for the interview, but need it after she recieves the visa and before she leaves. I have to have the same book for my PRC residence visa.


FAQ's page is: http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzho.../iv/gzfaqs.html



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That all sounds about right. Various sheets of instructions plus the mentioned forms. Med forms take up most of the package. We used normal Chinese 2" photos for the med check. Jack got the med check in one day in BJ and vaccinations too. But he had to pick up the brown (red?) vaccination book later. This man he met there said it was required for leaving the country on an Imm visa. I sent everything with him anyway, and hope he brings the right stuff back!


jgrier, yours is coming very soon!

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I haven't been having trouble opening the consulate web site from here, but I'm in Guangdong province... net running real slow though today here in Guangdong.


My wife had records of early shots, but they put the wrong name on the paperwork. Pronounced the same but the wrong Chinese characters. So she had to do it all over again.


2X2 inch full face photos on white background is what they need. Place by the consulate does a good job, same street where you line up to get in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That list should have come with your DS230 app. Mine did. I got 10 pages of instructions. What to bring and the shots required where both listed. Send me a PM. I forwarded the papers to Don also. Great thread so far, still wondering who gets the letter? Me (her agent :) ) or her? I've heard both.

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