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Shipment delivered to Guangzhou

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Anyone who shipped from NVC to Guangzhou on 3/7 ... our packages have been delivered 3/15 at 9:28am.


Only 3 packages left NVC that day .. how do we figure out is our packages are one of the ones? Also I am kind of shocked ... I thought there was usually a 6 week waiting period for the clearance delay???


Anyone who can provide any insight ... greatly appreciated.


If anyone wants the tracking numbers here they are





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So when a package says delivered ... its not really delivered? According to DHL, it went with delivery courier?? I assume that means someone delivered it to the Consulate ... does DHL work differently in China?


3/15/05 9:28 am Shipment delivered. Guangzhou, China

8:55 am With delivery courier. Guangzhou, China

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Personally, I would be a bit skeptical. I'm going to guess one of four things has happened:


1. The tracking numbers don't include your package. Sometimes, the date that NVC said the files were sent to GZ is off by a day or two when compared to DHL's pickup date.


2. None of the deliveries show a "clearance delay" which is what you usually find happening to non diplomatic/critical deliveries. I guess it's possible that GZ has changed its practice of leaving shipments with DHL until it's ready for them, but I wouldn't be willing to bet the ranch on it.


3. GZ actually received the packages, one of which has your files in it. Given GZ's pace of late, that would mean that GZ has the storage capacity for many months of files. If you've seen the consulate, you'd have to wonder.


4. GZ actually received your file, and you'll be getting your P3 very soon.


Hope for number 4, but prepare for the others.

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Well I hope for number 4 ... but like you said any of the 4 could be happening. Although number 2 would not be one as I do show a clearance delay from 3/10 until 3/14 clearance processing complete. As for number 1, possible but I did confirm with NVC they did ship on 3/7.


Of the three packages they are all US DIPLOMATIC PAPERS - CORRESPONDENCE, I-730, and EXP 04MAR 2005A. Only the last one shows a weight of 3 ... I am thinking 3 pounds but not sure.


Guess I am hoping, crossing my fingers, and everything .. my fiancee will be out of town by the end of the month so the sooner the P3 gets to her the better.

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How do you know if your package is a part of a shipment to GZ ?   The NVC approved our petition 2/23.... what does this mean for me?

Typically, you don't know which of the shipments contains your files. The rule of thumb that I use when there are multiple shipments on the same day is to assume that the shipment with the longest "clearance delay" contains your files.


In your case, you can get the shipment date from NVC. Armed with this and the addresses of the NVC and GZ, you can call DHL and get the tracking numbers for all shipments from NVC to GZ on that date. Then you can use DHL's website to track the shipments. At least, this is what I did about a year ago, but I don't know if the process has changed in the meantime.

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I agree with Frank. My package--after enduring a "background check/third party review" delay at NVC/Washington--was sent (according to NVC) on Feb 3 to GZ. All four packages--the standard shipment--sat in clearance delay until March 6, when three of the four were picked up. I am assuming mine to be the one still in clearance delay. Keep checking your dhl tracking numbers to see when they hit the "clearance delay" stage. If yours isn't, then it is my typical luck in the visa process that most people's get processed faster than mine. What actually scares me the most, is that this statement isn't quite true. There are some people's whose visa process is going slower.... :rolleyes:

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Basically you call the NVC and ask what day they sent your file. Then you call DHL and tell the NVC zip and the Consulate zip and they will tell you how many packages shipped that day. Then you can get the tracking numbers for all the packages and track them on the DHL web site.


From what I was told, there were only 3 packages shipped from NVC to the Consulate the day my package was shipped. So I just popped those 3 tracking numbers and wallaa .... I get to see when the items were delivered. But from some of the comments I have gotten, it may not be quite true when they say the item has been delivered by courier ... so thats the question .... where is my package and when will they mail the P3 ??

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Ok heres how you can basically narrow down your DHL tracking number from the rest and track your package.

if you still have the receipt from when you sent your original petition to either your lawyer or the procesing center it should have the weight on it, with you knowing how much your packaged weighed in the beginning then pretty much count on the package weighing the same all the way to GZ, like in my case NVC told me my package was sent on March 11th 2005, i know my package weighed 1.74lbs and NVC told me there were 2 packages sent to GZ on march 11th one billed at 2lbs one billed at 3lbs so mine would be the one billed at 2lbs because mine was more than 1lbs but less than 2lbs. mine arrived in GZ on the 14TH i called the Customs center it will pass through customs within 2 days of delivery and a dhl courier will deliver to GZ, now i was told that if a package is more than 2bls it will take up to 6 weeks to clear and delivered to GZ, and anything less than 2lbs get cleared first and within 2-3 days time, but people in this forum believe multiple petitions are mailed together NOT TRUE!! each persons case is mailed in its own DHL package containing 1 petition! this was confirmed by NVC and GZ what takes to clear so long is some people go WAY overboard on what evidence they sent, someone sent over 200 photos and it took them 3 months to clear customs because the workers at the customs office didnt want to fool with a package so heavy right away but they dont know whats inside until after they open them.

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