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The Group Letter - As Promised

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Also, web names on such a letter are laughable. Do you really think the head of Consular Affairs would give any credence to a letter signed by donahso, pingme, warpedbored?

Why I think she would quiver in her boots at the very mention of the name warpedbored. After all I am world famous.

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I also feel that accountable sounds better than transparency. I also agree that changing white slips to blue slips needs to be at the top. I think it is also important to show the comparison to the Philippine consulate this is an excellent point. I am also wondering if there should not be some mention to the lawyers hanging around who offer their services after the fact. My fiancée has said they refer them selves as agencies. She has also said they charge outrages fees with little or no results. Over all I feel I would be willing to sign such a letter or possibly make a copy and send it independently.


Good job and thank you,


Boba and Meixiang

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This is an excellent draft. Please consider my following suggestions:


I agree with Trigg on the order of magnitude you are placing on the items. The first item should be the most important.


It is my firm belief that the most intrinsic problem is the lengthy waiting time we endure as opposed to visa's for other countries. Noonefu's use of the P.I. as an example is a direct reference that will add factual weight to our case.


In addition, please consider using "unbearable" instead of "upspeakable"

"expatriation" for "deportation" and "accountability" for "transparency". The word "transparency" is not a word a government employee will relate to (not that "accountability" is much better, but it makes a more direct and active point)


Please inform me of how I may further participate. Thank you very much for your efforts.

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Finally, I think it would have much more impact if everyone copy and paste the letter and print it out and send it themselves.  . . .

Yes, copy and paste the letter (editing to your personal tastes) if you don't feel literally inclined to compose your own letter from scratch. Many individual letters on the same topic, I believe, will have a better impact. This is the method we used a few years ago.


--a member of the original "black hole" of '02

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