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Help In Finding Employment in Nanning

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I am hoping someone can help shed some light on this subject for me.


I am getting ready to go over there to be with my lady. Since my field of work is on an extream slow period, I am wanting to go over there and stay with her for several months.


But the issue at had is Employment. It seems as though if I take a job as a waiter, butler, or even trash pick up, I would some how cause her family to lose face. But the man that I am, I can not just sit back and do nothing over there.


As it is, she barely makes ends meet, and to have me there for such a long time, would put a damper in her finacial situation, not to mention mine. I have got to do something. I don't care what. Anything as long as I am being able to help provide an income for our family.


She said that I could possibly teach english, since it was my minor while I was obtaining my computer Engineering degree. And since I have donates many hours to various small communities here in the USA doing private tutoring kids ages 7 - 15 in their english, that maybe I could do that there. But the issue is, I do not have a degree in english. Much less a lisence to teach it.


So, My question is to you all, what, where or how do I obtain a respectable form of employment over there, yet still be able to maintain my own face, pride or dignity, as I will surely feel like a bum if I can not at leat help in some way.



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I have reserched this a little and from what I have found you only need to have a degree it does not have to be in English. If you look on the web you can find several companies and schools looking for English teachers. Most of the ones I have seen pay for a round trip flight a monthly wage medical coverage and offer vacatin days plus an apartment to live in.


I do not have any web sites. I just did a seach for jobs in China and I found several services that offer English teaching jobs in all over China.


By the way my fianc`ee Meixiang :( lives in Nanning.

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I looked into the english teaching once, they will get you a visa also, as you are not married you can only get a tourist visa and will have to renew it until you have to go home. There are many teaching jobs available pay is around 5 or 6 RMB but they provide the airfare and an apartment, just do a web search on jobs in china. There are also some forums you should check out as there are some unscrupulous head hunters out there. Good luck. I will be returning to China in May to wait for my wifes visa. And yes face is very important for your SO.


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From waht I am seeing, most of these places are requiring a 4 year degree in english of some kind. I have only a 2 year degree and that in in Computer engineering Technology.


The english that I took as a minor was just to that I could meet the requisits ofr my major. I have how ever since then, have helped out at a local YMCA to help tutor under privledge kids get better grades in english. Not to mention the ususal Nieces & Nephews, LOL.


So, seeing this, I am just not too sure as to where to go or what to do with this, In either case, I have just got to find a job for while I am over there. Or me going over there will be a huge vacation that I can not afford.

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you don't have to have a degree to teach english, english is the one language that you can teach there just out of high school. in fact any where in asia, a degree just increase the amount of money you can make from 500 US to 2000 US dollars, you said you have a engineering degree, with a english minor, there many companies over that will pay better than the school or univierities to teach business style or engineer style english to their workers, you do not have to have english as a degree just have to be your native tongue.

Thoa is pay a 1US dollar a hour to learn english she has a 2 hour class a week her teacher teaches 10 student every hour for 8 hours that 80 US dollars a day her teacher learn her english from her American husband.


in viet nam 80 US dollars is about 1 month wage. I do not know what it is in china, but I was looking into going to Dalian for classes from my College here as a exchange student, I be going to be paid 250 US amonth to tutor a student 20 hours amonth. while going to school and I have only 37 credit hours at the moment.


there several website that list job opening for teaching english. some pay your way there and you teach for a year. other you can pay your own way and teach on a contract by contract bais.



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With your education and experience you can get a teaching job at a private English school. Depending on location these pay between U.S. 250 to 350 plus apartment. If you are staying with her family then you can probably negotiate your own arrangement with a local school. You should get a work visa if you arrange the sponsor before going.


Another way to make money would be for her to line up students who want conversation tutoring. You then control how much time you will be working which you have no say in at a school. This also pays much better than a school.


Japan for some years now has required a Masters in ESL plus experience to teach English. China is already starting to tighten up in State run schools.


Personnally I would start tutoring and leave time for doing things you want. Since she can help you get around the school would be a hinderance rather than a help.

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I just came back from 6 months in Shenzhen. I've never taught anything before. It doesn't matter. I could have worked in a school for 7-8000RMB a month (about 5 hours a day) but I chose to give private lessons for 100RMB an hour (in my home) which I was told often was too cheap. But this made it more convenient when we wanted to travel. And some of my classes had 4 children that paid 50RMB apiece. My SO posted my service on a website in SZ, and we got ALOT of responses. I would let my adult students choose their topic, and the children enjoyed field trips (grocery store, market, parks, etc). I found that almost all Chinese know the basics, but just need practice but in Meilinycun there weren't many foreignors.

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I would like to go teach in China but family considerations and other factors hold me back.


Namely, I'm afraid that if and when I want to come back to America, doors would be closed ... my family couldn't help me financially so it could be difficult to get re-established. And I'm afraid that after some time out of my field (journalism) it could be difficult to get a new job back in the U.S. I'm 28 and as much as I'd like to go over there, I think now might be the time to do whatever it is I'm going to do over here. I do hope to retire (early) over there if the currency exchange stays similar to what it is now.


I was just curious, have you thought about those kinds of thing? How old are you?

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james there lot of newspaper and magazine that could and would pay for freelance work, or travel brouchure or articles on traveling in china. one of my teacher in college travel india for 6 months and survive on writing for newspapers and magizine.


He just sent a letter and a example of what he would write to small papers and travel agency and made enough to enjoy himself.


Wish I could write lol


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