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Ah, marriage starts

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"Don't worry - I know everything"


Yup, it is swtarting early for you. You may as well resign to the fact that if you indeed did ever know anything it is best forgotten. All you have held to be true is now moot. Your new wife will tell you what and when to think and do. I resisted for longer than most-almost a week-but it was an excersise in futility so I gracefully gave in.

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Wow someone who knows everything! I only know something about many things and much about something. There are somethings of which I know nothing but nothing that I know everything.

my first wife knew everything too. :blink:

Actually I work with a bunch of Phd's that think they know everything. It's amazing how many people know everything but yet Jay Leno is able to find so many people to interview that know nothing :D

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Actually I work with a bunch of Phd's that think they know everything.

Ahemmmm. Just because some of us found institutes of higher learning with lower standards and were awarded Ph.Ds doesn't mean we ain't bright. I can speak English much gooder than before I got learnt.

I spent 7 years in college and never took a single language course, so I don't know how you learnt to spell so well.:blink: I only learned one thing - how to follow instructions. That's how I expect to get along with those smart women.

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Actually I work with a bunch of Phd's that think they know everything.

Ahemmmm. Just because some of us found institutes of higher learning with lower standards and were awarded Ph.Ds doesn't mean we ain't bright. I can speak English much gooder than before I got learnt.

I spent 7 years in college and never took a single language course, so I don't know how you learnt to spell so well.:blink: I only learned one thing - how to follow instructions. That's how I expect to get along with those smart women.

My Ph. D is in Psychology-not spelling. I learnt 'bout shrink stuff kinda good. Spelling is for wimps and Englsih majors. Unfortunaley I didn't learn how to follow instructions. Well at least not in grad school--but I'm a quick study and I'm bein' learnt real fast by professor Fang Ling.

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Guest DragonFlower

I once knew someone who knew everything.


My daughter , when she was 16.


Unfortunately,she has forgot a lot since then.


I can hardly get a decent answer from her now.



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Well...I have to input my theories about the science of language...BUT...I don't wish to bore you all any longer about structure and engineering...


I am sure you phd's have at least studied some philosophy....metaphysics, and have at least considered space and time...and realize everything is simply just points on a grid....so...we all actually know everything...and since this is far too much info for us to maintain during our lives....our brain acts as the reducing valve...so...as any one will tell you...we actually do know more as a 16 year old than as a 40 year old!!!


:redblob: :blink:

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My mama told me, "Now son, don't you be smart," and I've been a total dumbass ever since.


It is interesting to see that Know-Nothingism is alive and well here on the internet. You know the Know-Nothing Party had very appealing motto: Thank God I Ain't Got No Education.


I am a generalist, just try to know a little bit about a few scattered areas. But the study of Immigration has nearly wrecked my brain.


The so-called National Benefits Center finally sent the I-130 approval we had been waiting for over 3 years.

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