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Question about video tape evidence

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I only recently learned that sometimes a video tape of the couple speaking is asked for. Does this normally happen only if the interview is conducted in Chinese? Is the purpose because the VO doubts that the couple can really effectively communicate?


Since I won't be there for my fiancee's interview I want to try to nip this in the bud. She will conduct her interview in English and I will send evidence of my Chinese study and explain (in my support letter) that we used to communicate in Chinese but now communicate in English. Does this sound reasonable?



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If she does the interview in English there would likely be no reason for a tape. The purpose for asking you to make a tape with your SO is to prove you can communicate and therefore validate the relationship. The VO will assume you speak English and if it is demonstrated that your SO speaks English then even GZ couldn't justify a tape of the two of you communicating.


Me thinks

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The videotape being an issue started with Carl (warpedbored) and Bing. Last April she went for her interview and was given a blue slip, that stated they must do a 5 minute video of him speaking Chinese. He hopped on a plane to be with her and found out at the Citizen's Hour in GZ, that the tape just needs to be of the 2 of them communicating. They could use a dictionary, electronic tranlator, or any means that was proof they could communicate and understand each other.


Since that time, I only think 2 or 3 others have been asked to provide the videotape. I do know that many others, myself included, have done a tape during a visit to China. I feel this is just another piece of evidence they might want, so it is better to prepare it, than to try and go to China and do it after she has received a blue slip.


The thng is that the VO needs to believe that you can communicate and understand each other. This may require the videotape.


Hope this helps.



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Lizi and I made a 13 minute video tape while I was in China in Dec/Jan. The VO noticed it during her interview and asked why she made the tape. When she answered that it was to show that we had no problems communicating he said that was very smart. That's as far as it went. It is possible that just knowing that we had a tape may have kept us from getting a blue slip, but who really knows. It's better safe than sorry!

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The consulate didn't specifically ask for a tape, but they viewed the one we had made on my previous trip, when Julia returned to the consulate to correct her blue slip.


It certainly can't hurt to have one prepared. But we made ours specifically because Julia's English is still rudimentary. On our tape, I asked her some questions I had written down before hand, as prompts for a conversation in Mandarin.

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Are there any specifications for the video tape, such as NTSC or PAL?


As I don't have a video camera I think I might take my chances on this one. I have already scanned in my Chinese school certificate, and in addition to photos of us from 4 different countries over an almost 3 year time span, she is on my apartment lease, on my health benefits, we have a joint bank account, letters from friends and colleagues, among other things. I'm also letting her take my expired passport that I used when we were together in China and traveling in Asia. I'm sure I must be over-worrying...right?

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Blue slip interview dates


Quoging---------01/18/05-----More evidence

JPD-------------01/19/05-----Copy of Passport notarized

Leejcandle------01/26/05-----Communications/Expired single Certificate


maxamilagro-----02/24/05-----More evidence

ChuckandShuping-02/16/05-----More evidence


trvldog---------11/12/04-----Video/More evidence


LoPaoJai--------01/19/05-----Video/More evidence




tywy_99---------10/24/03-----Original divorce papers

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Sorry we missed you on the 24th. Congratulations on your success.


Jun had her interview the same day (she was first in line after 1 pm) and got a blue slip checked #3 as I have posted. As far as I can tell she was provided no guidance on what triggered it or any suggestions on what further evidence to provide. Indeed, at the information meeting for USC the next day, the VO said specifically that they deliberately don't provide guidance because the decision is a subjective one by the VO and does not follow any kind of "required elements" protocol. So they deliberately leave us hanging.


Afterwards I ran into a different VO in the lobby and asked him about notarizing my support letter. We got into a little bit of a conversation and he asked to look at my support letter and said "Don't bother to notarize it. We're not going to have any doubts that you actually wrote it." I took the chance to ask him about whether bringing an unasked for video to the overcome interview could strategically backfire and he said, "Why not bring it? It can't hurt." He also asked for my last name and how many times I had been to China to visit Jun (2 times.) He didn't come right out and say "Don't worry" but acted like he thought Jun should have been approved the first time around.


The only thing that worries me now is what the first VO said in the information session that they try to assign the same VO to the case for the second round. I only hope we don't get the same "tall black lady". I get the feeling that a second round is kind of how they deal with these unjustified denials.


We decided not to let her ruin our time together and so fly to Chengdu and on by bus to Leshan to visit family. Wonderful dinner together last night. Back to GZ on Monday for a second round on Tuesday. Armed with a 9 minute video tape (thanks, Ken!), more pictures from this trip (including one with us peeking out of the covers...how do like them apples?), and, hopefully, some requested emails from friends and family back home testifying to our sincerity. Wish us luck!

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Nothing in this process stays the same but when Bing and I submitted our overcome evidence we had totally different VO review it. A much nicer one at that. I haven't read any posts where the second time around it is the same VO.

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Are there any specifications for the video tape, such as NTSC or PAL?


As I don't have a video camera I think I might take my chances on this one.  I have already scanned in my Chinese school certificate, and in addition to photos of us from 4 different countries over an almost 3 year time span, she is on my apartment lease, on my health benefits, we have a joint bank account, letters from friends and colleagues, among other things.  I'm also letting her take my expired passport that I used when we were together in China and traveling in Asia.  I'm sure I must be over-worrying...right?

Great question! I would make an NTSC tape. From an earlier post some said that all of the consulates around the world are set up with American equipment, standardization purposes.


Lizi and I borrowed her uncles Digital Video recorder to make the tape. I brought the DV tape home and transfered it to VHS. I had some friends help me, because I also don't have a Video recorder. But I did find out that local access TV stations have the capability to transfer DV to VHS, and will do this for a small fee. The great thing about DV is that is color scheme independent, No PAL or NTSC!

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