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Did any k3 or CR1 get p4 recently?

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I just got my DS-230 Part 1 yesterday, after I got back from my trip. Today I got another suprise to go along with it, another DS-230 Part 1. I got a notice from NVC, they recieved my application for an immigrant visa. They took 6 weeks to mail the application for immigrant visa to me after recieving the DS-230 bill. I got a notice they recieved it already, I haven't sent it to them yet. When I filled out my I-864 in Dec. they noted repeatedly to only use the DS-230 that they send to me. Only the original 230 that they mail me is valid. Now I get the DS-230 Part 1 again and it's another downloaded copy of the form off the web, even better, it's an expired copy (5/31/04). Nothing personal on it all. Just a part 1 printed on front and back and a few friendly reminders on about 6 pages telling me... "don't screw up... don't screw up...", again. The DS-230 Part 1 they sent me the 1st time expires 7/31/2007, the part 1, I got today says it expires 5/31/2004. I never got the DS-230 part2 from them. The "downloadable" and also "fillable" form in the website has 4 pages and 2 parts, all pages valid until 07'. There are no notices on the site telling me not to use the 230 on the web, but I got a letter telling me they needed the original from them. I never recieved a return envelope with my 1st DS-230 Part1, but I did get a return envelope with the version expiring in 04'. I paid $335, I want my envelope.:D


http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/20.gifhttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/20.gifI feel bad now because they have made it impossible for me to ""NOT", screw up." Oh god, how could I be so stupid??? What do I do? :blink: :( :( ;) http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/20.gifhttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/20.gif

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beijingjenny, u applied for CR1 in Beijing, so ur p4 must be faster than mine. thx for timeline! good luck for the interview!!! :(


BTW, whats DCF stand for?  :P

DCF - "Delightful Chinese/Caucaisian Fiancee?" "Dogs/Cats Forever ?" Maybe "Doug Can Frown", :( because he isn't with his wife.

naah, it's for Direct Cousilor Filing - They filed directly with the American Embassy in China. It's quicker that way. They are cutting inline ahead of the rest of us because "Their Special", they live in China. I want to be in China.


:blink: How about BTW? Big Turkeys Win? Big Tuna in Water? I don't know. Ahh WTF, just forget it? :D ;) :P :D


GUZ - Get Us Zima, not Water.


I just learned "LPR" last week, so don't feel bad. Do you know what LPR stands for? Clue... It's not this Lepercauns Pound Reindeers.

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