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Last Name ("Family Name")

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You'll find many varied opinions on this. From what I've seen on this board, it seems most Chinese wives take their American husband's last name. But that's not always the case.


Jun is taking my last name, and her family name as her middle name. I wanted it that way, but wouldn't have forced it on her. I kind of brought it up without asking directly, and she said something like "That's the American way, right?" so she was sold on it from the beginning.

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I asked my wife what she wanted to do with her name when she got here in the US. She asked me what was the common peactice in the US. I told her that the wife usually took the husband's last name but it was not a requirement. She did not hesitate, she decided she would take my name. I sugested that since she did not have a middke name she should use her family name as her middle name to retain that link with her family and heritage. she that that was a great idea. She told me that she has insisted to her friends that they refer to her as Ying Sharp so she can get used to hearing it. That is the way she wanted to do it, but I did not force her to do so. She made her own decision.

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