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When Juxin and I first went grocery shopping together in the states, we passed by the tortilla section. She immediately exclaimed "Wow, look at all the Chinese bread!" :lol: She is convinced that the Chinese invented the "tortilla". Of course I can't really argue against that notion because it may very well be true. But I tell her that in English (or at least in American culture), we call those things 'tortillas'. But she refuses to do so and continues to call them "Chinese bread" everytime :lol:

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Marco Polo's Father and Uncle are credited with introducing noodles and rice culture to Italy. Italians were so intrigued by it that they made a pasta shaped like rice kernals. (sorry don't remember the name for this pasta.) Flat bread is made from the mediteranean to China of various grains found along the way. Origins are lost in antiquity and it may just be that this is the easiest way to make it. Many things have been exchanged over the 2,500 years of trading between China and the Mediteranean area. Most northern Chinese introductions (like gun powder and fire works) were introduced when the Mongolian empire controlled from Moscow to Korea.


The item that most surprised me was finding Indian fry bread a common breakfast item in Beijing. I had learned to make it after trying it at an Indian Pow Wow. While in China I found many kinds of fried bread, the Beijing breakfast food is exactly the same.


The Chinese burrito " is what in American Chinese Restaurants is called Mu Shu. Unfortunately this name seems to mean nothing or confuses the matter for Chinese friends. Mu Shu means "wood ear" which is a tree fungus that is just one of the ingredients in mu shu in American Chinese restaurants. Rice flour skins are used for wrapping everything from Beijing duck to Chow mien. Also used are very thin wheat flour totilla type bread in the north. If anyone finds out the Chinese name for the burrito type dish, I would love to know. It is basicly a non fried "spring roll" or what we call egg roll not fried. The Vietnamese version is delicious and the healthiest and called "Goi Cun"

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on the homepage go to your control panel. Click on Edit Avatar Settings.Then go to your image avatars. If the picture is on the internet put the url for the picture in the block next to :your avatar". Then click add. If it is in your computer use the browse to select the file in your computer. I think the problem I also got was the size setting. Try this at 64x64 then add the avatar.


Good luck!

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Fei has fallen in love with "American Bread" --- that would be the "Wonder" type --- or almost... Its supermarket bread that is always the softest, and here in Portland sometimes is sold 3 for a dollar with the coupon --- so Fei now is one of the best food addies... checking out the food ads every Tuesday...


This week both Fred Meyer and Safeway had bread coupons --- three for a dollar --- the stars are aligned!!

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