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Difficult questions

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When I was waiting for Bing's visa to come here I always enjoyed the stories posted by members who's wifes were here. It gave me a glimplse of what was to come and some of what I could expect.


Since Bing got here last May her english has improved dramatically. At frist answering her questions were fairly easy now they are getting more and more difficult.


In the spirit of the chinaisms thread I thought it may be fun to post a few and see what others have come up with.



Husband. why is 71st ave 71st but the 71 bus isn't the 71st bus?


husband,when do you use quick and when do you use fast?


(this is the one that still has me stumped)

Husband, what do people mean when they say "there ya go!"


There is always at least one a day. Ill try to remember more of them

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Hell, i'm still trying to explain h him Vs.she her. Sometimes my wife talks to her friends about me and says "my husband, she good man".. did I have an operation i didn't know about???


Her new word for the day 'obese' Being a few pounds North of slim i gotta tell you--her learning such things in english is not all that funny.



Ahhhh for the good ole days when the only english she knew was "husband handsome man" ( I taught her that)

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While driving down the road last summer the wife spots a garage sale-she makes me stop and promptly buys a 1 quart coffe cup for 25 cents. she sees another down the road and asks "what they call this" I said 'Garbage sale" Now, early every saturday morning, weather permiting, she tells her stupid husband " Old man, you take me buy garbageee today!"


Soooooooo, i have a house full of 25-50 cent GARBAGEEEEE

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When I was waiting for Bing's visa to come here I always enjoyed the stories posted by members who's wifes were here.  It gave me  a glimplse of what was to come and some of what I could expect.


Since Bing got here last May her english has improved dramatically.  At frist answering her questions were fairly easy now they are getting more and more difficult.


In the spirit of the chinaisms thread I thought it may be fun to post a few and see what others have come up with.



Husband. why is 71st ave 71st but the 71 bus isn't the 71st bus?


husband,when do you use quick and when do you use fast?


(this is the one that still has me stumped)

Husband, what do people mean when they say "there ya go!"


There is always at least one  a day.  Ill try to remember more of them

Wow, Carl, you must be a great English teacher to be able to explain these things. I don't know how you do this without making it too much of a grammar lesson, going into cardinal and ordinal numbers, and adjectives and adverbs. It is fun being an ESL teacher and we don't have to leave home. Don't know what you are going to do about "there ya go." Wish I could help.

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Ordinal what??? Cardinal what? Adjective who??? When I was in college an English teacher told me I had dangled my participle--No problem, I immediatly zipped up and walked away. Me thinks she liked it-i got an A.


Anyone else think the wife doesn't know their name. aAl my wife ever calls me is "HUSBAND"!!

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I take my trash to work and throw it in the dumpster here to save a little money on the garbge bill. The other day I get in my car and taped to the dashboard is a note saying "easy forget husband, please don't forget to throw these garbages" I chuckled all the way to work but I didn't forget.

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When I was waiting for Bing's visa to come here I always enjoyed the stories posted by members who's wifes were here.  It gave me  a glimplse of what was to come and some of what I could expect.


Since Bing got here last May her english has improved dramatically.  At frist answering her questions were fairly easy now they are getting more and more difficult.


In the spirit of the chinaisms thread I thought it may be fun to post a few and see what others have come up with.



Husband. why is 71st ave 71st but the 71 bus isn't the 71st bus?


husband,when do you use quick and when do you use fast?


(this is the one that still has me stumped)

Husband, what do people mean when they say "there ya go!"


There is always at least one  a day.  Ill try to remember more of them

I love it when Ying asks me a question about any phrases she has heard me use. Early on when we were communicating by instant messaging, webcam and audio chat, she heard me say "there we go" when we were fully connected. After she asked me what that meant she used it every time we connected after that and even used it when I visited her in China. Since then she has learned a few other phrases she has heard me use, some with a twist all her own.




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