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Our New Sec. of State

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Colin Powell, like most soldiers who have seen the horrors of war never want to see another and will go to great lengths to avoid another. That is why he had the reputation of being a "dove". The ones who have never seen war are usually the "hawks". As to who holds sway depends on outside influences on events in our country. Right now we are torn between the hawks and doves and the ultimate result still to be determined. I hope Condaleza Rice can buck the trend and be a "dove".


I studied American Diplomatic History in college, and one thing I leared that Diplomatic History is the result of cases where we are confronted with a series of choices with many possible consequences. The choices made are the ones made with the least possible adverse consequences.


In the past we have made poor choices and good choices, but at least the we have have tried to stick to our principles and do our best.


in the 1st century the Roman Empire enforced the "PAX ROMAMA," the Roman Peace.


In the 19th century the British Empire enforced the "PAX BRITANNIA," the British Peace.


Today in the 20th and 21st century the United States tries to enforce the "PAX AMERICANA," the American Peace.


Have we done a good job, That is for history to decide.

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I've definitely got some opinions about this subject and would love to engage the discussion but I don't think this is the right place to do it...politics are too potentially divisive. Think I'll stick with the main topic (immigration and the visa process) and the purely human topics like helping each other out.

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so true, nothing human about the government. i swear it just dummy with voice recorder that say Hold please, Hold please (elevator music) hold please ( more elevator music) I swear nothing living answers phones.








God! it tax time again, where the taxpayer think the Government giving back money to them, but forgetting it really the wife that get the tax-return check

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Yep.....sorta reminds me of some clown from Arkansas who "never inhaled" or "had sex with that woman"  Anyone remember who that might have been?

Was he a friend of the guy who DEFINATLY knew we had weapons of WDMs???

I could probably make some statements that led us to believe there definately were WMD's, but the ultimate decision falls under the choices statement I made in an earlier post. But as we all were reminded this is not the venue for political discussions and disagreements.


If we were to find an appropriate venue I would love to start a debate. :D

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I've definitely got some opinions about this subject and would love to engage the discussion but I don't think this is the right place to do it...politics are too potentially divisive.  Think I'll stick with the main topic (immigration and the visa process) and the purely human topics like helping each other out.

That is the right way to go. The only thing relevant to CFL in regard to whoever is the Secretary of State is whether that person will take an interest in visa processing.


I believe a hawkish person like Rice would have zero interest in our subject and would more likely regard us as a security threat, entirely overlooking the fact we are motivated by love. At least Colin Powell had come from great experience in the federal bureaucracy and was able to keep many plates spinning at the same time. This week we will see how Rice as a peacemaker pans out in her supposed fencemending trip to Europe. Why she would think she has any credibility in this olive branch theatrics is a mystery. If she wants to make peace it would be nice if she would reach out to some other internationalists, us.

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[quote  The only thing relevant to CFL in regard to whoever is the Secretary of State is whether that person will take an interest in visa processing.  


World peace IS very relative to immigration and therefore CFL

Yes, but we can't really discuss that without getting into the politics involved and we have voluntarily agreed to refrain from politics. The only politics we are supposed to discuss is China vis-a-vis America politics in regard to visa issues. You know.

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Please re-read your most recent post --- isn't it just as political as the others?


You are so right! The fact that Rice is concerned so much with the international intregue --- and (perhaps) so little with the fate of our SOs is a political decision..


Rice to me, seems like Henry Kissinger re-encarnated.... She is an opportunist --- and a hawk... The fact that she is a black woman doesn't mean that she can't get alot of people killed implementing US policy.. Trigg, like Powel, carried a gun --- my guess is that he did so over a longer period of time in VN than Powel, and saw much more "on the ground" ---- but don't get me wrong, Powel, I believe, took the lessons of VN to heart ---- and was central in re-shaping the US military --- based on the failures of VN ....


Rice is a side show, but unfortunately, now in charge...... history repeats its self ...... Eventually, (many years later) Robert McNimmera ("best and the brightest") eventually cried openly in public about his decisisons in VN ------ but what good did that do ` !?!?!


Did it bring back any of the men on the "wall" ?


Did it bring back the innocent dead in VN ~?

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Guest DragonFlower



Do not be shy,you can go over to RR2.

You can be as political as you want.


Although I believe this stuff does directly effect our lives.

Here in the Twilight,Oops I mean immmigration zone.



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