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Biggest luxury for American in China

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Although I grew up with a seat toilet, and although it is cleaner, it is actually better for your body to squat, in that it allows for a better allignment of the rectum. At least I have heard this.


For me now, it is not the style of the toilet, but the cleanliess which matters. After having seen a few spotless squats (just that they are harder to keep clean), I soon became fine in either setting.

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The best one I have seen in is the footprints on the upper rim on the Western style toilet at my friends school in Guangzhou. 


I guess some Chinese really don't know what to when faced with a seat in the WC.

According to Jun, this is because many places don't clean the restrooms well (suprise suprise), and people are afraid to sit on god knows what. In the US we have those disposable covers, in China... they improvise :)

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C'mon, doesn't anyone have a juicy story about the shower/toilet?

you asked for it.


on one of my trips i had a 5-day bout with mao's revenge, which was ultimately only cured with antibiotics. anyway, after a strenuous "work out" i was very apprieciative of that shower-toilet arrangement. better than a bidet.

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Way back in '99 I was living / working in Zhanjiang.


A new guy came over from England to give some flight training.


I took him around town, then to a local restaurant for a meal. Half way through the meal, he was stricken with a sudden onset of the hershey squirts.


He asked the way to the loo, and I pointed to the back of the restaurant.

He made a hasty departure, and I forgot to give him the packet of napkins from the table, as was my custom.


Sometime later he comes walking back into the room. In his British walking shorts, it was plainly evident that he was missing a sock.


Where's your sock ?, I ask.


Miserable *%&**%$$!!! squattie pottie, he says, there was no $%^$!! paper.


Claimed it was my fault.


Called him Socks for the next 3 years.

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Way back in '99 I was living / working in Zhanjiang.


A new guy came over from England to give some flight training.


I took him around town, then to a local restaurant for a meal.  Half way through the meal, he was stricken with a sudden onset of the hershey squirts.


He asked the way to the loo, and I pointed to the back of the restaurant.

He made a hasty departure, and I forgot to give him the packet of napkins from the table, as was my custom.


Sometime later he comes walking back into the room.  In his British walking shorts, it was plainly evident that he was missing a sock.


Where's your sock ?, I ask.


Miserable *%&**%$$!!! squattie pottie, he says, there was no $%^$!! paper.


Claimed it was my fault.


Called him Socks for the next 3 years.

LMAO. Speaking of TP, why is it that we always have two rolls in each and every bathroom at home? One is empty and in the TP fixture. The other is sitting perpendicular on top of the empty one. One of these days the perpendicular roll will make an escape attempt but will likely find itself clogging the commode. :blink:

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The squat-style toilets are really the best way to go (pun intended). Western-style toilets are bacteria bowls, and public ones are often times the most disgusty, filthy, nasty and most foul things on earth.


The squat-style toilets are much more sanitary and hygenic. No part of exposed flesh ever touches anything. Only the bottom of one's shoes touch anything. Can't get more hygenic than that.


And I think there is much to be said about the health benefits of squatters too. Checkout this website (for anything and everything you ever wanted to know about the health benefits of the squat technique):


Health Benefits of the Natural Squatting Position


For anyone who may be a bit confused about how to use a squatter, click here for a handy demonstration :blink:

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