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OT: Missing Socks !

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Today is my laundry day -- in fact every weekend I do my laundry. I have noticed about every month I lose one sock from a pair. I keep the other sock that does not get lost. So, they pile up over a couple months. I finally have to break down and get new socks, and give the old socks to charity...


What I don't get is that I check, and double check the washer and dryer for clothing. Nothing but socks seem to disappear, and only one of the pair. There must be some kind of massive sock conspiracy ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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According to Jerry Seinfeld, the socks all know that laundry day is their only chance to escape. They hate their lives because, well, who would enjoy being stuck in smelly shoes all day? So they are desperate to get away and on laundry day they make a run for it.


Seriously though, this is one of life's great mysteries. Seems like it may never be solved. One question though: do you think this phenomenon only started with the invention of washing machines?

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Guest DragonFlower

On that night in Roswell so many years ago the spooks who work for the US Government removed some devices from the Alien spacecraft.These devices were the heart of the spacecrafts ability to travel interdimensionally.They later discovered(much too late) that these devices were Von Newman machines,having replicated themselves,a few of them went missing.Nothing was heard for many years about this case,but it is widely rumored that these self-replicateing machines were able to rearrange there molecules to mimic more mundane devices.

All of this in order to blend into their surroundings,and so avoid discovery.

The semi-sentinet machines were aware of their past and still held deep love of their creators ,in that far galaxy of their youth.And here we have the living truth that these lonely machines still pay homage to there one-legged masters so far away.





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I have recently tried to tie a pair of socks together before placing in the washer. And low and behold, not only do they come apart, but always I start with an even number and end with an odd (and smaller number)!


And although there is *some* lint out at the end, the mass is not enough.


Is it possible that someone is watching and when I step out of the door, comes in, stops the machine to steal just one sock, and then turns it back on, just to toy with me?


I think not, but, who knows...


Or maybe the boogeyman *is* real! <_<

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I solved lifes great mystery by making a big pile of dirty sox and then burning them - no, actually just wash them all together. Maybe the "burn 'em" scenario makes more sense - dark colored sox are $1 at WalMart, white sox are probably les. Maye Santa will bring some sox!


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Ah the missing sock mystery. Right up there with the Bermuda triangle. and alien abductions. Here is my system before I got married and Bing took over laundry duty. Always leave the socks with no mate in the laundry basket you use to empty the dryer. Sometimes they do reappear. If they don't reapear after a couple of months throw them away. This automatcially causes them to reappear after garbage day.

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