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Cleared name checks.

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Yes, I believe they would deny the visa issuance because you did not have the pick up letter.  For one they are not supposed to let a Chinese National into the consulate without proof that they have legitimate business there.


The consulate at Shenyang looks like a fortress now.  The PSB has it heavily guarded from the outside and will not allow people to que up on that side of the street.

they've got SAM's too on the roof?? :unsure:

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Absolutely.  Have you seen "Moscow on the Hudson"?  I am a law abiding citizen, but I am, right now, sorry that I did not just walk her across the border from Mexico or Canada two years ago.

well.. I swam the atlantic 15 years ago to the Bahamas, then Florida.... but Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone..... They might revoke my citizenship.. :D

But I DID file a tax return the first year !

It was easier to get my US citizenship than to get Yuhui in this @#$%^@#$^ country of ours.. WHY????????

Not like she is asking to work for No Such Agency or something.. Good Grief ! Will someone wake up near the Potomac?


Sorry guys.. I'm loosing it :(

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No, your not losing it.  Our government has completely lost it.  Any sense of a Government of the people, by the people and for the people, that is.  Gee... where did I hear that before?


I am seriously considering finding a job in Europe, where I came from in the first place ( Choice of 15 countries as of today, 10 more coming May 2004 when the club gets bigger) and live happily there ever after with Yuhui.

I'd rather stay here, but I won't allow the government that adopted me to make a mokery of their citizens.. Even adopoted ones, like me. This, I want no part of it.. I'll take my chance with another European gov't which ( probably) screw me over at some point.

Enough said.

For Yuhui, it does not matter.. She'd be as happy there than she would on the new continent..

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The socialist countries in Europe will take care of you (better than here).  And especially when you are old.  :)

none left really. Haven't you heard?? :D

Bulgaria, Czechs, Slovakia.... etc. ALL U.S puppets now ! ( Courtesy of North Korea News Agency ) :D


LOL. For actually visiting every European countries west of the Urals, some several times a year, there are NO "Eastern" Europe no more... Not even Bulgaria ( damn,, soo poor there )

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Yes, I have heard Radio North Korea.  Loud and clear here and entirely too close for comfort.  They are scary.  I'm not sure they have enough sense of reality to even know enough to keep the Chinese happy.  They do concern me.

http://www.kcna.co.jp/ entertaining !!! :D

Official DRPK news agency..


Sorry.. You can bitch about Kim on their website

Good grief.... I guess those guys don't have TV's

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the north korean soldiers are some of the fiercest fighters on earth , they are a bunch of androids under the guidance of a little pot bellied midget :V:

I was stationed in the army about 10 miles south of the dmz and all the time you could hear their speakers blasting away ,shouting out us soldiers names --social security numbers-and lots of stuff that was suppose to be classified.

Its a scary strange country <_< :o

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