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The Wait is FINALY OVER!

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Hello Everyone,


Thank you for the warm thoughts. The timing was great last night to get the good news just before going to bed. I did sleep very well last night, but it will not be a complete and restful sleep until she is here with me.


Now for all of you that want to know ....... What did the VO ask your wife?


Well, I don't have to tell you that the biggest worry that many of our SO's have is the ability to speak English. I asked Qunying about this and she told me that the man (I don't know which window or what he looked like) did his best to help her to stay calm and to get through the interview. My wife was nervous enough that she was having trouble understanding the English he was using, so he continued the interview in Chinese. The funny thing is that my wife answered his questions in English...... :lol:


The questions that he asked were:

How many times has your husband come to China? Two times!

What kind of work does your husband do?

This time in English: He works on Cable TV, Telephone and Internet!


That's it! Just Wham Bam, she got the Visa ... Man! :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob:


I know that the past 4 days were the sleepless nights I have ever had!


I'll keep you all up to date as time moves on. Until then, Good Luck to all you that have just gotten your P3 or now waiting in line at GZ. The rest of you, the ride is worth the wait!

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