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cigarette custom in China

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Does anyone know the alcohol content of chinese beer?

Tsingtao is about 4.8% alcohol by volume. Other are similar.

how about the wine, it seemed more like a liquor.

Mark, I don't know about the wine, but I got into a drinking contest with a guy down in Nanning. Started off with something called "Snake Bite" and it was the nastiest stuff I ever got down my gullet. If it wasn't for someone sticking me in a cab and seeing that I got to the hotel...I'd still be there.

LOL, i know the feeling, my fiancee's nephew in GZ and a few of his friends I guess wanted to see what the American was make of. we had a great time. The next night at the Hard Rock, I was teaching Tequila shots.

I dont think he liked it.

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Does anyone know the alcohol content of chinese beer?

Tsingtao is about 4.8% alcohol by volume. Other are similar.

how about the wine, it seemed more like a liquor.

Mark, I don't know about the wine, but I got into a drinking contest with a guy down in Nanning. Started off with something called "Snake Bite" and it was the nastiest stuff I ever got down my gullet. If it wasn't for someone sticking me in a cab and seeing that I got to the hotel...I'd still be there.

LOL, i know the feeling, my fiancee's nephew in GZ and a few of his friends I guess wanted to see what the American was make of. we had a great time. The next night at the Hard Rock, I was teaching Tequila shots.

I dont think he liked it.

Worm...or no worm? :blink:

No worm, i didnt think he could handle it

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The wine varies widely according to what they buy. We have a jug, that is right, a plastic jug, of wine right now that is 5%. Tastes more like grape juice to me. I have had some at dinners that was higher alcohol content, though I wasn't able to sneak a read off the bottle.


I am one that does not drink normally. Primarily a personal choice not to as I don't like being around drunks and because I like alcohol too much. We had a Harbin wedding, which meant a lot of drinking. Fortunately for me, my mother-in-law, (God rest her soul), was a devout Christian and refused, under any circumstances to take a drink. That meant that nobody was allowed to make a big deal of it if I would not drink. I agreed to one small drink to seal the union. Which they made sure to keep on the wedding video.


I absolutely will not smoke. Period. After seeing what it did to a favorite Uncle of mine, back when most people did smoke, I decided at a very young age to never smoke.


The combination of these two things makes me a very odd person indeed up here in the Northeast. The family has accepted me that way though and although I still always get offered a cigarette and a drink, they now expect me to refuse politely.


I would hate to say how many young foreign teachers I have seen come into this area not smoking and being only light drinkers and leave smoking and drinking heavily. I left the school Christmas party early because the drinks were flowing too heavily for me and the smoke was so thick you could hardly breath.

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I had red wine the first night I was in Nanning with my gal's family. My future father-in-law offered to me and I tried a little. When I drink, my face turns red (a lot of Asian has this trait). So I drank and my own head was hot. After that, my gal doesn't let me drink any more. The funny thing is that I was able to handle the Hurricane in New Orleans quite well. :)

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Sorry to say, I am one, who would refuse the ciggerate not matter what.  I realize there is different customs and differnt believes, but that is one, I will not do under any circenstantces. 


I do not get offended if people smoke I just try to find a non-smoking place to hang out until they are done, so I except smokers to feel the same way when I don't, and if they do, that is their problem.


I have never liked it, and always pestered the parents to quite.  I refused to run to the store and buy them for my parents even if I was going there anyways.  I  cannot stand them.  You are talking to someone who would be driving the car with my mom, and she would lite up, I would pull over and get out of the car until she was done, as I cannot stand it.



Right on Scott! No matter what the custom, people should respect and applaud your right to decide not to destroy your health. You want to live a long and healthy life so you can give your wife many years of love and happiness. People should respect that. :)

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Sorry to say, I am one, who would refuse the ciggerate not matter what.  I realize there is different customs and differnt believes, but that is one, I will not do under any circenstantces.  


I do not get offended if people smoke I just try to find a non-smoking place to hang out until they are done, so I except smokers to feel the same way when I don't, and if they do, that is their problem.


I have never liked it, and always pestered the parents to quite.  I refused to run to the store and buy them for my parents even if I was going there anyways.  I  cannot stand them.  You are talking to someone who would be driving the car with my mom, and she would lite up, I would pull over and get out of the car until she was done, as I cannot stand it.



Right on Scott! No matter what the custom, people should respect and applaud your right to decide not to destroy your health. You want to live a long and healthy life so you can give your wife many years of love and happiness. People should respect that. :)

In the US, that is quite true. Even when I am in China, I don't smoke in someone's house unless they are also a smoker. In NanJing, I went out onto the porch because the family did not smoke. But, these are Western ideas.


I took the risk of offending their hospitality and it turned out well. I will add that they are upper-middle class and college educated. Maybe they are more 'enlightened'. I still try to follow the 'When in Rome.....' philosophy. I also agree with maintaining one's own 'personal integrity' and to not give in to something they personally abhor. Just understand that there may be some consequences that are different that here.


-Don H

Right. Smoking may once have been just a customs issue, but now it is more. Everyone now knows that, aside from being a bad habit, smoking kills. One should be respected for wanting to be a healthy husband who wants to try his best to be there for his wife in their old age. Women live longer anyway, so it is best to do all we can to live as long as we can to be with our wives longer.

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i have never had a problem with simply saying "thank you, i don't smoke." or "no thank you, i don't drink." learn how to say it in chinese and there is never a question. i've never gotten an odd look or been treated differently because of it.


after a few rough meals, i have also come to the conclusion that i just won't eat anything i am not comfortable with. i'm still pretty adventurous, and will try most anything, but i'll draw the line NEXT time someone slops an inkfish infront of me.


i've found that being an american in china, they pretty much expect me to do most everything differently.

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i've found that being an american in china, they pretty much expect me to do most everything differently.

That is why they call American "Foreign Devil". :D :P

Tony, did you ever read "The Ugly American"? Its an eye opener.

Yes, Don.


I read that book when I was in High School many years ago. According to that book, American don't give a hoot about anything. They refuse to learn other country's customs and culture. Even language. :) I think we are better now. :D

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after a few rough meals, i have also come to the conclusion that i just won't eat anything i am not comfortable with.  i'm still pretty adventurous, and will try most anything, but i'll draw the line NEXT time someone slops an inkfish infront of me.


i've found that being an american in china, they pretty much expect me to do most everything differently.

I guess you would also draw the line at eating those weird brown grubs they have in a box as you go out the restaurant. You know, they have like a triangular "head" on them and when you pick one up it will twirl its head around and around. My wife's aunt challenged me to eat one and I almost did it. She said you just eat them raw. I told her if she would eat one I would eat one. She almost did it. I'm not sure I would have fulfilled my end of the deal. I don't want to try sea cucumbers or any of that really strange stuff. Just their regular food is so delicious to me it would take me along fine for the rest of my life. I don't see how anyone could be so jaded that they had to eat something bizarre in order to have the pleasure of something different. Hmmmm, just had an idea - maybe I could get me a distributor and ship 'possums and 'coons from Alabama for sale in China. :lol: :o :lol:

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I don't smoke!! If someone offer me a cigariete in China, I tell him smoking is bad for his health and bad for anyone around him.


In doing business, when I attend any meeting, if they smoke, I tell them stop; otherwise, I will never do any business with them for the rest of my life!!!


Zero Tolerance!!!


:rolleyes: :D :D

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