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Why no new P4 lately?

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Well, it seems like for the most part P-4s come out in "floods" there will be nothing for 2-3 weeks, then suddenly a whole bunch will come out over the space of a week to 10 days. It hasn't been long enough since the last "flood" to start to worry yet. I'd say in about 10 days to 2 weeks, you should see them start to come down.

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Just remember, we regular contributors to CFL represent a very small percentage of those waiting for K-1's.....We can base our guesses only on what information we have......As far as we know, there may be a steady flow of P-4's. I do not believe they wait days before issuing any P-4's...just my thoughts!

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I have an idea for a new reality show! All the GZ staff fly to NY for a week (they can do it during the holiday Oct 1-7). In addition 50 people from around the US all possesing strong work ethic "get it done" attitudes fly to NY. They all meet in the Trump hotel in NY city. Donald presents "The task at hand ladies and gettlemen, get through this backlog of interviews in the next week. The team that can do it - will work for me at the GZ consulate. The team that can't - well - YOU'RE FIRED!!!!



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Duly noted Alex,


However I must disagree with your statement that you Don't believe they wait days before issuing any P-4. As of today I have waited 112 days since they entered my P3 in the system. In Jan/Feb the avg wait from P3 to P4 was about 20 days. And if you look at the timelines they are getting father and farther behind.



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Thats a whole 1 person who got P4 in last month!


If thats not a drought in light of the hundreds if not thousands waiting I'm not sure what is...



Jeff, I totally understand your frustration, but I assure you things are moving at the same pace they've been moving since April. There was a big slowdown at that time, for who knows what reason, and they've been dealing with the backlog ever since. To be honest, things are moving more quickly now than in April/May/June. At least now we are getting a month's worth of interviews for a month's worth of p3s. In April/May/June we were getting a month's worth of interviews for 1-2 weeks worth of p3s. Believe me, I've been monitoring this closely.


The timelines are now fixed around 4 months, and unless gz kicks things into gear, they look to stay that way. I hate to say it, but be thankful they've stabilized at 4 months. For a while there, we were drifting fast towards 5 or 6 months!


The next batch of p4 would be on schedule to come at the end of this month, june p3 reciepts getting november interviews, if form holds...



By the way, I'm not the only one to get a p4 this month. In fact there were around 20 people between CFL and 001 getting p4s around the time I did. Portland Jim, Bryan, and PJ being 3 just off the top of my head. Take a deep breath, man, I'm sure you'll be in the next batch...

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will you be in GZ for the interview?


that's oct 20th right? alot of people will be in town that month..maybe a get together?


Mark and Bea

Hi Mark, that sounds like fun. We are planning our trip now, my fiancee is handling the itinerary :huh:


I know Jim will be there for an interview on the 21st. PJ's interview is a couple weeks earlier, if I remember.... Not sure on everybody's availability.

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And then there are people like me, earlier in the process, waiting for the K3 NOA2 from Missouri, where they've been moving not more than a few days per month since May or so. Fortunately it looks like they may be doing things at close to a one-day per one-day ratio, but it's hard to tell.

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will you be in GZ for the interview?


that's oct 20th right? alot of people will be in town that month..maybe a get together?


Mark and Bea

Hi Mark, that sounds like fun. We are planning our trip now, my fiancee is handling the itinerary :P


I know Jim will be there for an interview on the 21st. PJ's interview is a couple weeks earlier, if I remember.... Not sure on everybody's availability.

Hey Turtle and Mark,


I had hoped to be there Oct 18 with my wife for her interview, but my job demands I am here for that time. Mark, I would like to give my wife your phone number so if she has a someone to call if any problems come up.


It does look like I will be traveling back to China mid November and then my wife and daughter will be coming back with me.


Turtle, I hope your interview goes well. My wife will be coming to GZ Oct 13. If you and your wife are there around then, I'm sure she would love to meet up with you. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/26/26_26_1.gif http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/26/26_6_7.gif

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Our interview is going to be earlier that month (please see my updated signature). However, we're really tight on time, we're flying out 4 days after the interview, and 2 of those days are Sat/Sun. I am hoping that there are no delays in us getting our visa, because we won't have much time to resolve it before our flight if so.



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