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One of our favorite "fights" is when to brush teeth. My wife/step-son believe you should brush after waking up and before you eat breakfast. Of course, I say you brush before leaving for work/school. I think the toothpaste ruins the flavor of food but they say it's important to clean the teeth before eating.


Anybody else have this "battle?"

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Dentists' Tips for Healthier Teeth and Gums

Dentists share their Trade Secrets


* Get the last scrape out of a tube of toothpaste by cutting the tube across the middle with scissors – you can usually get enough for at least another day.


* Every time you eat sugary foods, bacteria in plaque react to form acids that will attack the enamel of your teeth for up to an hour afterwards. This means it’s better to eat a bag of sweets all in one go than to spread them out over a few hours.


* Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal really does help by producing more saliva that helps to neutralise the ph in the mouth.


* Eating alkaline foods, such as cheese after a meal, also helps neutralise the damaging acids and can help prevent decay.


* Brush before breakfast rather than after. Eating and drinking weaken enamel and brushing straight afterwards can remove tiny pieces of enamel and cumulatively cause damage to the teeth. Leave at least half and hour between eating or drinking and brushing.


* Brushing before bed is particularly important because saliva flow decreases at night.


* Don’t use too much toothpaste. For age seven an over, a pea-sized amount is quite enough. Below the age of seven, just a little dab is sufficient.


* Only floss the teeth you want to keep!


* Floss once a day, every day. It’s no use telling your dentist that you floss if you don’t – we can tell!


* If you suffer from bad breath, try brushing your gums and tongue at the same time as your teeth.


* Bleeding gums is not a reason to stop flossing – on the contrary, it’s a sign that you really need to do it regularly.


* Don’t take fluoride tablets or give them to children without checking with your dentist first.


* Acid in fruit juice and fizzy drinks can erode the enamel on your teeth. To reduce this effect, drink through a straw and don’t brush your teeth for about half an hour after having them.


* If a first tooth is knocked out, leave it. It’ll come out on its own soon anyway.


* If a second tooth is knocked out whole, try and reimplant it immediately, making sure you get it the right way round!


* If you can’t reimplant it, store it in some milk and get to a dentist straight away.


* If no milk is available, tuck it inside your cheek, up next to the gum, and get to a dentist straight away.


* To reduce discomfort from sensitive teeth, try applying some sensitive toothpaste around the base of the tooth and to the gum after brushing, and leave it there.


* If you have a broken tooth and can’t see a dentist straight away, you can minimise scratching to the tongue and inside of the mouth by taking a little piece of wax from an Edam (or similar) cheese, rolling it up and placing on the jagged tooth.


* You can temporarily fix a broken-off crown back in place using sugar-free gum or denture fixative.


* Denture wearers are at greater risk of oral thrush. To avoid infection, leave dentures out at night and eat plenty of live yoghurt.


* If you have toothache, an anti-inflammatory painkiller, such as ibuprofen will give greater pain relief than paracetamol.


* Don’t put crushed aspirin around a sore tooth – it can lead to an ‘aspirin burn’ inside the mouth.


* For abcesses, don’t place a hot water bottle against your face, as it’s likely to lead to more pus build-up.


* If you have an abcess and your face is swollen, hold hot, salty water inside your mouth to encourage the abcess to drain into the mouth. Spit, rinse and repeat.

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Bea just had her teeth cleaned for the princely sum of 160RMB or $19.37.

It took all of 45 minutes and she just booked it that morning (walk in) while we were at the hospital for her prenatal check up.


The dentist used the water drill, than placed an antibiotic(?) along the gums after the cleaning with the water drill and finished with a smoothing with the polish.


Yikes! now I can get close to her and even stand a kiss.. heheh (It's ok she doesn't read these often) Oh yes she does have good hygeine, brushes morning and night, flosses etc..


I will go next month but will not let them finish the bridge work as their materials are inferior to the USA materials.


Lucky for me I know thru a friend of hers who does use the USA products and dentist they supply here. one tenth the cost if not more..:o


Mark and Bea

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my  schedule never varies:

0700 wake up

0715 pee

0720 brush teeth

0725 get out of bed.

You pee and brush your teeth....BEFORE you get out of bed??? :o

So, a lawyer happened to be at a legal convention at the same place where a medical convention was. During a break, the lawyer went to the restroom and stood at the urinal. Next to him was another gentleman. "Here for the legal convention"? "No, the medical convention." Both finished their business about the same time, and the doctor went to the sink to wash his hands. The lawyer started heading out the door.


"You know", said the doctor, "when I went to med school I was taught to wash my hands after I piss."

"You know", said the lawyer, "when I went to law school I was taught not to piss on my hands."

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