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Do you have a new hobby..

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<I can get my hands on- mostly briefs now ..> wow!! seems like the honeymoon is still on at your house!! heheh but than I read the complete... sentance.. phew.. I thought about starting a new fun topic but not that fun!! heheh


Hey dancing sounds like a great thing.. keeps you limber with all the sitting you must be doing and seems like it would be a good stress reliever.. a chance to let your mind go so to speak..


A friend of mine's wife just passed the bar this spring.. it was alot of long nights of study before that.. Best of luck..


eeyore Bea and I have been talking about the mountain biking also as well as camping we have the tent already. Did one night at the beach.. with Tucker our cat!! damn! too hot and humid, we both missed our comfy, western style bed, after a few hours of the romantic sounds of the waves, it was just another annoyance to sleep and the whole thing ended around 7 am the next morning sore, hungery and NOT in a good mood.. heheh


Trig I didn't know the ultralights were so reasonable.. well used that is. Sounds like a quick way to get into the air, but this .. ohhh just shoot out the tank idea..something seems just a bit off on this... not quit sure but something!! hehe


With the gliders you do have to log hours to get certified and they say it is roughly 2 to 4k for it. But it's not a lump sum so easier to jump right in. Alsop this place I was looking at will give Bea or second family member a free membership, so no monthly dues. From what I understand the nice thing after is you can pretty much go to any place in the country that has a glider port and get a day membership pay your rental and tow fees and off you go..:lol: This will be great for me with the photography as well.


Kim... yes!!! Carl has sent us some pics of the area... why else would anyone live there than to not be in the out doors!.. New England is nice and has wonderful seasons.. but this place and up north is simplely beautiful! I haven't been back to hunting since college and doubt I'd want to kill anything now.. maybe bird hunting, but the idea of mushroom hunting.. well let me at them mush.. rooms or no rooms!! heheh


And the camping I have some other friends who do this as well, we will hook up with them and explore Vermont.


Hey if any of you are up that way or plan to let us know.. I've lived and hunted in southern VT and parts of NH, it really is a place to see just about any season.



It's great to see as some of us get older and the younger ones are more active,

A friend of mine from where I worked before I left who is in his mid 50's just up and bought a folding bike.. heheh darn thing fits right into the trunk of his toyota.. in about 2 weeks or so he was up to 10 miles a day.. he'd start jonesing it it rained for a couple days in a row and he couldn't get out!



Mark and Bea

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Guest blsqueaky
A friend of mine's wife just passed the bar this spring.. it was alot of long nights of study before that.. Best of luck..




I too recently passed the bar. Did not study to hard. Just kept walking, and next thing you know, I was past the bar.



I have been trying to pass the bar many times now, but that vodka and cranberry keeps calling out my name, tell me to sit for a spell.

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Trigg: I envy you so much. When I lived in Reno, there is a large contingent of hot air ballooners. If you have never been up, it is the most amazing thing. There's a huge roar when the gas is fired and you go up. Once you're up, they turn off the gas and you just coast with the wind. It's perfectly silent and you have no perception of motion, unless you look down and see your shadow moving on the ground.

But the reason I brought that up, is that there was always one guy on an ultralight. He had a small parachute attached to it and what looked like a motorcycle engine driving one propeller. His rig was a triangle with 3 small wheels, just big enough for him to sit on. He would power up and be off the ground in no time at all. He would fly around the balloons and just have fun. The amazing part was when he cut his engine and rode the thermals. He would be up there for minutes at a time with no engine. Truly amazing. I have to do that one day . . .


Eeyore: The train you mentioned is called the Coast Starlight. I've been on it several times and it's a great trip. From Ventura and through Vandenburg AFB and up to San Luis Obispo, it's several hours of tracks with ocean on one side and mountain on the other. It's a great trip and I highly recommend it. It's supposed to be a 34 hour ride, but my last trip from seattle to Ventura took almost 45 hours.

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Yea Cosmo, motor powered parachutes are fun and EASY to fly. I used to sell them and teach people to fly. Around one hour ground training and NO air time instrucion. first flight was always a solo. for those in the northWest that are interested, six Chter is a company that makes them. They are in Yakama Washington. you rascles in Ohio have a company that majes them aslo, Buckey motor powered parachutes.


My ultralite is a fixed wing. I never did a lesson. Actually I bought the plane before I knew how to fly it. I watched others fly and my first flight was a solo. I learned a lot from that flight. For example an aircraft with a 37'wing span CANNOT fly through a barn with a 16' door. New wings and a few bandaids later and I was up and flying again---careful to avoid anymore "barnstorming".



Kim, yup the Rockies would be a real problem but with a max speed of 65mph, open cockpit, and maybe 80 miles per tank of fuel--they may be eroded away before I get there. Me thinks taking the wings off and putting it on a trailer would be easier.

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Guest blsqueaky
Yea Cosmo, motor powered parachutes are fun and EASY to fly.  I used to sell them and teach people to fly. Around one hour ground training and NO air time instrucion. first flight was always a solo. for those in the northWest that are interested, six Chter is a company that makes them. They are in Yakama Washington. you rascles in Ohio have a company that majes them aslo, Buckey motor powered parachutes.


My ultralite is a fixed wing. I never did a lesson. Actually I bought the plane before I knew how to fly it. I watched others fly and my first flight was a solo. I learned a lot from that flight. For example an aircraft with a 37'wing span CANNOT fly through a barn with a 16' door.  New wings and a few bandaids later and I was up and flying again---careful to avoid anymore "barnstorming".



Kim, yup the Rockies would be a real problem but with a max speed of 65mph, open cockpit, and maybe 80 miles per tank of fuel--they may be eroded away before I get there. Me thinks taking the wings off and putting it on a trailer would be easier.

Trigg, now you have me thinking, and you said a place here in Ohio. I think that maybe I have to find this place, especially since I live on the lake here. I think that it would be great, especially if I can find a 2 seater. Take Ling with me(yes, like that would happen)


Let me know where.

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Yea Cosmo, motor powered parachutes are fun and EASY to fly.  I used to sell them and teach people to fly. Around one hour ground training and NO air time instrucion. first flight was always a solo. for those in the northWest that are interested, six Chter is a company that makes them. They are in Yakama Washington. you rascles in Ohio have a company that majes them aslo, Buckey motor powered parachutes.


My ultralite is a fixed wing. I never did a lesson. Actually I bought the plane before I knew how to fly it. I watched others fly and my first flight was a solo. I learned a lot from that flight. For example an aircraft with a 37'wing span CANNOT fly through a barn with a 16' door.  New wings and a few bandaids later and I was up and flying again---careful to avoid anymore "barnstorming".



Kim, yup the Rockies would be a real problem but with a max speed of 65mph, open cockpit, and maybe 80 miles per tank of fuel--they may be eroded away before I get there.   Me thinks taking the wings off and putting it on a trailer would be easier.

Trigg, now you have me thinking, and you said a place here in Ohio. I think that maybe I have to find this place, especially since I live on the lake here. I think that it would be great, especially if I can find a 2 seater. Take Ling with me(yes, like that would happen)


Let me know where.

Hey OTR Mark, i can't remember where in Ohio buckey Powered Parachutes are but her is alink to another place that sells them. Yup, they have a two seater. http://www.ppcruiser.com/

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You too Don? I spent some time last night looking at sites and equipment.


Saw mostly just the wings, one company out of Germany.. I think was running about $3'300.00 Sky walker. And thereis a place in Red Bank NJ that sells equipment as well. Not to far away from where we will end up.


Either the wing or wing and motor looks like fun, geeez now what to do?? hehe


I think that the sailplane in the end would work better as seems it would be easier to do photography from it and some video as well. And as they are two seaters, once I got my cert I could take Bea up as well.


But the idea of being right out there in the air with just that wing, hmmmm


Mark and Bea


here is a link to the magazine.... http://www.paraglidermagazine.com/


I didn't book mark the othe pages..

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My best friend from college is a pilot with American --- flies MD 80's


Doesn't much go for the "fear" aspect of flying --- has so many hours at this point that it might be hard to count them all...


Before getting on with American, he had some real fearful times with a regional air line on the east coast --- pushed him hard to perform regardless of weather ---


But even a couple of times with American, circumstances outside of his control --- one was a wind shear at take off --- maxed out both engines to beat back the down thrust --

--- but after -- red lining the engines, didn't want to go back into the weather cell he had just pulled out of ------


----- and flew 60 plus miles to make an unscheduled landing --- Man, the passengers were pissed ~!! But they didn't know what they had just be through ---- I would fly with that guy anywhere...

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Hey Don, try a 350 pound quicksilver in a 25 knot wind. It's a full three axis aicraft-Remember, the fun is in the fear.


LMark, for photagraphy look into the powered parachutes. Very smooth and fly at only 26mph--AND they don't need wind.



That is tempting and I'll bet that sense of being right in the air is something also.<_<


I don't know for sure how long it will take to get the glider pilot cert but know it will take more study and air time than that. The powered parachutes sound easier and that no wind, gives you more chance to be in the air as well.


I'll wait and see.. maybe do both.


Hey Kim I was just chatting with my buddy from college. He got his private pilots cert while we were in college. He hasn't been up in the last 2 years.. but than again , got married bought a new house and had a baby so plenty busy. He's looking for someone to split rentals but I'd like to someday maybe go for that.. right now the sail plane is my big thing..:blink:


Hey!! they don't need gas, are lighter and of course alot less noisey! hehehe


Mark and Bea


hey guys!! where's the pics??? don't tell me you don't have any? heck I want video!!

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ahhhh now I see.. hehe


Ok the powered parachutes are different from the powered paragliders, which are different from the paragliders.. phew!


SO I was looking at the Blue Herons.. they look pretty good.. now this is coming from someone who knows nothing about it...



But I have plenty of time to learn... Bea liked the idea of the two seats but too nosie..?.. Oh that was becasue you were behind the motor in the video.. when it was coming in for landing and in fron tof in not so bad...


yeah ok that sounds reasonable... hehe


Wow!! We were thinging of how cool it would be to be flying around in VT or NH during the fall and than there is PA and down to the Delaware water gap.. geez nice..


So can you fly out of any field with permission?


Mark and Bea

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Hey LMark, if you get serious about one let me know. My brother and I used to have a small hobby business that sold them. I may be able to find you a good used one--likely only a one seater though. We got out just as the two seaters come into vogue. We used to teach people to fly in less than an hour---then their first flight was a solo. I still have some old videos of it all.


The older chute design was a pain. My brother and I tested chutes for a company in Seattle and developed the short line chute they use now. To take off and climb just give it throttle. Push the left peddle to turn left and the right peddle to turn right. Ascend--more power--descend-less power. There is NO stall speed. They always go 26mph. With a standard 5 gallon tank you can only fly around 1 1/2 hours. So the range is limited. You can get a bigger tank etc. As for the noise-my ultralite is the same so I have helmets with headphones and a two way talk system. It drowns out the noise and you can talk back and forth.


The PPC's are great for photography because you can lock the throttle and steer with your feet. No hands flying. The center stick you see on the picture is only for ground steering--not for flight control.


Vermont would be a cool place to fly. I like to fly low and chase deer. They don't need much runway to take off but with a slow climb rate you don't want a tall building 500 feet in front of you.


You need no license to fly the single seat version. Their is a certification for the two seater. My ultralite is a two seater so technically it is an airplane and I am supposed to have a license--but I can't pass the FAA physical--we have our own runway but I fly to airports around and never had a problem. Landed it at the local golf course once. they loved it.


Anyway, be careful who you buy from--I know one guy that used to be in Washington State that ripped of several folks then he started another business in FL. then moved again.



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Push the left peddle to turn left and the right peddle to turn right. Ascend--more power--descend-less power. There is NO stall speed. ..


The PPC's are great for photography because you can lock the throttle and steer with your feet. No hands flying.  The center stick you see on the picture is only for ground steering--not for flight control.


Ok.. left is this side right is that side.. got that, but i tend to lean to the left is this ok? :o and i ceratinly wouldn't be caught dead on the right. hmmm


They do seem very easy, I did see some short videos of take off and landing, which from that and some reading looked like it would be easy to understand.


I didn't know that about the stick as I did think it was for steering. We will definetly keep your offer in mind, but the two seater seemed of interest to Bea. Of course we will have to see how things settle in, work, living and the baby etc.


We were speaking last night, of how easy it would be to just hitch it up on a weekend and be in alot of places in a short time. On the other hand with the cert for sail planes we can get day memberships at different places as well.


The hands free flying is great and being low as well could make for some great shots. Not sure if you could leave control of a sail plane for a long time and also the tint on the canopy.


Lot of open fileds in VT just the power lines to worry about and getting back to where you started. There is alot of forest up that way and you might get caught short :(


I am pretty sure we will be doing something come next summer. this is for sure.:o


Mark and Bea

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