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A Lesson In Government Logic

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I am sitting here, having just gotten off the phone with USCIS on two of the three applications for Jingwen, laughing at the logic that was just imparted to me by a very nice lady. Jingwen had filed for Advance Parole with the Atlanta District and had also filed for AOS and EAD with Atlanta. All three receipts notices show an MSC number.


Ok, now pay attention. I call to get status updates on the AP and AOS and gave the lady the MSC numbers. She took the AP number first and gave me a processing date of 4/23/04. But, I said I filed with Atlanta, and Atlanta shows a processing date of 7/15/04. She said that Atlanta has sent applications to NBC to help with the workload and that the MSC number was proof that the application went there. Fine, I said, but Atlanta is showing a processing date of 7/15/04. You are going to tell me that Atlanta needed help so it sent the application to NBC which is taking longer than Atlanta? Yes she said. :blink: And, you're going to tell me that Atlanta is still processing APs and is processing APs faster than NBC? Yes. :blink: Why did Atlanta send AP applications to NBC if it is still processing them and is processing them faster? Don't know. :blink:


Ok, so now I fully understand about AP. If you have an MSC number, Atlanta got rid of your application and sent it to NBC so NBC can process it slower than Atlanta which has decided to keep some of the applications so that it can process them faster than the older ones it kicked to NBC. Makes perfect sense to me. :blink:


Now, on to the AOS. Madam, the I-485 receipt has an MSC number too. So, I guess, like AP, it was kicked to NBC as well. No, just because it has an MSC number doesn't necessarily mean that NBC is processing the application. :blink: But, you just said that an MSC number means that NBC is processing the application. Well, yes, but the processing time link on the website doesn't show any processing times for I-485's, so that means that Atlanta is handling the processing.


Ok, so now I fully understand about AOS. If you have an MSC number, Atlanta has not gotten rid of your application to allow NBC to help alleviate the 2 1/2 year backlog of I-485s in Atlanta. Rather, Atlanta has decided to keep these applications despite the fact that an MSC number was assigned. Instead, Atlanta sends NBC the AP applications that Atlanta currently processes faster than NBC. :blink:


Any questions?


I have one: Who's on first?

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Ok, I think I can, I think i can -I can't.


First name, last name Vs surname, given name.


Visa Surname first, given name last. AOS -last name firs,t first name last. But wait--Today we went for Biometrics BS. Man said "No can do"I said why?? He said Ling Fang is not Fang ling . I said Fang, Ling is Fang ling. (comma indicates surname). He said that if the last name is first then it is not a surname unless the first name is last without comma. Uh,OK. Then I handed him my daughters Visa and asked what her first name is. Visa says Wang, Fang (the Fang is not the same as the Fang in Fang ling) He said her first name is Fang. I said yes, her given name is Fang but her first name is Wang. He said no, in China the given name is the last name and so the first name that is given to be the last name of a given person--given of course they use no alias. At the end of the appointment we decided to change Wang Fang's name to Wang Wang--no more confusion.


By the way, this type of Gov. logic is why I am almost 5 months into waiting for an SSN number for my wife and therefore VA insurance. Of course The VA says contact the SSA who says It is the INS's SOP and to to call them, The INS stated they A are the BCIS and it is Dos and not BCIS that caused the VA to need an SSN from SSA --and all is of course BS.


What's on second?

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Ok, I think I can, I think i can -I can't.


First name, last name  Vs surname,  given name.


Visa Surname first, given name last. AOS -last name firs,t first name last. But wait--Today we went for Biometrics BS. Man said "No can do"I said why?? He said Ling Fang is not Fang ling . I said Fang, Ling is Fang ling. (comma indicates surname). He said that if the last name is first then it is not a surname unless the first name is last without comma.  Uh,OK.  Then I handed him my daughters Visa and asked what her first name is. Visa says Wang, Fang (the Fang is not the same as the Fang in Fang ling) He said her first name is Fang. I said yes, her given name is Fang but her first name is Wang. He said no, in China the given name is the last name and so the first name that is given to be the last name of a given person--given of course they use no alias.  At the end of the appointment we decided to change Wang Fang's name to Wang Wang--no more confusion.


By the way, this type of Gov. logic is why I am almost 5 months into waiting for an SSN number for my wife and therefore VA insurance. Of course The VA says contact the SSA who says It is the INS's SOP and to to call them, The INS stated they A are the BCIS and it is Dos and not BCIS that caused the VA to need an SSN from SSA --and all is of course BS.


What's on second?

I'm sorry, Trigg. I'm laughing so hard over what has to be one of the most frustrating aspects of living in America - dealing with the federal government - not at the problem but at your post.


I dunno. :lol:

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The pitiful thing about it is that it is all true and gets much more complex than that. I wrote Bart Gordon, US rep. From TN and explained it all in depth. He called me personally because his staff was so confused. I tried to explain the problem with getting a simple SSN for my wife so we can get VA insurance. After talking about the K1 getting a SSN via I-94 but the application was lost but the VA needs a SSN issued by the SSA for an ID but the SSN said "We don't know where it is but it isn't lost " and the VA didn't care and the INS said they need an EAD for the SSN because after being lost the I-94 has reached the 76th day and is expired now but CHAMP insurance said the BCIS needs to call the SSA about the SSN. The BCIS local Memphis office deferred the SSA issue to the Chicago BCIS who Deferred to the BCIS in New Orleans who said that Fang Ling is not Ling Fang because the first name isn't the given name, so the last name is the first name and the US rep said that the SSA dropped the ball and the SSA said that the VA did because the SSN was to be used as an ID. The SSN said that the BCIS needs an EAD on a form I-765 so we can get my wife's SSN from the SSA to get the VA to authorize CHAMP insurance for the spouse of a DAV.


I know it all sound like fiction, but this is actually what my time has been spent dealing with for almost 5 months. While the entire alphabet of Gov. bureaucracies try to sort it out, my wife and stepdaughter are without insurance but I guess that is SOP with the GOV so I'm SOL. GGRRRRRRRRRR MFers

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"We don't know where it is but it isn't lost "


Ok, if YOU don't know where it is than it IS lost. Typical political double talk. That irritates me just to read it (can't read the rest). :D :D


If someone told me that I would be so frustrated.


Your over 21, your not female. Does that mean your not male?

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ok thanks for adding to my brain cell loss. Now will Bart Gordon be of any help?

He said he would try just as soon as he gets out of the funny farm. Actually he has been working on my case fro 6 weeks with no result except that they found the missing SSN application at the BCIS in New Orleans but the BCIS needs the SSN to fax them a copy of the GA45 because of the name thing etc....... Just more BS. By the time my wife and stepdaughter get their SSN so we can get insurance, they will both be retired, collecting Social security and on Medicare

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The pitiful thing about it is that it is all true and gets much more complex than that. I wrote Bart Gordon, US rep. From TN and explained it all in depth. He called me personally because his staff was so confused. I tried to explain the problem with getting a simple SSN for my wife so we can get VA insurance. After talking about the K1 getting a SSN via I-94 but the application was lost but the VA needs a SSN issued by the SSA for  an ID but the SSN said  "We don't know where it is but it isn't lost " and the VA didn't care and the INS said they need an EAD for the SSN  because after being lost the I-94 has reached the 76th day and is expired now but CHAMP insurance said the BCIS needs to call the SSA about the SSN. The BCIS local Memphis office deferred the SSA issue to the Chicago BCIS who Deferred to the BCIS in New Orleans who said that Fang Ling is not Ling Fang because the first name isn't the given name, so the last name is the first name and the US rep said that the SSA dropped the ball and the SSA said that the VA did because the SSN was to be used as an ID. The SSN said that the BCIS needs an EAD on a form I-765 so we can  get my wife's SSN from the SSA to get the VA to authorize CHAMP insurance for the spouse of a DAV.


I know it all sound like fiction, but this is actually what my time has been spent dealing with for almost 5 months. While the entire alphabet of Gov. bureaucracies try to sort it out, my wife and stepdaughter are without insurance but I guess that is SOP with the GOV so I'm SOL. GGRRRRRRRRRR MFers


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