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Is it expensive to live in the U.S.?

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Well, GEEEZZ Trigg,


Since you will be relatively rich.... What about the guest houses ~?!?! 


Hell, I'll buy dinner ~!  :blink:

Ya know, we had a feeling we would have lots of company--friends family etc.... We have talked about it and at the cheap prices for housing we will get a place with a few extra rooms. Hmmm , you buy dinner--I gotta find a real expensive place then. Of course CFL folk will be welcome--well most of ' em anyway.

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Ok, you book the best restaurant in town ---


( Fei and I happen to like high-end sea food..)


--- tell them we need a private room, if you want ....


and don't forget the beer .... and whatever others want --- (still don't recommend Chinese wine...)


--- be happy to pick up the tab ~!

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Well, GEEEZZ Trigg,


Since you will be relatively rich.... What about the guest houses ~?!?!  


Hell, I'll buy dinner ~!  :lol:

Ya know, we had a feeling we would have lots of company--friends family etc.... We have talked about it and at the cheap prices for housing we will get a place with a few extra rooms. Hmmm , you buy dinner--I gotta find a real expensive place then. Of course CFL folk will be welcome--well most of ' em anyway.

Going out on a limb and assuming I'm in the "most of em"... I hope :P


Can Jun and I come? huh? huh? can we? can we? :lol: :lol:


I'll buy the booze!! :P

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Well, Ya know, we had a feeling we would have lots of company--friends family etc.... We have talked about it and at the cheap prices for housing we will get a place with a few extra rooms.  Hmmm , you buy dinner--I gotta find a real expensive place then.  Of course CFL folk will be welcome--well most of ' em anyway.

Hi Triqq, I never visited Zhanjing, from what I heard from my classmates that it is a nice small city. I think if you two could think about moving whole family to other city like KunMing, they call it spring city or flower city, they had once international show there, very famous, I heard that KunMing city is always in spring time, all the season are warm, not hot and not cold, very nice weather, thats what I heard. you don't have to buy cheap house, I think you can afford monthly loan to get a real nice big house, (In Beijing for 1,500,000 RMB house by loan, you pay about 6500 RMB a month, depends on contract) that will be so happy living with whole family together :)

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Well, GEEEZZ Trigg,


Since you will be relatively rich.... What about the guest houses ~?!?!  


Hell, I'll buy dinner ~!  :)

Talk about the rich, not relatively, I think Bill Gates is rich, Donald Trunp is rich, he has gold-plated bathtub, personal huge jet 727, many cool body guards.....( I just wish they could help the poor animals so that some of places don't have to kill the poor animals, I wish they could help the poor bone-left hungry babies in the world.) do I want the same, yes of course, but that's just something that is hard to come true, there is no sense to compare with, we have roof over the heads, we have a car to drive, we have every good supper, we have a nice family here, Im happy about what I have, I thank God about what he give, it is already much more than some. :lol:

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Well, GEEEZZ Trigg,


Since you will be relatively rich.... What about the guest houses ~?!?!  


Hell, I'll buy dinner ~!  :blink:

Talk about the rich, not relatively, I think Bill Gates is rich, Donald Trunp is rich, he has gold-plated bathtub, personal huge jet 727, many cool body guards.....( I just wish they could help the poor animals so that some of places don't have to kill the poor animals, I wish they could help the poor bone-left hungry babies in the world.) do I want the same, yes of course, but that's just something that is hard to come true, there is no sense to compare with, we have roof over the heads, we have a car to drive, we have every good supper, we have a nice family here, Im happy about what I have, I thank God about what he give, it is already much more than some. :blink:

:blink: Being rich is not about how much you have aquired, it is about being content with what you alreadt have, its about gratitude! :blink: There are many ways that people can be rich its not those material things becouse when you think about it the best things in life are free :blink:


at least thats what they tell us poor folks :blink:

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Being rich is not about how much you have aquired, it is about being content with what you alreadt have, its about gratitude! :rolleyes:  There are many ways that people can be rich its not those material things becouse when you think about it the best things in life are free :rolleyes:


at least thats what they tell us poor folks :lol:

Deeper and excellent :D sometimes and for most of people you need material things (at least basic) to fill the content :D but there always have exceptions, rich in mind and happy in heart.

By the way I like that " poor folks" , cool dude B) :lol:

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By the way I like that " poor folks" , cool dude :lol:  :rolleyes:

Guess you will like me a lot :rolleyes:


I do agree 100% material possessions do not make for a happier life, and chasing after them can leave one feeling a little empty.


Love is so much more important than material stuffs, my lp feels the same way.

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My only point here before the whole thing "morphed" Is that Trigg could very likely live a comfortable life given the difference of value -- rmb to US dollar --- (based on today's exchange --- now that I think about it --- if you are going to do the realestate thing in China with US dollars ... NOW IS THE TIME~!) no doubt, China will be facing increasing, and probably --- successful pressure by the WTO to float the rmb against the dollar... So the dollars will be worth much less in China...


... but back to the morphed topic; saw a bumper sticker that I liked: "The Best Things In Life Arn't Things....."

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I think the city Trigg is referring to would be very cheap. Though it is very high to live in Shanghai  We paid $250 a month for a pretty good apartment in Shenzhen- and $600 in Shanghai.

Here in Shanghai we are paying 1,800 RMB a month rent for a 2 bedroom apartment. (Intially had a 20% commission of 1 months rent). A/C both bedrooms, American toilet and tub, wood floors both bedrooms, porcelian tile otherwise. A half mile from Hongkou football stadium. It ain't the Carlton Ritz but very livable. Lp states our total rent/daily life costs are right over 2,000 RMB a month. Like Trigg I retired early (I was 44.9 years of age) when the US Gov. shut down the Shipyard. Richard

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Guest blsqueaky

Also here Ling and I are talking about buying a 3 bedroom place that we have been looking at in China, outside of GZ on a nice lake. Price $50K US, but this includes all utilities, maintenance costs, even the green fess for the gold course, plus security, and fully firnished. We are hoping to purchase this within the next 3-5 years, if there are any left, but even if not, we have decided that we will reture there. The plan also consists of her sister and her husband to live there when we are not visiting. They have said that they will look after the house, and even help with the mortgage. I think that with what I have ssaved, my SSN(if still receive it in 10 years), can live very comfortable.

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