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Why a Chinese woman?

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My wife has asked me this question and perfect strangers have looked at me wierd and said things like "mail order bride" when they find out I married a Chinese woman I met on the internet. I fell in love with Bing for many reasons probably none of which have anything to do with other people's preconcieved notions.


I have always been attracted to asian women just like some people prefer blondes, brunettes, redheads, tall, short or what ever type attracts them.


I met my first wife in college. She is Japanese and I found the cultural exchange facinating. After we divorced I dated a few American women and although they were nice they just didn't interest me that much. I found I missed that intercultural exchange.


I dont necessarily think American women are bad or inferior to Chinese women but I do find that there are differences that make me prefer a Chinese wife.


What do you guys think?

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Well Carl,


Some of the sweetest times of my early 20's were spent with a Japanese/American woman..... and just stunning!!! Model good looks and personallity (and drug problem) (and high maintenance problem) --- all built to suit! Still, I could handle it and was very happy ---at the time.... But as must be obvious ----- the happiness wore off.... and she seemed more like a nut, and a pain in the ass to boot...


End attraction to Asian women...


Then, a quarter of a century later ... here comes daughter #1 and our meeting in Nanjing .... my interest in China spikes with her arrival... and it has never wained....

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I will get on the bus with you on that one Carl

Hey Folks,

I'm getting my seat on this bus before it gets filled up.

Always attracted to Asians. Married to a 1/2 Thai, 1/2 Chinese woman for thirty years. One very brief marriage (disaster, perhaps) with an American. I was looking on AFF for another Thai woman (that did not gamble) ignoring contact with the Chinese women for a long time- the rest is already history. All 3 of kids my are married to Asians (other than Thai), Likewise two of my sisters are married to a U.S. born Chinese and a Half Japanese person. Holidays are like an League of Asian Nations meeting. Richard

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I remember the first time that I ever knew an Asian girl. We were stationed in Texas at Randolph AFB and I was going to the High School there. I think it was my first year in that school and I was in my Physical Science class. There was a, if I can remember right, a Chinese or Japanese in my class that needed to borrow a pencil, her name was Ocha (I know I didnt spell that right) I gave her mine and let her use it, really never thought much of it. I then found out that she lived very close to where we used to live. She started showing up at our house and we would set in the swing outside and talk and talk for hours, never in my whole life did I know that those days would change my whole life. Asian girls are the most beautiful in the world, I have yet to see an American girl that could come close to being as beautiful as my Jennifer is. I love her so much! ;)

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Good topic Carl.


I wasn't looking for a wife when I met ShuPing, I was just looking for cultural exchange. I was chatting with a girl from Greece, one from Iran and one from Thailand when this little Chinese gal caught my attention.


My 1st wife was from Georgia, a real southern peach that turned out to be real trailer trash, my 2nd wife was from Brooklyn (or was it Bronx?), my 3rd wife was from Mexico and the most insecure and demanding person I've ever been around.


Hell, I'm just working my way around the globe. :lol:


Honestly, I fell in love with ShuPing, but I never meant to. When I considered marriage with her, I began to compare my impression of Chinese women and American women. I thought Chinese women would believe in family and committment more than American women, that she wouldn't be as materialistic and would be more emotionally stable. All of these were generalizations, but this and my feelings for her was enough for me to make the committment.


I can be attracted to any type of woman, I've gone through phases, hair, body type, race and nationality. I found a woman, in ShuPing, that is beautiful, dedicated, honorable, intelligent, family-minded, ambitious, brave, strong, yet vulnerable, imperfect, and stable (just to name a few). I would've fallen for her if she'd been from Pluto.


Either way, I've never been so sure of a love in my life. She is all that I've ever wanted in a woman, she just happens to be from China.

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i was married to a korean woman for 20 years. still very sorry we couldn't keep it going. anyway, after the divorce i went on match.com and stuff like that, and it just seems like the american women, asians included, all had laundry lists of what i was supposed to be. reading chinese ladies' personals was quite different. the requirements were more like, "please love me and our family. be financially secure. don't be an alcoholic." so i just got a different sense of what was valued.


i could not agree more that asian women are the most beautiful on earth, and where better to find an asian woman than china?

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Save me a seat on the bus!


I was never really attracted to Asian women. The ones I had met either fit the "submissive" stereotype (at least publicly) or seemed really bossy and domineering.


I am, however, very attracted to women of small, athletic build (my cy to a "T" :lol:). I was really wary when I first started talking with my wife and took things as slow as possible. I certainly wasn't ready to get married, and, in the beginning, neither was she. She was the first one to get the marriage bug, then I got infected with it later.


Now we're having a great time. I love my new Chinese family and the cultural exchange is amazing. I'm hoping someday down the line we can both move to Asia for a few years so we can spend time near her family and experience new things.


Why didn't I fall for an American girl? I could list the superficial reasons (bossy, high maintenance, general pain in the asre), but that's not it. I just hadn't met anyone that I was interested in spending my life with.

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I have looked at this subject for a little time, I had an american wife , redneck florida born , and I was happy to go out with some dingbats both american and Canadian, Canada women could drink most american men under the table, and also asked others out that couldn't figure out what they wanted in life, waste of time, more dingbats :D I wanted a real person in life , not a blanking dingbat, never wanted a dingbat, first wife is one, so much for that, I was happy to find a wonderful wife that does not look at what you own or anything else like most american women, only to have true values of life, like it is supposed to be. Chinese women are brought up with old time family values, same as most of us are, not the new so called values.

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Well, I won't lie, I've always been attracted to Asian women, but I've been attracted to most other kinds of women too :lol: I mentioned in earlier posts how I feel about the negative stereotypes some of us have shown twoards American women here. I don't really buy into them.


However... out of any of the women I've dated, Jun seems the most "perfect fit" with me. I'm still sometimes completely shocked that she's my fiance. When I first wrote to her, it was with the attitude of "Wow, this girl seems like just the kind of person I would like to be with AND she's gorgeous... so naturally she'll never write me back. But what the heck?" I was amazed at how quickly that turned into 6 hour + conversations. I really can't imagine having met anyone I feel better matched with.


So with that said... is it all just "Jun"? Or does it owe something to the fact that she's Chinese? A little of both I suppose. It doesn't matter to me so much why or how... just that she is who she is.

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