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A big week!

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On Tuesday last week she told me she had passed her college entrance English test - with a 94%! On Thur she passed the Algebra test with a 97%. Her English did not come easily. She studied about 5 hours every day.

Then, her best friend sent her a copy of her Chinese college diploma which she had lost.

Yesterday, she arranged her classes for next semester.

What is scarry is that she is already smarter than me.


Congradulations Yirong for seeing your hard work pay off.

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I have an advanced grdauate degree and my wife has no college. She is still much smarter than me..

You touched on something I've had trouble explaining to Jingwen. Like you, my formal education is extensive and like your wife, Jingwen has no college education. She keeps saying that she is dumb because she did not go to school. I keep telling her that there is a big difference between knowledge and intelligence, and just because someone did not go to school does not mean that he or she is not intelligent.


I may have the book sense, but Jingwen has the common sense. Sometimes, I wonder how I survived without her. :rolleyes:

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Yesterday she passed her English grammar test - not such a good score but made it through.

Frank, why not encourage her to go to college? Here in Co. Sweetie did not need proof of High School but just had to pass the tests I talked about.

She does have a college degree but it is no good here

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They are always smarter than we are. They have not had the privledge of our soft life. We have the book smarts, they have the common sense. My wife is still in china, but is always teaching me something. Can't wait to get her here. My learning curve will take a big jump then.

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Actually I think they are smarter than we are. I read somewhere once that although asians only make up about 5% of the population of the USA they hold about 25% of the doctorate degrees

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Actually I think they are smarter than we are.  I read somewhere once that although asians only make up about 5% of the population of the USA they hold about 25% of the doctorate degrees

Actually Carl, Asians consistantly score 7 points higher on the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Adults than do caucasions. This is the definative IQ test and is culturaly bias in favor of the dominant western culture (American white dudes). My wife would likley beat my by no more than 50 points.

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I had an argument with a friend from Nam about this. He says it is solely the will to success implanted in the kids by the parents. Education is the most important thing - not baseball or video games. I think he is right and this would also impact the IQ tests.

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I had an argument with a friend from Nam about this. He says it is solely the will to success implanted in the kids by the parents. Education is the most important thing - not  baseball or video games.  I think he is right and this would also impact the IQ tests.

Absolutley. it isn't a genetic thing it is cultural. More stimuli when they are younger and more use during the school years.

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