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5th Times a Charm!

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God, I am so proud of JM.  The sound in her voice just now on the phone was pure music to my ears.


But now, of course, comes the dreaded loss of my control when she's behind the wheel.  If you never hear from me again, you'll know why. :rolleyes:

We're proud of her to TD. Don't worry about the loss of control issue---you can't lose what ya never had.

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She got it???????????????  Really?????????


Tell her that you need to start teaching her how to drive - TODAY!!!! :lol:

Damn you, Don. I did. Today, she drove to the DDS' office. I didn't know how much like a "girly man" I can be (no offense to my liberal friends).


"Honey...you see those two white lines? Try to stay between them." :o

"JM...you see those cars driving 45 MPH? See if you can get the speed past 25."


"Sweetheart...you see that thick white line by the intersection? Thirty feet and you're right as rain." :huh:


Bless her heart, she had to negotiate three "round-abouts." Even regular drivers screw them up. JM did okay, but she tended to drift from the inside of the circle to the outside. "Dave, are they honking at me?" :lol:


In 20 minutes, we'll go pick up her son. Nice knowing ya'll............ :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Driving update:


JM has done really well. She handles the drive to Ben's school well and has even branched out to more challenging places.


Yesterday, tho, was a bit of an adventure. I've learned that the more I "teach," the more tense (and dare I say angry?) she becomes. I really try to bite my tongue and let her figure it out. When we drove out of the garage yesterday, she had a very near miss. She didn't see the car turn the corner and almost plowed into they guy. That affected her driving the rest of the trip. Hard accelerations, hard braking, and hard turns. Things were flying around the car and I finally begged her to calm down. She couldn't. With all the rough driving, I came home car sick. Car sick!!! I never get car sick! I wanted to hurl so bad but knew if I did, she'd feel awful. So, I ate dinner and went to bed, praying I wouldn't puke. I didn't, but JM knew I was sick when I went to bed at 7:30. And, she knew why. Alas, I fear she's lost confidence. We'll fix that in the AM...no problem. We'll get her back on that horse and teach her --gulp-- parallel parking. This'll be fun. :o


Driving test on the 11th....will post the results.

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At first, I thought i would be okay. But now, I am not so sure! I even sat her down and told her that i was losing my patience with it, and would she be willing to go to a Driving school? She wouldn't even consider it, She says she understands my frustration, but she wants me to be the one who teaches her. arrrrrrg!


Patrick ;)

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God, I am so proud of JM.  The sound in her voice just now on the phone was pure music to my ears.


But now, of course, comes the dreaded loss of my control when she's behind the wheel.  If you never hear from me again, you'll know why.   :lol:

:D Congrats on passing the written drivers test thats a great accomplishment!


As for teaching our wives to drive in my opinion its a really bad idea unless you have super human patience :o I found from expierience Chinese woman are the most determined species on the planet and they will not give up untill perfection is achieved this makes is dificult for us mortals :lol: Teaching your Chinese spouse to drive can cause alot of pain to you both. I found it much easier to hire a professional driving instructor for this mission :rolleyes: My wife did complain at first about the high prices for lessons and how we could save money if i taught her to drive, but now she believes that it was a better choice to take the lessons. Also men be carefull not to teach your wives bad driving behavior like getting angry at stupid people on the road. I made this mistake of yelling at drivers calling them idiots and honking the horn. now my wife has learned these bad qualities from me :blink: they catch on quickly, hahahahahha :P

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" Feel The Tension.....Man What A Ride!....... Then That Caddy Pulled Over And Let Us By.............Then All Of A Sudden She Started To Knockin............. I Looked In The Mirror A Red Light Was Blinkin...The Cops Was After My HOT....ROD.....LINCOLN" :D :o :lol:

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  • 2 months later...

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