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We have 1 problem and 1 question and a health update..mine..:rolleyes:


Went back to the hospital today and I have bronchitis, gave me some antibiotics and others and should be better in a few days.


Question: on Bea's CR-1 paperwork it says to bring 2881 RMB in cash to the interview. I thought it was only around 800 RMB and paid to a bank and the receipt brought.. Anyone with a CR-1 have experience with this?


Problem: things never get fixed and at this stage of the game I'd have to say I'm a complete A**H*** for believing they would be. "You don't learns well does you boy?"


The name on Bea's invitation / appointment letter is still Bi Nong rather than her real name of Binong. I thought this was and was told this was fixed way back at VCS. They asked for and got a birth cert notorized and I kept asking/telling them the correct name each time I called and spoke to them as well as written emails and letters to them.


So??? What do we do? My only thought at this point is to say nothing and let the process roll and if they pick her up on this I will personally speak with them and help them to see the light.


Personally I don't think either one of us could take one more... "could you please...."


Bea is fine and healthy!! phew as this is the last thing I wanted to give her right now.


Mark and Bea

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Ok Trigg and Don... thanks. Getting punch drunk over this.


yes her family name is 1 character and her first and only name is made up of 2 characters but she spells it in english as 1 word.


So for me it seems like taking Richard and splitting it into Rich Ard or Ric Hard. Doesn't make sense but than this is the govn'ment.. doesn't have to, just has to ..work? well maybe not even that.


Well now it is just the last minute things and off to the medical exam next week, than swing back just before the interview for those results.


Hey Moon Carol!!!! if I remember correctly.. one just has to ask.. "Have I spotted.... didn't say it had to be a westerner..:rolleyes: heheh now did ya... so what kind of guy is going to be mad at a 5'1 pregnant chinese woman asking such a question!!?? heheh


Good luck to you and speed with everything!


Mark and Bea

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Mark & Bea


Because you are the CR-1 you will pay the larger amount.


Believe me, it all pans out in the end. K1 and K3 pay the smaller amount initially of Y830, but remember that we get to the states and pay an additional $350 per applicant for the adjustment of status.


Confucious say: Uncle Sam make life easy. Pay now, pay later. You like wife? You must pay.


As to the 2 part name, I finally gave up as no gov doc could keep it consistent. In the end, the K3, K4 wound up with the 2 part first name and Chinese docs with the two parts made into one name. Did not seem to matter to them.



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My wifes P3 arrived with her name split into two parts. I emailed Guangzhou to please correct to avoid any problems at time of interview.


I can just see her not being allowed to enter because the name on her interview letter and passport do not match.


Hopefully, as you say, there will be no problem.


Has anyone experienced a problem because of this name splitting?

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Mark & Bea


  Because you are the CR-1 you will pay the larger amount.


  Believe me, it all pans out in the end.  K1 and K3 pay the smaller amount initially of Y830, but remember that we get to the states and pay an additional $350 per applicant for the adjustment of status.


  Confucious say:  Uncle Sam make life easy. Pay now, pay later. You like wife? You must pay.


  As to the 2 part name, I finally gave up as no gov doc could keep it consistent.  In the end, the K3, K4 wound up with the 2 part first name and Chinese docs with the two parts made into one name.  Did not seem to matter to them.





Good to hear it worked out and we are not the only ones with the two part name. Geeez!!! at least our's is consistantly wrong.. hehehe.


Ok this is what I was thinking but not sure regarding the fees. I knew K-1 and K-3 had the other paper work to file and of course with any filing I figured there would be a fee.


So now we have 3 reliable sources that say not a problem.. I'm happy with that! :) So it should be a straight forward process from here...


My god!! it almost doesn't seem real after all this time.. wow 11 days and counting.


Mark and Bea

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I, for one, will be very happy to hear you have the visa Mark. I have read all your posts, and enjoyed them all. You sense of humor is wonderful.

Keep it coming 'till the finale.

:lol: awww thanks Martytb.


There have been some black days as well that I've vented and CFL has been so great in accepting this as well. What a place and group of people, there truely isn't anything like it. :)


Bea had her photos taken the other day and will pick them up today. This weekend we wil go over paper work for her medical this wed and other papers for interview.


So she can speak english very well, we have a relationship (Pregnant) or at least have slept together once.. heheeh oh no!!! what... you want DNA tests results?? and we have shared the same address for the last year and 7 months. Lets see GZ wiggle out of this one!!


Mark and Bea and Company.(baby)

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