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Oregon Congressional Delegation

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The incident that Michael refers too was a horrible  example of abuse of a young Russian bride, (and murder) that actually resulted in legislation in Washington state requiring Foreign brides to be pre-warned of any domestic abuse records of the US citizen... if I recall --- is that correct Michael?  and it got a lot of negative press in the process..

Kudos.. Kim You are quite right!!!


The really funny thing about the whole issue is like all politicians, Washington's reaction was simply a knee jerk reaction. They started levying for all these FBI screenings for men just to write to women. They ended up settling for warning ladies if it did come up in the visa phase. Look at the case and all the things they wanted to put in place would have made absolutely no difference in the outcome. He had no priors, no criminal or domestic history at all. This was an unusal case that got a lot of negative publicity.


I'm Really encouraged here!

Actually, what I am thinking about is not so much of a "bitch session" before legislators, which we all know they really don't want to hear, but instead, something that the Oregon senators Wyden and Smith might find useful in current legislation... the Foreign Guest Worker legislation...


Tell me more. Like I said, the best way to approach this is by finding a positive approach to the issue. I am all ears and willing to help.


Keep me posted,


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Here was my thinking on this subject:


A couple of years ago, Oregon Senator Gordon Smith was a major legislative advocate for the the guest worker visas, and having a seat (then) on the Judiciary Committee with oversight over Immigration and Naturalization, was in a position of great influence over Visa law and administration. My feeling was this: One of the natural tripping points in any guest worker visa program would certainy be a backlog of American citizens trying to get spousal visas the old fashioned way (ie. Legal)..


At the same time, Oregon Senator Wyden has been rather active in pushing Pacific Rim trade, so I thought there could be some very positive publicity if Smith and Wyden were to advocate together for a greatly accelerated visa programs (including those for Chinese business interests) in the GZ Consulate (fund additional positions to expedite the process) It seemed like there was an opportunity there.


Today I had a long phone conversation with Martin Doern in Smith's office.. He is a legislative aid that worked with Smith on the Guest Worker Visa program, several years ago, and he was quite candid about the whole process, and where it is now (DOA)... the proposal that the Bush admn. submitted received a huge amount of negative press, and the Far Right radio talkers, among others, did a good job of trashing it, as apparently did several Hispanic groups on the far left, who traditionally, apparently are holding out for amnesty, and basically citizenship for all.. But Martin admitted that even when Sen. Smith was pushing the issue, there were always bomb throwers at both extremes, and he stated what I think we all know: there is a huge segment of the population that doesn't want ANY immigration, which can be easily influenced by the message of these pressure groups... Martin, also stated, that he felt the whole issue was one of the most difficult that Sen. Smith has undertaken as a senator, although he felt that the Senator would certainly still advocate such a program if it were to become politically possible... Martin also pointed out, that because this an election year, and a particularly bitter one, no one should expect any new legislative measures, except for the most basic and bi-partican before the election ---that essentially, expect nothing of much substance (or controversial) from Congress until next year.


Martin was very receptive to our problems, and I felt wanted to genuinely be as honest and certainly unguarded for a person in his position, in stating the political reality..


He gave me a lot of his time (we talked for about 45 minutes).... He wanted me to pass along that Chris Maier in Senator Smith's office is (in his opinion) very good at resolving immigration issues on an individual basis, and encouraged all of our members in Oregon to contact her directly if they have a specific problem... While he didn't state as much, I did get the feeling that he might met with her to share our conversation..


One other thing that I did find out from Martin is this: Naturally, all matters of the State Department are overseen by the Foreign Relations Committee----- And subcommittees are formed around regions: the Sub Committee for East Asian & Pacific Affairs is chaired by Sen. Brownback R Kans. While the ranking Democrat is none other than the Senator from MA ---JOHN KERRY!!


So, fellow Candle members, where do we go from here?



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Wow, Kim,


That is a lot of footwork that you have done.


As far as immigration issues.... They are still being discussed with the new Kennedy Proposal (see note in the RR), so they will remain in the spotlight through the end of this year, at least. If we can push it infront of those in Congress, perhaps an Election year is not bad.


As far as where to go.


Perhaps we should come up with a list of reccomendations that could be presented to the Oregon and Kansas Senators. Ummm, didn't we have a couple of members from Overland Park?


----- Clifford ------

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Great Info Kim


You really are building a list of key players which is good.


I still think my plan is workable from a publicity stand point and would be more to generate visibility for us. The mechanics of change are best left to the politicians who are best at it and will come on board. But as you have noted, it is a touchy issue in this election year.


What I am suggesting is the over all letter to every senator and congressman in the country by each person. Same letter just a different name in the subject line along with the common subject line.


yes I understand they are not from you home state etc.. The point is to create volume which means weight. This is similar to the form letter by the immigration lawyers Resp posted.


Than follow this up with the groups across the country delivering the same letter to their offices. This way if one state has say 3 people there 1 or 2 go in and deliver it....Than! and only than do you call the media.


Now it may seem small and pathetic but.... if these people also mention that they (reporters) should watch the AP wire... well.... when small and large numbers of people start showing up at senator and congressmen's offices that day across the nation. Than you don't have to worry about how small the turn out is in each state.


As for this being difficult, not really, just pick a date and people from each area can work out where to meet etc. We will all have the same form letter to present ands I'm sure we can think of a number of different signs and slogans to write. Roll it across the country with the time zones and it is done.


Yes a targeted meeting and letter writing campaign to the correct senators will most likely have the most effect, but it will be done in the shadows and out of the public eye. Adding this too it brings it out for good or bad and may help to keep it alive as an issue.


People are against immigration you say... sure but some are for it and you will never find your supporters if you stay quiet, or work this in the back halls of congress. I read that as a political group and as far as lobbying goes the most powerful is the AARP. Plenty of money, years of experince with the world and time to be active.


We don't have this and lets face it what ever happens is not going to have any real effect on us personally. It will just be a personal satisfaction and a movement toward being in control again, rather than just reacting to the whims of government and life.


Mark and Bea

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Hummmm.... maybe, but it needs, I think, it would need to deliver the same message but in a personal way --- constituents delivering to their own Sen/Cong starting with their own personal account -- and then the policy message --- I know for a fact that most form letters are essentially just dumped by the offices of most pols --- never makes it out of the mail room, or inbox... And the best a form letter can do is force a pol to take a tally (number coming in)


As to content, I think Clifford is working up some very good guidlines regarding what is fair and reasonable to expect from the visa process...


One of the points that Martin Doern (Sen Smith's office) made to me very strongly was that lobbying efforts now to the election are probaby going to get lost in the background noise of the campain...

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Yes kim you are most likely right.


I will go just one more time around the barn on this one




and media manipulation. That is all my message is , content, not my problem. A resolution.. I don't care!!! My problem will be solved just by the passage of time, rather than anything that comes of this.


All I am saying and have been saying is you need to get media attention. By sending out emails to every senater and conmgressman etc you can than say...


A GRASS ROOTS ground swell of support has sent X numbers of letters to all of them. This is part of your statement that will be made by the people who have gone into the office and hand delivered to a live person when they exit........ only when they see the media out side. (Hang out in the men's if you have to until they get there)


Than you get your other people out side who called them to mill about and wave signs.. This is a production.. kind of like an out of town broadway opening..:blink: The others make their entrance.. say their speel and you all go home or out to lunch... work done.


The media has some video footage and some sound bites and you all have had an enjoyable day.


You do this at 20 or so different offices around the country and each places says in their speel.. watch the AP news wire and this is the hook the media runs with..

"Nation wide Mass demonstrations." blah blah blah..


My feeling is... if you can't get that than yes it is wasted effort. There will be little if anything to compell any government officeal to take a stand on the issue, nor will there be any time or effort on their part regarding this as you are almost a nobody... unless you give me money.. than at least a form letter thank you.


If it hits the press even for just a day or too... and across the nation you just might have a chance of some reporter following up on this. If there is real interest these same reporters will focus right in on the politicals who are most powerful and concerned with this issue as they would be the spokesmen for it.


They will have the needed info at thier finger tips and THAN what ever we wrote might come into play. We are not bill writers, ad men, copy writers, policy experts, etc. we are just people with first hand experience with this process. So perhaps along with the form letter being delivered there should be the personal stories also as Cliff mentioned.


Now if you come out of the building and have a huge ream of papers and as he said read a few lines from some letters along with the form letter you have become a source for a possible article.. the human interest side of the story.


Again.... my feeling is and people you have spoken with seem to say this as well.... if you just go direct without PUBLICITY forget it it will just die from lack of attention.


Mark and Bea

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Well, LMark,


If we could pull it off --- even in one "Big Media" city, it might work... I just don't see the energy level, and if its half-ass, then you're dead in the water ...


I will say this ---- for all of you who suggested that you would personally come and meet Sen. Smith's legislative aid:


THAT is what I lead with in my conversation with him ----


---and I think it is the only reason that I got the straight answers that I did --- and 45 minutes of his time on the phone.


So its not quite as hopeless as Don portrays, I think... There is political strength in numbers..


... but I do believe, that Martin Doern was giving good, sincere advice when he painted this picture: Hold off until after the election -- your message will be lost in the frey at this time..

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well Kim this is a place to start..


who and in what state wants to join this? there you go.


And for what Don says, seems you have to watch out for the spin or slant that the media puts on things. and in the end it will make no difference or just help to pass the time.


As for me I am pretty much close to the ... screw you I got mine!.. coz in a couple of months and the weather is fine and sunny here in SZ, we should have our visa. point is moot.


THE POINT! is to speak up, f the media and their spin, f the politicals and their diregard and f everyone else. You can in the end say.... I spoke up and in the end if just to your family and no one else ... that is enough.


Mark and Bea

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My facts may be a little skewed - he may have married her; she may have already had her interview and was just hung waiting for the clearance before her visa could be issued. I kind of remember her being killed and one of the kids, too, but not very sure about it anymore. It's on the web somewhere if anyone want to ferret it out.



The attack was in October 2002 (just about the beginning of the Candle.


Apparently Sandy Booker (I think) had gone to Russia to be with his fiancee. According to the CNN story, the visa had actually finally cleared and they went to the Russian Theater to celebrate when it was attacked.


I am working on uploading the CNN story somewhere now.


----- Clifford ------

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Hey Clifford,


On a different subject...


I Like what you are doing, and view it as a potential framework for what the Candle stands for ....


That if nothing else comes of it ----- and I hope that good things do --- We can all work together around your piece and say:




I also like aspects of the "Kennedy" proposal, and think there may be merit in trying to find common ground...



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Perhaps no one on the Candle is more sympathetic with your's and Bea's situation.... My first adoption took nearly two years!! (it was sold to us as a 6 month process)...


That was the wait for my first child......


So I have some perspective, and to be honest, I had you and Bea in mind when I tried to approach Sen. Smith's office ( sort of thought the two of you could act as "Poster Children" for the Cause, as it were...)


But instead of BS-ing me, Smith's aid took the time to lay out the political facts as they are on the ground today..... and he did so, as one who is Clearly sympathetic to our situation, and concerned that whatever we chose to do --- that we do it in an effective way....


Which is why he strongly suggested we hold off until the election is decided.... (hopefully sooner than the last presidential election)


Warmly, Kim

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