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Oregon Congressional Delegation

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Well, if you have read the most recent post by Danny_Jade, you now know that interviews are going to be scheduled ---


------for those of you close enough to that time frame --- in OCTOBER/NOVEMBER.........



..... time is slipping backward in a hurry right now, and, I for one, believe its inexcusable...


Since we have several members here in Oregon, I would be more than willing to approach -- in the flesh --- members of our congressional delegation about this issue...


It wouldn't take many, I think --- the rule of thumb is this: one person in the congressman's offfice --- probably a nut case...


Two people: not nuts but also not worth listening too ...


Three or more: hummmm..... they might be fronting a Committee! (and they might support my re-election! $$$$$$)


Any takers?



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Protest in Salem? Sure, you can count me me in!! Seriously, I'm up for a good ol' Oregon-style protest anyday. But ... to be honest ... I don't think me and my fiance are in any position to protest just yet. We sent in our P3 one month ago, and for all we know we could (conceivably) be receiving a P4 tomorrow. So what I'm trying to say is ... for us personally ... we don't have much of a protesting leg to stand on yet because I really actually honesty feel that we have no been slighted yet. It seems as though we will have a bone of injustice to chew on in the future with the way things seem to be going the P4s now (November?!?!), uhg. But check back with me in July, then I'll be ready and willing for a march on Salem, for sure!!!

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Kim that sounds great!.:huh:

now you are painting the picture.. strength in numbers equeals political weight.


And Jim it doesn't matter what leg you stand on, you can and are the voice for those who can not be there just as we are here in China.


I rather doubt they will be collecting names etc.. it is show... all show and media redirection. news isn't news .. news is what you make news!


Mark and Bea

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Well, see Juim,


The problem as I see it from the Danny_Jade post is that even if you do get your p-4, you proably won't have an interview for SIX MORE MONTHS!


And the additional 1/2 YEAR that you would have to wait would be short compared to those of us who are much further back in the process......





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We're making progress.... I'll leave this up a few more days, we should all probably consider how to effectively address (and whom to address).


Suggest we present in two ways: Narrow --our specific problems, and the types of problems currently facing members on the Candle..


And Broader: Legislative relief for American citizens in similar situations.. might want to research that aspect a little more....



-- Kim

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I wish I could come join in but Oregon isn't in my near future (too bad, Kim owes me a beer). Asking for legislative help may benefit those that follow but won't happen soon enough to help you that are waiting. My guess is that if an actual US Senator or Rep would call and talk to any authority in GZ---you would get your visa's. The problem is all that ever gets done is a letter from a liaison---usually a form letter.

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I talked to Congressman Wu's aide a while ago. Yep, I'm in Missery, but still registered to vote in Oregon.


She seemed to be very nice.


I think someone else mentioned that they liked the idea that he was from oriental descent.


I would love to take part in your rally, but I doubt I will be in Oregon until the end of July, and I assume you would want to get started earlier.


I would, however, book a flight or do the short drive (through a half a dozen states) to Washington DC if you think we could actually get some time on the Congressional floor. :D :D :ph34r:


I don't know what would make a bigger impact, making a life-sized cardboard cutout of Irina, or actually having a very sweet woman with me in about a month and a half... that doesn't really look like a terrorist.


----- Clifford -----

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I have written Hooley, Blumenauer, Wu, Defazio, Wyden and Smith. Some of them 3 tijmes. The only response I ever got was from Holly Null at Wu's office. All she would do for me is fax my info over to Blumenaurs office since I am in his district. The fax was promply ignored. Wu is a political animal as much as any of them. Don't let the fact he was born in Taiwan fool you into thinking he may be sympathetic to your cause. In fact a few years ago there was an article in the Asian Reporter saying something to the effect that many in the local asian community that helped him get elected are disillusioned with him since he got elected. They say he pretty much turned his back on them.

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I have given this some thought and think this may be a very effective and publicity getting way to go about this.


We should develope a letter that addresses the issues in broad and specific ways. Ask that as many members here and else where sign and email it to EACH and EVERY senator and congressman on a day to be decided.3 to 400 emails with different signatures says something.


Also on that day throught out the country a party of people should visit their senator or congressman's office. 3 to 4 people should be chosen to present this letter to them while the others wait out side. Once these people have entered the building the others get on their cell phones and call all the local news media as well as the national news media, than bring out their signs and mill about.


By the time the media arrives the others should have finished and be leaving the building just in time to make a statement. Now if this happens at a certain time across the counrty from east to west north to south AND a simalar letter is delivered by a like minded group here in China at GZ and also is covered..


well NOW I'd say you have a media event and have very politely, drawn attention to the issues and also politely held their feet to the fire.


One small group protesting might get sweeped under the carpet but a rolling, for the sake of arguement, 9am letter presentation across the nation covered by the national media should play just because of the shear logistics of it!


This is now you manipulate the media AND get your message out, you end up with national face time in the court of public opinion. Since we can not wait for an embassy invitation to the AM Cham to set our fears and wink explain the new visa processes.


So.. let me know when I should back my bags for sunny GZ..


Mark and Bea

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Count me in for anything that happens in Oregon.

I would go to any length that might help get Pingxiu here sooner.


Letters, phone calls or visits.


Just let me know when and where.


I agree with Mark. The bigger, the better, and of course organized. The only way to get the correct attention is by use of the media.


This is part of the problem we are fighting now. The media has coined the phrase "Mail Order Bride" and shown this issue in a negative light. So especially after 9-11 any congressman doesn't want to touch it for fear of not being re-elected. The recent death of a Russian Bride in Washington State has many convinced this is a method for losers. The majority looked at a few problem marriages that were sensational enough to grace the news, tabloids or Springer style shows and believe the negative side.


It is up to us to show that the majority of these marriages are positive, long term wonderful relationships. We need to start having our voice heard by all that will listen.


Just my 2 cents,



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It might work.... Although, one of the first things that every representative or senator asks is whether you are one of their constituents..... I am not sure how responsive a Vermont senator will be to my letter if they find out that I have never been to the state, and in fact, I might have difficulties differentiating between Vermont and New Hampshire :P


For example, take mine and Carl's experience with Congressman Wu's aide, Holly Null. I am living 2000 miles away, but since I own a house in his district, she followed my case and corresponded with Moscow on my behalf.... She just pawned him off because his house happened to be on the other side of the river.


One thing I suggested a while ago was a coordinated protest at the main service centers, Vermont, Nebraska, Texas, California, Missery, and NVC-New Hampshire. Maybe even on the steps in front of Congress.


Vermont may not be a big issue now, and some of the service centers may be improving, but the 6.5 months my application spent gathering dust in Nebraska was inappropriate. The RFE for listing previous wives as N/A was inappropriate. And, the 10 months my application was stuck in Moscow waiting for an interview to be scheduled was inappropriate.


If it means driving a day to get to Lincoln Nebraska to let my voice be heard, I will head there ASAP. To be effective, we would have to have at least 10-20 individuals or couples at each "target".


----- Clifford -----

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I'm Really encouraged here!


There is a lot of energy --- which is the essential ingredent of political activism..


Clifford's idea of life sized cardboard cutouts of the ones we love sitting next to us in a Senate hearing room .... press cameras all around CRACKS ME UP --- but to me, not that far fetched --- and the kind of thing that could be VERY effective...


Mark, your idea is good, but I'm not sure we have the energy or the coordination to pull off such an ambitious plan.... And if you annouce to the press.... and it doesn't happen... dead in the water..


Both Carl and Michael (C4) are wqell versed in the local history around here.


Carl refers to the Asian Reporter a very good local weekly paper that both pulls stories about Asia off the wire service, and also covers the local Asia beat.... Wu really did take local Asian endorcements to get elected, and then pretty much turned his back on the local community.


The incident that Michael refers too was a horrible example of abuse of a young Russian bride, (and murder) that actually resulted in legislation in Washington state requiring Foreign brides to be pre-warned of any domestic abuse records of the US citizen... if I recall --- is that correct Michael? and it got a lot of negative press in the process..


Actually, what I am thinking about is not so much of a "bitch session" before legislators, which we all know they really don't want to hear, but instead, something that the Oregon senators Wyden and Smith might find useful in current legislation... the Foreign Guest Worker legislation...


Still thinking about it, and need your ideas...



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