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:D :D Thanks a lot for the warm welcome :D :D First of all, the picture is Kelly Chen...lol...lol... Like I said I am not to good with these computer things so I just put a picture of Kelly in there for now until I get the hang of this sing. thing. My wife turned me on to Kelly the first time I went to China last September, I was in love for a second time when I heard her sing. :lol:

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, we are expecting our first little boy in August B) When we got back from Chong Qing, we had an appointment at Hospital on the 13 and thats when they told us. We are trying to pick out a name now, it's a little hard for a little boy. We are trying to get a name that will go with my last name and Jennifers family, so the name would have to be something, something, something, Zhou Parks, so far the only name we have is Alan.

Well our first time going to China together was great, I will tell you and I am sure a lot of you can relate to this. Flying to China by youreself can be very lonely, especially once you leave LA X. This was my third time there, the other two times I went to Guang Zhou to see her, that is where she used to work at. Chong Qing is much better than Guang Zhou, not as many people walking on the streets, or is it just that Chong Qing is much bigger?

Jennifer really didn't have any problem getting used to the US, except the food. There really isn't a lot here that she likes, lucky for us we have an Asian Store that is about 20 minutes away from where we live, so that helps a lot.

There are so many things that have happend to me since we started the K1 Process until now that I really dont know where to begin. The only thing I can say is if you are just starting the process or in the middle of it, hang in there it will end and it will be the greatest day of youre life when you go and pick up youre wife and or Fiance from the airport. I just consider myself to be one of the luckiest guys in the world to have met her and now to be married to her.

Now I will work on the sing. part of me post :D Good luck everyone!


Lenny and Jennife Parks

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Welcome to the group! I totally understand what you mean about the one person to China traveling thing- I have actually been living in China but every time I visit home I hate flying all alone- that is why I am so happy that in two weeks (we got the visa last week) I will be with my fiance flying together back home!

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Well nice to know your not a troll Lenny.  B)  welcome to the club!

Am I missing something here. Has Charlie Chan entered the room? will number one son solve this mystery?? Can I post a pic of Dave and say it is my wife?? :lol:

If you want, but that might look kind of funny.

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Welcome to the group! I totally understand what you mean about the one person to China traveling thing- I have actually been living in China but every time I visit home I hate flying all alone- that is why I am so happy that in two weeks (we got the visa last week) I will be with my fiance flying together back home!

Thats great, congratulations! :lol:

Lets see, when Jennifer and I flew back this time the worst thing was trying to sleep B) We got really lucky because every seat on the airline was taken except the third seat that we had. We tried laying back to back, her head on my shoulders, my head on her shoulders, my head against the window, I think we tried pretty much everything. I have come to realize that it is impossible to get comforatble on an airline, even China Southern :D Remember, always get youre Skymiles :D

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Well Lenny welcome an sorry for being suspicious it is just something that did not make sense. My MM is also from CQ  Bryan's wife an her are neighbors. BTW if you think Kelly is hot check out Zhang ZiYi.

Thats OK, I understand :lol: You know its strange, our timelines for are almost exactly the same. How much longer do you think it will be before youre wife and or Fiance is here?

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Well Lenny welcome an sorry for being suspicious it is just something that did not make sense. My MM is also from CQ  Bryan's wife an her are neighbors. BTW if you think Kelly is hot check out Zhang ZiYi.

Thats OK, I understand :D You know its strange, our timelines for are almost exactly the same. How much longer do you think it will be before youre wife and or Fiance is here?

God and GZ only know we was guessing June/Jul interview but now we have no clue until GZ starts issuing P4's again, did you file through TSC or VSC I am guessing VSC since your woman is already here.

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Well Lenny welcome an sorry for being suspicious it is just something that did not make sense. My MM is also from CQ  Bryan's wife an her are neighbors. BTW if you think Kelly is hot check out Zhang ZiYi.

Thats OK, I understand :D You know its strange, our timelines for are almost exactly the same. How much longer do you think it will be before youre wife and or Fiance is here?

God and GZ only know we was guessing June/Jul interview but now we have no clue until GZ starts issuing P4's again, did you file through TSC or VSC I am guessing VSC since your woman is already here.

Yes, it was VCS that we filled through. What is the deal with Guang Zhou and them not sending out the P-4 Packet?

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they aren't even sending out the P-3 packets... our application has been in GZ since first week in april ---then holiday --- still no p-3.


Like to hear from anyone that had their app. sent by DHL from NVC sometime in first week of April --- do you have the p-3?



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Lenny welcome to CFL...


As you see we have a lot of people here who catch the slightest details. It just comes from having to figure out something that is difficult at best to figure out. Sorry for being the least bit suspicious.


We hope you enjoy your experience here and can add some insight into our trip down the path of long wait for visa.


Again, welcome to the group.



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they aren't even sending out the P-3 packets... our application has been in GZ since first week in april ---then holiday --- still no p-3. 


Like to hear from anyone that had their app. sent by DHL  from NVC sometime in first week of April --- do you have the p-3?



I guess you are asking me if Jennifer has gotten her P-3 yet? Yea, she has gotten it a long time ago, actually she is here and has been here for about 6 months now.


I know it is easy for me to say, but good luck to you, I hope that everything works out for you guys.

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