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Hello, my name is Lenny and my wifes name is Jennifer. We have been married now for about 6 months. We did the K1 Visa, really didn't have any problems at all except the Name Check Process. We couldn't stand that, it took so long to have it done, anyway, my wife is from Chong Qing and I am from Texas. My dad was in the military and he retired here. We just got back from Chong Qing about 3 weeks ago, had a great time. We were there for about 15 days. I met all of the family, ate some strange food and drank some strang drinks, but overall, had an excellent time. If any of you live in Newport News VA, my wife and I would love to get together and met sometime, if you like. Good to be here, if we can help with anyones Visa Process, just let us know and we will try our best to help.

I hope my sig. turns out OK, I am not to good at these computer things. :(

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Hi and welcome. I'm from Roanoke - other side of Virginia.


Oh, and for your signature... you have to close the tags. For every tag you have at the beginning, have another one at the end with a "/"


[ B ] [ I ] example [ / I ] [ / B ] without the spaces of course

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Welcome Lenny & Jennifer too,


Wow, so you have been through the hardest part already.... It is all downhill from now on!!! :D


The wonderful thing about this board is that we have people in all phases of the process from those still planning their first trip to China to those struggling with getting drivers licenses and getting their green cards.


I hope you enjoy the support and interaction, and sometimes just a diversion that this board has to offer.


Best Wishes,


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Welcome to CFL Lenny, and congratulations on your recent marriage! She's very pretty :D Yeah, there's a few different folks with loved ones in CQ.


Hey, you have a few things in common with 'se_lang', a.k.a. Darrell. His honey is from CQ, and he is from Texas too. They're waiting for their P4, like many of us are. Yes, it seems like a long wait, but well worth it, I know!

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I hate to be the one to bring this up but she has a striking resemblance to Chen Hui-Lin  AKA Kelly Chen Hong Kong pop singer Bio link I showed my MM her pic from the aviator and she was  :ph34r:  and said it was a star from HK decide for your self.



My entry into this process started with research, research and more research. I rarely enter into anything without doing some research. This includes discussions.


Since you brought up the possibility se_lang, I decided to do some research. Check out this link.




You find this picture in Gallery Two of Kelly Concerto Club. The site is lised as the Singapore Kelly Chen site. It is a perfect match with just a little cropping. The avatar not only looks like her, but is Kelly Chen no doubts.

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I hate to be the one to bring this up but she has a striking resemblance to Chen Hui-Lin  AKA Kelly Chen Hong Kong pop singer Bio link I showed my MM her pic from the aviator and she was  :ph34r:  and said it was a star from HK decide for your self.



My entry into this process started with research, research and more research. I rarely enter into anything without doing some research. This includes discussions.


Since you brought up the possibility se_lang, I decided to do some research. Check out this link.




You find this picture in Gallery Two of Kelly Concerto Club. The site is lised as the Singapore Kelly Chen site. It is a perfect match with just a little cropping. The avatar not only looks like her, but is Kelly Chen no doubts.

Nice work, I keep getting sites with a million pop-ups so settled with a less then perfect match. Now the big question is why is he doing this I think maybe a troll stirring up things a bit.

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Se_lang! Michael!






Tell us ALLLLLLL about your recent trip to Chong Qing! ( it is a city in China that I have always wanted to visit!! ) So, please, don't spare the details!! Give us a day-by-day description of your travels!


I can't wait........ :huh:


--------- Kim

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Guest hakkamike

You guys are wrong about Mr. and Mrs. Parks(try to play nice), I gave the link to them from another group, research that?

Later, Michael Perez

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:) :D Thanks a lot for the warm welcome :D :D First of all, the picture is Kelly Chen...lol...lol... Like I said I am not to good with these computer things so I just put a picture of Kelly in there for now until I get the hang of this sing. thing. My wife turned me on to Kelly the first time I went to China last September, I was in love for a second time when I heard her sing. :huh:

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, we are expecting our first little boy in August :o When we got back from Chong Qing, we had an appointment at Hospital on the 13 and thats when they told us. We are trying to pick out a name now, it's a little hard for a little boy. We are trying to get a name that will go with my last name and Jennifers family, so the name would have to be something, something, something, Zhou Parks, so far the only name we have is Alan.

Well our first time going to China together was great, I will tell you and I am sure a lot of you can relate to this. Flying to China by youreself can be very lonely, especially once you leave LA X. This was my third time there, the other two times I went to Guang Zhou to see her, that is where she used to work at. Chong Qing is much better than Guang Zhou, not as many people walking on the streets, or is it just that Chong Qing is much bigger?

Jennifer really didn't have any problem getting used to the US, except the food. There really isn't a lot here that she likes, lucky for us we have an Asian Store that is about 20 minutes away from where we live, so that helps a lot.

There are so many things that have happend to me since we started the K1 Process until now that I really dont know where to begin. The only thing I can say is if you are just starting the process or in the middle of it, hang in there it will end and it will be the greatest day of youre life when you go and pick up youre wife and or Fiance from the airport. I just consider myself to be one of the luckiest guys in the world to have met her and now to be married to her.

Now I will work on the sing. part of me post :D Good luck everyone!


Lenny and Jennife Parks

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