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Language Translation

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I am traveling to Nanning in the next couple of months to visit my girlfriend and I want to be able to communicate with her as she only speaks Mandarin. Can anyone recommend a good translation machine. I have seen ads for small pocket book sized computers that supposedly translate back and forth, some with voice. One website recommended one and I lost that site.

I am trying to learn Mandarin but I dont' think I'll have enough time before I go to grasp the language. What is a good computer program to learn Mandarin.

Also, can you recommend a good program for the computer to translate e-mails to me or her? The on-line ones are TERRIBLE - she couldn't read them and gave up. I don't mind spending the money if the program does it well. It is costing her lots of money to hire a translator at the internet cafe to translate our messages.

Thanks :ph34r:

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I am traveling to Nanning in the next couple of months to visit my girlfriend and I want to be able to communicate with her as she only speaks Mandarin. Can anyone recommend a good translation machine. I have seen ads for small pocket book sized computers that supposedly translate back and forth, some with voice. One website recommended one and I lost that site.

I am trying to learn Mandarin but I dont' think I'll have enough time before I go to grasp the language. What is a good computer program to learn Mandarin.

Also, can you recommend a good program for the computer to translate e-mails to me or her? The on-line ones are TERRIBLE - she couldn't read them and gave up. I don't mind spending the money if the program does it well. It is costing her lots of money to hire a translator at the internet cafe to translate our messages.

Thanks :ph34r:

Powerword is a good inline translator for the PC it is a Chinese program.

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Thanks they just came out with a new PowerWord program. I will order it today. They also make a program called TranlationExpress for instand online communication. Can I get by with PowerWord for the time being as we are not chatting online, just sending message? Does PowerWord translate letters easily?


Any idea on where to get an electronic translator in China? Maybe I'll have my girlfriend pick one up.


Thanks for the help.

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I tried Babelfish for tanslating. It was so hard to read and decipher it gave her a headache and she gave up.

Am I doing something wrong? She speaks Mandarin. Babelfish has two settings - simplified and traditional. Which do I use? I've been using traditional.


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I tried Babelfish for tanslating. It was so hard to read and decipher it gave her a headache and she gave up.

Am I doing something wrong? She speaks Mandarin. Babelfish has two settings - simplified and traditional. Which do I use? I've been using traditional.


Nope, use simplified. Traditional is rarely used. Also, I have used several translators and none are really great. Be sure to write in simple short sentences as the translators look at context and really mess up with long compound sentences. eg. 'what time should I telephone you?? As compared to- What is the best time for me to call you later??


the first will translate but the second will give her a confusing message. Use the KISS method (Keep it simple....)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am traveling to Nanning in the next couple of months to visit my girlfriend and I want to be able to communicate with her as she only speaks Mandarin. Can anyone recommend a good translation machine. I have seen ads for small pocket book sized computers that supposedly translate back and forth, some with voice. One website recommended one and I lost that site.

I am trying to learn Mandarin but I dont' think I'll have enough time before I go to grasp the language. What is a good computer program to learn Mandarin.

Also, can you recommend a good program for the computer to translate e-mails to me or her? The on-line ones are TERRIBLE - she couldn't read them and gave up. I don't mind spending the money if the program does it well. It is costing her lots of money to hire a translator at the internet cafe to translate our messages.

Thanks :D

My first post, so I hope you will all bear with me. :D


Learning Mandarin is one thing, but the local dialect at Nanning has a few sounds that I've never heard anywhere else, and I've been learning for 18 months or so now.


As commented, the online translators are poor at best, even Babelfish. I have not tried one of the packaged software translators yet. Powerword (by Kingsoft) is basically a dictionary, although a very good one. I am using NJStar to write, inputting pinyin, then translating the reply by myself, a slow process, although putting it through Babelfish first can give you a general idea of the contents.


Little, in my opinion, beats the Pimsleur courses for learning Mandarin. I am able to make myself understood, but hearing the reply is often patchy. Becoming fluent in a language as different as Mandarin will take time, but at least your girlfriend and her family will be impressed with you for making the effort. Best of luck.


Electronic translators are OK but take time to learn to operate. Perhaps if she buys one before you arrive, she will be able to show you how to use it.


For myself and my wife, learning each other's languages has been a bonding process, rather than one that keeps us apart. Patience is required.


Best wishes


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Hey there,


I have not posted for some time now because my fiancee finally arrived in the USA and we were finally married!! What a long time but it was worth it.


So on to your question. I think you do have time to begin to learn Mandarin and I would suggest the Pimsleur course. I bought the CD's and played them in the car to and from work. THen again at bed time. THe basics are easy. ANd she can help you learn as you help her. I think it is a great experience. Translators are ok. Like he said have her buy one in China and show you how to use it.


One more suggestions regarding babelfish. Use very short sentences with no commas or punctuation. Translate into simplified than back into english...can you still read it? If not change the words until you can go from english to simplified chinese back to english. THis will help alot but still you may want to say... " You fill my heart with joy " and the translation may say... " Chicken heart happiness at you you resteraunt "


Hahaha... Make sure she understands that the computer translation is at fault.



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A firend of my wife's just sent her a Noah Tech pocket translator which she likes very much. Unlike my Lingo, it is dedicated to Chinese/English and so has more words. She uses it to look up words she does not know when she is at college or studying here. Don't know the price in China as it was a gift.

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Welcome to the group Chris. I see this is your first post, You will find friends and good information here. My wife too is from Nanning as well as several others. In a recent Poll here about 25% of our loved ones are from Nanning.


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Thanks Carl. I wish yourself and Bing all the best on your recent marriage.


I became interested in China a few years ago. My father died in 2000 and I got my mum interested in audio books. "Wild Swans" was the first that I got for her. It fascinated me.


I ride a bicycle on tour through various places and signed up for an 8 person tour through Guangzhou and Guangxi.

Signed up: January 2003 (and started to learn Mandarin)

Booked ticket to China: May 2003 (decided to go to Nanning initially as it was in the middle of things I might want to see, Yunnan, Guangzhou..)

Contacted Hong on the internet: Mid-September 2003 (just looking for someone as a contact in China if something went horribly wrong)

Fly into Nanning: October 5 2003.


Hong came to see me at the hotel. I was a little reluctant as I wasn't really looking for a foreign girlfriend, let alone someone to marry. But she was sooo nice and everything just fell naturally into place...

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I am traveling to Nanning in the next couple of months to visit my girlfriend and I want to be able to communicate with her as she only speaks Mandarin.

If your gal was originally from Nanning, she should also speak a dialect that is similar to Cantonese. My wife is from Nanning. She said 80% of the people speak that dialect.

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