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OT: Our Beautiful Daughter Is Born

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Guest blsqueaky

Mick, along with eveyone else here, let me also express my heartfelt congrats. I am so glad that everything is well now. Looking forward to hearing more news in the near future.

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Congratulations Mick and Li and welcome to this world Salina!!  May you grow to be as beautiful and strong and wise as your parents.

Or at least your Mother!!!



Seriously though, I am really thrilled that everything has gone well for the two (oh three) of you.

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Thanks to all for your kind words and wishes. Just to give a brief update. Li has been formally discharged from the hospital (insurance company allows two days, even with c-section---the a**holes), but don't get me started on that one. Overall Li is fine but has some pain due to engorged breasts.


She is still staying at the hospital with Salina who will probably come home tomorrow. I will try to get some picks asap but will probably wait until she gets home and out from under those alien-like lights they have her under.


As for me, I am ecstatic of course but really tired. The hospital is about 20 miles away and I still have to go back and forth a lot because we only have two writers at our paper and the news doesn't stop, even if I need to. In fact, I am at work as I type this. Stayed last night at hospital with virtually no sleep. Had to help Li set up a breast pump this morning, then came to work about noon. Wrote five articles and am heading back to the hospital. Wish me luck. :P


Still, I couldn't be happier! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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