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Delays coming back into USA

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My wife is worried that we will miss our plane when we fly into Detroit from Shanghai and the immigration people question her. We have about an hour and a half until our next plane leaves for "Sweet Home Alabama". She told me some of her friends from 001 have been detained for up to 3 hours by immigration. What was the average time your wives and fiancees have been detained? What should I do if I miss my plane because of this?



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I'll copy my post here of our experience arriving at Detroit from Shanghai. I don't think 1.5 hours is enough unless everything goes very smoothly. Luckily our connecting flight from DTW to MEM (then to, MGM) was three hours later. Remember, she also has to claim her luggage and then re-check it for the next flight.


"BEWARE !!! Dumb-ass immigration officials ahead.


This is why I like to be present at every step.


Upon her arrival, the immigration officer didn't know what a K-1 visa was. So they took her to a holding room for an hour. Then another dumb-assed immigration officer told her that her visa had expired and was extreamly rude to her. She said "no way" and since I was waiting for her in the airport they can talk to me. So they called me, I had to explain to them what a K-1 visa was, and it certainly wasn't expired. Finally, a supervisor came and stamped her papers and told her she can go. No appologies, nothing.

I tell you, it is so dam hard to keep curtious to these people, but you must, because they can say NO at any step for no reason at all. This is what really ticks me off. I'll let this incident go to, my honey is now in my arms every night. "

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My wife is worried that we will miss our plane when we  fly into Detroit from Shanghai and the immigration people question her. We have about an hour and a half until our next plane leaves for "Sweet Home Alabama". She told me some of her friends from 001 have been detained for up to 3 hours by immigration. What was the average time your wives and fiancees have been detained? What should I do if I miss my plane because of this?



It only took me 15 min too.I got POE in Chicago.

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my jacob entered at LAX, he had a three hour layover, and it was TOO much time! hehe


he was out of customs and rechecked his bag and on the phone with me in about an hour....i was shocked it went so fast for him!


it will be close i guess, but if you are there with her, it should be ok anyway!!


haven't heard about any detaining recently, though some do not get through without a hitch! jacob was fortunate i guess, but i wouldn't expect any BIG delays! just hustle when you get through! hehe


who knows? that is a close call, but it could be feasible!! (how's that for an answer!?!?! hehe)

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