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You guys are just too wonderful. I can't believe how lucky I am to have such good friends. Mi and Yuqing brought over the flowers you guys bought for us tonight with a card that I have promised not to open until Bing is here tomorrow. I am dying to read it but I'll keep my word. Bing is on the plane now and will be here in 13 hours and 10 minutes but who's counting? Mark is gracious enough to lend his website to post a photo of the flowers on so you can see what you bought. here is the link.

Thanks again


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Somehow your blue slip touched the hearts of many of us on the Candle. We had all anticipated you to return with Bing in tow a few weeks ago, but I am very happy everything is working out for the two of you.


Drive safely when you head up North. (RELAX !!!!!!!!!)


----- Clifford ------

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thank you Clifford. Actually it was only 11 days ago I got back from China but whos counting? I had hoped to have Bing in tow when I came back but she had too many loose ends to tie up before she could leave.

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geez when the poll was started for sending flowers I volunteered a donation. I never got contacted. No where I stand in here now. Guess I'll just read from now on and not Post anything.  Thanks



As you know, we tried to organize everything while Carl was on the plane to China. Unfortunately it was difficult to find everyone in that 24 hr time period.


Don & Longstrider were collecting the donations. But, perhaps it got hectic at some point.


Everyone's input and good will are appreciated. And, if you were inadvertently missed, your sincerity is still appreciated.


----- Clifford -----

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geez when the poll was started for sending flowers I volunteered a donation. I never got contacted. No where I stand in here now. Guess I'll just read from now on and not Post anything.  Thanks



As you know, we tried to organize everything while Carl was on the plane to China. Unfortunately it was difficult to find everyone in that 24 hr time period.


Don & Longstrider were collecting the donations. But, perhaps it got hectic at some point.


Everyone's input and good will are appreciated. And, if you were inadvertently missed, your sincerity is still appreciated.


----- Clifford -----

Wayne, it all went down in the blink of an eye. Several got missed but Carl knows it is from evryone.


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I would have loved to be part of the flowers, having met Carl and Bing personally. I do understand the need for secretcy. It was a very nice touch that Carl and Bing deserve.


I called Carl yesterday on his cell, knowing it was the magic day. I wanted to see if Bing had arrived yet. He was in the car on the way back from the airport. He handed the phone to Bing and I got to welcome her to Portland.


:D :redblob: She's here after a long safe trip :greenblob: :redblob:


Best Wishes to Carl and Bing

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It's all so emotional, and I'm so happy for Carl & Bing. For those of you who didn't have the chance to give a contribution, your good wishes are appreciated as well, and just think we're a big family here, everything goes into one buck. ;)

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Hi gang!!!! My stress level has dropped considerably. I have Bing home now and she is enjoying her new carreer as a sleeper. We got home about 4:30 yesterday afternoon. and opened the envelope. I was astounded. You guys are just too cool. The donations are greatly appreciated. They will be spent today on woks, hotpots and such. It was a godsend since the trip to China set me back and the plastic has been getting quite a workout. Pretty sneaky on how you guys managed to do all this without me finding out since I am an incurable CFL addict. When Bing fell asleep I tried to get onto candlle to thank you all but as you all know it was down last night.


Now as to updates on Bing, I got up to go to the airport and even though I had plenty of time to get there I was hurrying. As I was zipping across the bridge over the Columbia river into Washington on 205 I got nailed by a sneaky motorcycle cop hidden on the other side. The speed limit drops from 65 on the Oregon side (I think anyway hmmmm maybe not) to 60 on the Washington side. I was going 70 and got a 91 dollar ticket. I got to the airport an hour before her plane landed and after lots of looking and questions foung a spot where I could stake out and watch for her. Her plane was about 10 minutes late landing then it took about 1 1/2 hours for her to clear customs and immigration. Let me tell you guys you don't stop sweating it until you see her. I had my camera out and was watching for her like a hawk and damned if i didn't almost miss her. She was almost to the top of the escalator when I finally saw her and tried to snap a photo. It took us another hour to collect her luggage and get on the road for Portland.


when we got home she slept for about 3 hours and I cooked dinner. Broiled garlic chicken asparagrass and spanish rice. Then only part she liked was the chicken. Oh well I tried she can cook now lol.


So far no footprints on the toilet seat but the bathroom floor is soaked. We need to work on the shower curtain concept a little bit I think.


It is almost noon but she is still sleeping. I'm going to go to the store and get some stuff to fix for lunchfast and try and surprise her with lunchfast in bed.

Thanks everyone

Carl and Bing

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GREATTTTTTTTT! Now when you read the "your wife might be chinese" posts, you will understand. Oh man will you ever understand.


Carl. I hope you find as much joy with Bing as I have found with Ling. I think your gonna be a happy happy man. Now put down those cheetos and get ready for some real work :lol:


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Ah yes but thats what makes it interesting. Right now I am so happy I can hardly stand it. I just took Bing breakfast in bed and she was so surprised. I doubt that a man has ever done that for her before. I am really lookinf forward to seeing my world through her eyes.

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My MM and I are so happy for you two. I know when her visa was denied, she told me there was a lot of talk on 001 about it also. The two of you had a lot of support from everywhere. I know you will enjoy your life together.


Good Luck and Congratulations!!! :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob:



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Ah yes but thats what makes it interesting.  Right now I am so happy I can hardly stand it.  I just took Bing breakfast in bed and she was so surprised.  I doubt that a man has ever done that for her before.  I am really lookinf forward to seeing my world through her eyes.

Carl, I think I speak for many of us who "see the world through their eyes" when I say it is wonderful. We take so much fro granted and seeing things again for what seems like the first time is magical. Ling has been here 12 months now and everyday is better than the day before. I can't wait for tomorrow.


Yea, it's the little things that tickle them. Breakfast in bed, an occasional flower etc.. I don't think they get much of that in China and they really do appreciate it.


Yikes!! She is hollering "HUSBAND!!!! HUSBAND!!! I gotta hid now.

Trigg :greenblob:

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