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Getting Computer to read Chinese

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My MM and I were talking this morning and the subject came up if my computer could read chinese characters. When I went onto a website with Chinese, a pop-up came up and I tried to download the necessary software. It said I had to go to preferences and change the language on my computer to allow the download. I attempted to do this, but was unsuccessful.


I was wondering if I was doing something wrong, or is there a way to allow chinese characters to be read by my computer. I know when my MM gets to the US she will want to keep in contact with some of her relatives that have a computer, but will also want to read 001.


Any help will be appreciated. Also I am not very computer literate. I do know how to turn it on. :P



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BangYing and I were talking this morning and the subject came up if my computer could read chinese characters.  When I went onto a website with Chinese, a pop-up came up and I tried to download the necessary software.  It said I had to go to preferences and change the language on my computer to allow the download.  I attempted to do this, but was unsuccessful.


I was wondering if I was doing something wrong, or is there a way to allow chinese characters to be read by my computer.  I know when BangYing gets to the US she will want to keep in contact with some of her relatives that have a computer, but will also want to read 001.


Any help will be appreciated.  Also I am not very computer literate.  I do know how to turn it on. :blink:



Dave, what OS do you have?What ISP?? I can get yahoo and ie 6.0 to read chinese no problem. AOL is another story. In IE 6.0 go to view tab and click chinese simplified. See ifthat works for you. If not let me know and i'll let you know where to downlaod languages.

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I am operating on Windows ME/2000 and use AOL as my ISP. I do have access to Yahoo as we talk on Yahoo messenger every night. I don't know if this makes a difference.


My MM e-mailed me and she posted the message on 001, and one lady told her about some software she could buy in China. I will see if that works later in the year.


Everyone's help is appreciated.



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Yahoo messenger will allow her to send in chinese but you can not cut it and paste it to a translation machine. You can using yahoo email. Ie 6.0 will support chinese if you go to view and click on simplified chinese. AOl will accept chinese but not send it or let you copy it. As fo ME/2000 --I dunno.

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Yahoo messenger will allow her to send in chinese but you can not cut it and paste it to a translation machine. You can using yahoo email. Ie 6.0 will support chinese if you go to view and click on simplified chinese. AOl will accept chinese but not send it or let you copy it. As fo ME/2000 --I dunno.

Yep, that was it....I couldn't paste Chinese characters into Yahoo, but could on MSN.

So when is Altavista / Babblefish coming out with a messenger service?


Hmmmm, I was trying to think of a good internet business..... I wonder if one could get people who would be willing to pay $5 / month or so for online translations including chat and e-mail capabilities. Of course, trying to build in a key that would be difficult for people to hack with minimal overhead at the host site.


Hmmm, perhaps it would be best to have a mono-lingual free client which is able to communicate with a translating paid client.


Actually, I thought that Prompt (perhaps Russian only), had an e-mail client with translations, but I don't think they had a chat client.


----- Clifford ------

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am wondering what setting to set the language on for setup in Windows XP. Under Regional and Language settings I have 5 choices in advanced settings for Chinese: 1. Macau S.A.R.; 2. Hong Kong S.A.R.; 3. PRC, 4. Singapore; 5. Taiwan. My girlfriend is from Nanning, China. Which do I use??


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  • 2 weeks later...

What translator program are you using?


I have looked at several. Havne't decided yet.


KingSoft is coming out with a version that will work directly in Outlook - in June - called TranStar 6.0 (similar to TranslatorExpress).

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