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My wifes 3rd trip to GZ......

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I am absolutely deflated at the moment. My wife called me this morning to tell me that she still hasn't received the VISA. They have told her the exact same thing as before. It seems from talking to her that GZ doesnt even realize they have sent her the letter stating she could come to GZ to pick up her VISA.

My wife is ready to give up. She is so emotional right now. She feels like she has failed me. The hardest thing about all of this is, I only have two avenues of Information. GZ E-mail form or DOS.

I want to scream at someone! I want to hit someone for hurting my wife. I feel so fucking helpless.

This is a copy of my E-mail to GZ this morning.....


My wife and step-son came to Guangzhou on March 1st for their interview. My step-son didnt have his passport so he was denied the chance for the interview and rescheduled for a later date. My wife went ahead and did her interview and was told she had passed and to come back at 4pm to pick up her Visa. At that time she was told that "They needed additional time to prepare her paperwork" On April 2nd, my wife went back to GZ for her sons interview. I was told by E-mail that he had passed the interview, but due to a problem unforseen, they would need additional time to prepare because of a security clearance. One week later, they sent me an E-mail saying that the clearance had been received and that they would sent my wife a letter of invitation to come back to GZ to pick up her Visa. Today, April 19th, My wife went back to GZ with her son to pick up her Visa. Once again, she was denied because they said the exact same thing as before. They told my wife to remain in GZ, and come back tomorrow and they would have additional information. Why???? This is my wifes third trip to GZ! She received a letter stating her Visa was ready for pick-up. Why doesn't she have her Visa now? Sincerely, Patrick Alexander



If she doesnt receive the VISA tomorrow. I don't know what else i can do. This has taken a huge toll on me and her.

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That behavior by the consulate is totally unacceptable, and certainly makes me embarrassed to be part of this country.


I just hope that they get their heads pulled out of their a____ by tomorrow and actually give your wife and son their visas.


A number of us were ready to start a letter writing campaign in favor of Carl and Bing. Rest assured that you have many friends on the candle who are equally ready to help you out as much as possible.


However, perhaps we should wait until tomorrow to see if she actually gets the visa in her hand..... Then, send a ton of letters. A sincere apology from someone VERY high (like the ambassador) would be barely acceptable. As well a commitment that GZ will change their forms to reflect their policy (or change their policy to reflect their forms), and start treating the wives and fiancées of American citizens with respect.


----- Clifford ------

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Oh Patrick my heart goes out to you. I can not believe these people. perhaps you should join me in GZ next week. I think the big problem here is these people have no accountability to the american public. They seem to forget that they are public servants. I can definitely relate to your feelings of despair. I am feeling them myself at the moment. All we can do is to keep on plugging away at them. What else can we do? The alternative is unacceptable.

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I think the big problem here is these people have no accountability to the american public. They seem to forget that they are public servants.

Part of the problem is that the "Public" has absolutely no idea what the process is like. Nor does anybody know how rude their own employees are. Until this behavior is brought to public light, they will enjoy free reign to do whatever they please.


What the public sees is that the USA let a dozen Arab terrorists into the USA who killed thousands of Americans. And, then a few months later a half a dozen Americans were poisened by spore laden mail (which I heard came from US Bio Weapons research).


Then the President comes on the air to list how he is protecting the country.... Nobody is seeing the folly behind the new policies.


Carl & Patrick, A couple of us are trying to hit National publicity starting with Oprah. I hope you join in the fight.


----- Clifford -----


P.S. What I would like to see more than anything is to see the "Candle" disappear in the future (sorry PJ), but I would hope we would reach a time where such a BBS would no longer be necessary as the "system: would start working for us. Maybe it would be tranformed to a joke and humor website.

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I'm holding my breath for ya'. Maybe it's just a clerical thing where you must first show up for the visa, then they put it in the batches to have the visa printed and affixed in the passports. Lets hope this is all that it is. Now that you are armed with the approval and clearence letters I don't see how they can do anything else but give then their visas already.

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A while back people were talking about the CFL luck with VISA's, Did they decide it was time to rein us in? Have they infiltrated the rumpas Room? Should we sensor ourselves?

I can't imagine that anybody would be cruel enough to log into the Candle, attempt to identify couples, then specifically try to sabotage their relationships. And, to what end? To make the GZ Consulate look like it is staffed by a bunch of clowns?


Furthermore, if one took the time to read some of Carl’s or Patrick’s posts, one would discover that they are both deeply caring individuals who are very passionate about their loves. It certainly would not give any reason to reject a visa application.


Based on Carl and Patrick’s experience, I will try to be with my fiancée through the interview. I would hate to have her go through any of that terror alone. Yet, I can’t imagine that the USA would deliberately try to send a bunch of Americans scurrying for Russia and China unless they wanted the couples to interview together (and for that , all they would need to do would be to ask).


As far as Irina and myself, although I hadn’t realized it at the time, we had already fallen into my personal black hole at the time I joined the Candle. Over a half a year later, I am wiser, but no closer to getting the visa.


This wait would have been much harder to bear had it not been for my group of online friends, and I thank you for your support.


----- Clifford -----

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My point was, we all know they are watching this site. Why? Maybe they save only the derogatory and inflamatory remarks we make. And they count against us. I haven't been keeping track. Have you? Maybe they are!

I am open to other ideas.

But there has to be a reason for some people getting through this visa process easy and others getting hung- out to dry!

Remember once you hit that post button it may be too late to take it back

Yesterday JKobman an I both wrote letters to GZ his was a kind of suck up letter asking about P4, mine was a cold, short an to the point letter... Guess who got the better reply The reply I got as you can read in another thread was a little nicer an more informative then his, I think I even got a faster reply then him, So my theory is every case is different and every VO is different, I do believe they bring their personal life into the equation, Ever gone to work in a bad mood or come home in a bad mood people around you suffer it is not right but that is just life. In Patrick's case I think it is just the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, It would have been nice if she could have "Phoned First" to confirm the letter but I am not aware of any such numbers.


Pat, I hope they get things right tomorrow.

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Damn. I got to come here more often.... This is ridiculous GZ at its best again.... ( 2002 Flashbacks ! )

Fortunately, we now have to deal with Miami Center only, which by the way updated recently their timeline for AOS processing from August 2001 to January 2003.. Riiiight..... :rolleyes:

Welcome immigrants ! We'll process you just as son as we can ! 2 weeks or more !! ( remember, you August 2002 , consulate WTF slippers ?? :-)

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