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Wife's friend gets denied...

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Another tale from our trip...


My wife met up with a girlfriend she knew from the 001 website. I bet many of you know this site, it seems pretty popular. This poor girl was so incredibly nervous that she had to come over to our hotel to have my wife comfort her.


I coached her on potential interview questions and reviewed her husband's tax returns :angry: . I felt super nosy doing this but I figured it was for a good cause. I got to looking at his tax returns and it seemed like this man was in the poorhouse, but I knew this wasn't the case because I know he's a successful businessman. After a little prodding, she told me he was moving his $$$ into offshore bank accounts(!) to keep his hard earned dollars out of the clutches of his ex-wife.


When she got denied it was for these financial reasons. I guess they could see something did not add up...so guys, own up to those swiss bank accounts or it could cause your lady some trouble...

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Oh the games people play.....


Now, he will have a heck of a time unraveling the lies..... Is he going to tell the INS who will tell the IRS who will tell his Ex Wife's Lawyers about hiding income?


And, how will the INS take to resubmitting the I-134? Any other lies???


He could quickly find himself truly in the poor house!!!!!


While I am not sure about alimony agreements, I certainly don't believe in lying on taxes (or for that matter, lying to the US Court System).

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Another tale from our trip...


My wife met up with a girlfriend she knew from the 001 website. I bet many of you know this site, it seems pretty popular. This poor girl was so incredibly nervous that she had to come over to our hotel to have my wife comfort her.


I coached her on potential interview questions and reviewed her husband's tax returns :greenblob: . I felt super nosy doing this but I figured it was for a good cause. I got to looking at his tax returns and it seemed like this man was in the poorhouse, but I knew this wasn't the case because I know he's a successful businessman. After a little prodding, she told me he was moving his $$$ into offshore bank accounts(!) to keep his hard earned dollars out of the clutches of his ex-wife.


When she got denied it was for these financial reasons. I guess they could see something did not add up...so guys, own up to those swiss bank accounts or it could cause your lady some trouble...

Oh, to have such a problem with too much money. :P

Unfortunately, my ex already got her claws on what little I had. :lol:

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Is he going to tell the INS who will tell the IRS who will tell his Ex Wife's Lawyers about hiding income?


In a world where the FBI and the CIA won't sit down over coffee to discuss flight schools and Middle Eastern history, where the LAPD has been ordered to ignore certain infractions of U.S. immigration law, and where congress sees fit to subsidize tobacco farmers as well as anti-smoking programs...


I doubt that unless he sneaks into the Consul General's kitchen during breakfast, stands on the table and pees into Mr. Dong's cornflakes, the consulate is not going to make a special effort to contact the IRS.


On the other hand...


I would rather sneak into the Consul General's kitchen during breakfast with a full bladder than go toe-to-toe with the agency that "Has what it takes, to take what you have".

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As much as it pains me to admit it, I agree with Dave (please never repeat that). When all else fails, try the truth. If he has enough money to make it worthwhile to open an offhsore account, he should have been wise enough to admit it to BCIS or at least keep enough to show ability to support his future wife. I wonder if he really has money or if he was just lying to his fiancee. I always figured if you will lie about one thing, you will lie about another. Maybe he figured to never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

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Personally, I hate deceit.  I'm incredibly turned off by it.  I wonder if the gal is thinking about what might happen to her if things go sour in the relationship.  The best predictor of the future is the past.

Gotta agree with Dave here. If someone's playing these kind of games with money then she's probably better off without him. I hate to say GZ was doing anyone a favor but they may just have done her a favor. Just too bad she had to wait all the way until the interview to be denied.

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I know that pre-nups have been a HOT topic in the past.


However, I would hate to be a woman going into a relationship with some guy that has been actively cheating his ex-wife, cheating on his taxes, and playing all sorts of other games.....


At least with a pre-nup, everyone is very much up front with the agreement from the beginning.


It is kind of like cheating in a relationship with a married man.... And, then if one catches him, always wondering if there will be someone else in the future doing the same thing. :P :P :P :P


----- Clifford ------

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What? Endorsements from three flaming liberals...one who lives in the Peoples Republic of Berkeley? Oh, the humanity!


It just goes to show that regardless of one's political leanings, some basic values are universal. Like I've said before, the Bush/Kerry fights her on CFL are done out of the spirit of fun and hopeful additional insights for those who engaged in them.


I hate to say GZ was doing anyone a favor but they may just have done her a favor.


I agree whole-heartly. GZ wants to protect USCs, CCs, and national security. I don't always agree with the outcomes (like Carl) but I understand why they take the approach they sometimes do.

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I believe that we all have a profound sympathy for the woman who spent a year waiting for this clod of a man, then went to the embassy to have her application rejected because he chose to play games with the application. It must be the most tremendous letdown that any woman can feel. I can't imagine what it was like for her to walk away from the Embassy that day.


I hope her fiance has chosen to beef up the forms and fight for her to come, although I would agree with the consensus that she is likely better off without him.


Who knows what the truth is.... I've known people who had a very small fortune ($1 million or so).... They can be frugal, and often make it seem like they are always broke, but I have not known a single one who claimed less than $10K in income and no substantial assets.


It seems as if some Chinese women have significant assets (paid for). If she has $20K in a house, that is equivalent to $4K in income.... It might be enough to make the difference on her application.


But, it is better to let this one get away,

---- Clifford -----

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