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Time flies when you are having fun!

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Hi all,


On Tuesday will be our first anniversary. We have had a wonderful year together starting with me meeting her at LAX, going to Vegas for our wedding and her continued enthusiasim for everything we do. In honor of this great year, I have scanned a bunch of pix for anyone that is interested.




If you have a problem seeing them, please let me know.


Things have slowed down a little with the DL, SSN, AOS all behind us and the green card in hand. She is going to the college here 3 days a week to improve her English in hopes that she can sign up for regular classes this summer. As her parents have their visa interview set up, we are hoping that they will spend 3 months with us this summer and we are saving some trips for when they are here. Meanwhile, I plan on taking her on a nice weeks honeymoon at the end of April when school is finished.


I never would have guessed that she would embrace the Colorado lifestyle the way she has. I think the thing she likes best about living here is the clean air. This winter her skiing has improved so that sometimes I have a hard time keeping up. Last summer she climbed 6 14,000 ft mts in very fast times. While I struggle up. It was bad enough trying to keep up with her on the bike.


All my friends love her and it is good to have these relationships to ease her way.


It is sad to read of the problems some fellow Candlers are having and I am thankful everyday that Yirong sent me that first e-mail. While I don't know if I believe in love at first sight, this one has worked out very well. The fact that we spent 4 months together in China before she came here helped alot. The fact that I have a great interest in all things Chinese means that we spend a lot of time talking about China.


Thanks to PJ and everyone else who made this site what it is. I am glad he is back in the happy mode.


Our best wishes to all of you.


Gerald and Yirong

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Thanks for the nice comments. Jeff, Yirong is from Nanjing also. Let me know if you would like to compare notes on life and times there.


One further thing about Yirong. She does not like to do house cleaning so I do that and she does most everything else. I love laying in bed in the AM and she is out shoveling the driveway! But she likes it and also fights me over starting the fire in the stove. Yes, life is sweet......

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