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Greetings all -


Sorry I've been out of touch for a little while. I finally got back from China last night, with CaiYun!


Words can't describe how happy I am to be back home. This has been by-far my most difficult trip to China.


The Intervew

This was a lot easier than I thought it'd be. They didn't look at any of the proof we had with us. They just asked CaiYun a few questions (Where does your Fiance work; Where does your Fiance live; Do you speak English), and told her to come back the next day to pick up the visa.


The only real speed-bump we hit was going through immigration at Chicago. When they went through the forms in her Mysterious Brown Envelope, they found that the doctor in GZ didn't fill out a portion of one of her medical forms. After a few inquiries and a supervisor's intervention, they decided that she was not actually sick, and not to worry about it. They kept her I-94, and now that I think about it, that was probably a bad thing, but I'll worry about that later this week.


Now we're back at my place. Its 8:00a, she's passed-out and I'm still doing some last-minute cleaning. Meeting her family was a trip, and visiting her village was that much more exciting.


I got a chance to meet with robhon while in GZ. He's a great guy, and it was great to put a face to a name. Youyue (his fiancee) is great and eased CaiYun's nerves considerably. I hope I get a chance to meet with more people from the board, as everyone has been incredibly helpful and great.


Well, that's it for now. I'll write more later. I have to go catch up on e-mail, s-mail, cleaning, etc.


Talk to you all later,


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They kept her I-94, and now that I think about it, that was probably a bad thing, but I'll worry about that later this week.


That is a very bad thing. You will need the I-94. Someone with some AOS experience can chime in, but I recall it is very important for the "next steps".


Edit: I checked the K-1 FAQ. You will need a copy to file for the AOS, which is what I thought. See http://www.k1faq.com/#6.2


I would get on it right away.

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Congrats on getting back safely with bride in tow. You will need the I-94; they should have stapled a copy in her passport. It's the only proof you have that she entered legally.

They stapled the departure record portion of the I-94, but not the long part of the form that we filled out. If needs-be, I have the names of the officers that checked-us in, and I can always call ORD and see if I can track them down.

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Congrats on getting back safely with bride in tow. You will need the I-94; they should have stapled a copy in her passport. It's the only proof you have that she entered legally.

They stapled the departure record portion of the I-94, but not the long part of the form that we filled out. If needs-be, I have the names of the officers that checked-us in, and I can always call ORD and see if I can track them down.

I think that's all that's supposed to be stapled to the passport. Jingwen's passport didn't have the whole I-94 attached.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Like the others have already mentioned, the little white 'tag' is all you need. It shows when she entered and how long she can stay. It should also have an A# written on it. When you file AOS, use that A# - it is her identifier to BCIS.

I took a look at her passport today.. I didn't see an A-number written on it anywhere (just the I-94 number). I remember while reading it when we filled it out that there was a space on the back for an A-number, but they kept that portion of the form (the long part).

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