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Jacob's Interview

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It is frightening to know that something so important could be determined by luck of the draw.  Does anyone know if they are any more or any less likely to deny a visa for a K-3 than a K-1 interview?  My wife's interview is scheduled for March 23.


Even if the K3 were initially denied, it is still not possible for them to keep you apart forever because after you have been married for two years you could apply again and it cannot be denied.

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Now can you tell us what questions where asked.


this is a hard one. the man asked questions for 10 mins!!! rapid fire too, one right after the other. jacob told me he couldn't even remember all that was asked....he is still trying to put the whole thing out of his mind!!

he started with, "why do you want to marry her?"


he asked about my job, where i worked, what i did


he asked about my school, where i go, what is my major


he asked about my family- do i have brothers and sisters, what are their names, has he met any of my family members, where was my family when he met them, why they were in china, when he met them


he asked for the financial information- mine and our sponsors


he asked about how we met- when we met, how we met, how each of us knew the people that introduced us to each other, who the people were that introduced us, if we both knew these people separately before we were introduced, where these people were from, what they were doing in china, where they went to church, he asked for their names, the name of the person that introduced me to the person who introduced me to jacob (just first names)


jacob told him that he knew the foreigners that introduced us to each other through a school he went to, the VO asked what school it was, what he was studying there, how he met the foreigners there


he asked what jacob's religious beliefs were


he asked how long we had known each other, how many times i had been to china, if we knew each other before i went to china, how long i stayed each time i came to china, what i did there, where i lived did there, who i lived with there, he asked why i came to china the first time


who the person was that helped him prepare the papers, how he knew her, what she was doing in china


there were more as well, i am sure i will remember some more later and i can post them.


the thing about the questions was that whatever jacob's answers were, the VO asked more questions based on his answers. there were more questions asked, but many of them depended on his answers to these and others.


because of that it would be hard to give any more specific questions he asked. i think this is a good start for those of you preparing though.


my suggestion would be to go over these questions with your fiancee/wife and then as you ask them, whatever else comes to mind on these questions/answers, ask those questions too. plays the devil's advocate!! i mean, think hard, whatever else comes to mind on these questions and through her answers, ask more!!!

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Jacob picked up his visa!! He said, again, the numbers you take do not mean much, because they dont go in order! it is strange he said!


jacob will go back to BJ tomorrow (Saturday)


go pay for his plane ticket on Monday (he reserved it last week)


and fly here on Wednesday, March 3!!!

I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! I can't wait!


Wow, this is my last weekend without him! what will i do???

i have a lot to prepare! i have to figure out what food he will like....what will i cook for him?!?!


oh i just can't wait to lay my eyes on him, and be held in his arms!!!


AAAAHHHHHHHHH! I'm so excited!

Kim, I think you&Jake win the prize for the most 'congrats' in the shortest time period that I've been here. We are all SO happy for the two of you; God

bless you both!!


Thanks for all the congrats!!!!! I really appreciate it!!

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Well Kim, Congratulations I would not worry to much about what to cook for him. Go out to eat a couple of times, and gradually wean him in to American food!!


You don't have to worry as much about whether your house is clean or not as those of us who have fiance's and/or wives coming. Most men don't care if the house is as clean as a hospital or not.

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Kim & Jake,


Congratulations on getting the visa and getting away from GZ!!!!!! May you never have to return to the Embassy again.


I am very glad that your wait is over and Jake is almost here.


As far as the questions. I was wondering if they may have been more intense because you are a "minority" couple being an American woman waiting for a Chinese man. There could be a conception that Chinese men coming to the USA are a higher risk than Chinese women.


I have read through some of your questions and wondered how Irina would respond, or how the questions could possibly lead to a rational decision about immigration.


Be happy this is all behind you,


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You don't have to worry as much about whether your house is clean or not as those of us who have fiance's and/or wives coming.  Most men don't care if the house is as clean as a hospital or not.

well you are right in that MOST men don't care about it, BUT this is a chinese man who will take 2 baths a day if it is possible for him and will want everything all very clean....not quite as much as a hospital, but quite a bit more than ME!!!


i am not a slob or anything, but sometimes just a little below what his standard of clean is.


and well, another good thing for me is that since we are not married yet, we will not be living together yet. he will be staying with friends or my parents (where i do live) until we get married or get an apartment for us. hopefully we will get an apartment soon, definitely before the wedding, and then at that time he will move in there until we get married and i will move in there after that. so i do not feel that responsibility, as y'all do, to have it all clean and proper, because well, i dont have a place to do that to! hehe


anyway, i do want to help him get adjusted, and he will probably only want to know where he sleeping for the first few days! haha i wont worry too much, he is good at telling me what he wants/needs. so no guessing game going on there, (unlike most women who think you men should just KNOW!!!) hehe

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