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Update on P.J.

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Hi All,


Sorry I've been such a stranger lately. I do lurk, but haven't had much time to post.


When I finally get home, I exercise, eat, and then spend the rest of the evening talking with Candy or playing Yahoo! Towers. We've taken quite a liking toward this game. Between using Skype to talk, seeing each other on webcam, and playing Yahoo! Towers together, we spend a lot of virtual time together. Not the same as being together in person, of course.


We're waiting for our NOA2 from TSC. Things haven't changed, they're still slow. They started doing some of the petitions from our receipt date (mid-Oct, couldn't figure out the exact date since they gave two different ones, for receipt date and notice date), so we're just keeping our fingers crossed.


I'm flying back out to spend time with Candy. Leaving next week.


It occurred to me that I never had a chance to put together a HTML FAQ guide.


*sigh* My original plan was to do that when we had reached about 50% of our server capacity for Candle (we're WELL beyond that now). Something happened, got preoccupied, never got around to it. :D


Basically, the best time to archive is before 50%. Figure you have 48% of your space taken by the discussion threads. You pull the most important threads into an HTML document, export this to a SQL dump file (archiving is basically 1 to 1), which puts you at 96% of your capacity, download the SQL dump file, and then start clearing off space.


Well, since I didn't do that, we're beyond 50% now, so I cannot export to a SQL dump file. I'll have to get in touch with our hosting company and ask them to create a dump file for me, and place it somewhere I can get it, since our server space is capped (I think it's like 100 MB).


Have to figure something out in this regard. Will do so after I come back from China. :D :D :lol: Worry about it later.


Hope everyone's doing well. :lol:



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Well, since I didn't do that, we're beyond 50% now, so I cannot export to a SQL dump file.  I'll have to get in touch with our hosting company and ask them to create a dump file for me, and place it somewhere I can get it, since our server space is capped (I think it's like 100 MB).  


Nice to hear from you PJ.


No surprise about the server capacity. Not with the current mania about getting to 1,000 posts.

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I have been wondering what has happened to you. I hope you have a wonderful trip back to China.


As far as the Candle. I guess I am not quite sure how it is all configured, but I am surprised you can't shut it down for a weekend (or stop updates), download the whole 100 MB, manipulate the data locally, then reupload the freshly pruned database.


Best Wishes,


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Guest bbridges51

he's ALIVE!!!! he's ALIVE!!!


thanks for checking in PJ. we know that life gets busy and a number of us drop in and out now that we're "established." :lol:


Now, where are you keeping Owen?



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